PG Department and Research Centre in History, Union Christian College is conducting a 2 day workshop on ‘History and Interdisciplinarity’.
Date: 8th and 9th June 2022.
Venue: TB Ninan Hall.
1. Fernand Braudel and a Geographical Introduction to History.
Resource Person: Dr. Justin Mathew, Associate Professor, Hansraj College, Delhi University.
Time: 8th June 10.00 AM
2. History of Everyday Technology in Modern India.
Resource Person: Dr. John Thomas, Asst Professor, IIT Guwahati.
Time: 8th June 1.30 PM
3. Doing Social History of Science: Historiographical Concerns.
Resource Person: Mr. Shiju Sam Varughese, Asst Professor, Central University of Gujrath.
Time: 9th June 10.00 AM
4. മലബാറും ആദ്യാധുനികതയുടെ രചനാ വിജ്ഞാനീയവും.
Resource Person: Dr. Abhilash Malayil, Asst Professor in History, Sreesankara University of Sanskrit, Kalady.
Time: 9th June 1.30 PM.
Phone No : 0484 2609194, +91-7012626868 , Email :
PG Department and Research Centre in History, Union Christian College is conducting a 2 day workshop on ‘History and Interdisciplinarity’.
Date: 8th and 9th June 2022.
Venue: TB Ninan Hall.
1. Fernand Braudel and a Geographical Introduction to History.
Resource Person: Dr. Justin Mathew, Associate Professor, Hansraj College, Delhi University.
Time: 8th June 10.00 AM
2. History of Everyday Technology in Modern India.
Resource Person: Dr. John Thomas, Asst Professor, IIT Guwahati.
Time: 8th June 1.30 PM
3. Doing Social History of Science: Historiographical Concerns.
Resource Person: Mr. Shiju Sam Varughese, Asst Professor, Central University of Gujrath.
Time: 9th June 10.00 AM
4. മലബാറും ആദ്യാധുനികതയുടെ രചനാ വിജ്ഞാനീയവും.
Resource Person: Dr. Abhilash Malayil, Asst Professor in History, Sreesankara University of Sanskrit, Kalady.
Time: 9th June 1.30 PM.