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Centenary Logo Released

Posted 4 years ago       Comments

Centenary Logo Released

O God, we come to you for your grace and blessing as we release this logo. Help us to be rooted in you and soar through dark clouds that often intimidate us to that horizon of light and beauty which you alone can usher in. Bless all our efforts in relation to the Centenary. Trusting in your love we pray.

The Centenary Logo of Union Christian College Aluva has been officially released by Rev Thomas John, Manager of UC College on 31st January 2021.

The Centenary Logo came as a result of an elaborate yet time-bound democratic exercise. Logo entries included around 25 varied designs collected from logo competitions held in college and from artists and designers. The teaching and non-teaching community actively participated in the process of finalizing it. The logo committee incorporated suggestions and recommendations and tried their best to bring out a logo that would represent our college in its centenary year. The logo evolved through a consensus and the same was submitted before the Principal and Manager.

The theme of the Logo

The Union Christian College Centenary Logo visually captures the college’s spirit in its centenary year. The image of the three birds soaring in unison depicts the college’s concerted quest for intellectual, moral, and spiritual excellence as perceived in the vision and mission of the college. The iconic ‘Kacheri Malika’ beneath it represents the grand legacy that guides us in all our ventures. And the college motto at the bottom portrays the bedrock of truth that sustains the college.

May God bless all our efforts as we all strive together to lead our college to excellence!


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uc college aluva
UC College Aluva
Union Christian College, Aluva, India Autonomous Affiliated to Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, India NAAC Re-Accredited with A++ Grade in Vth cycle

Phone No : 0484 2609194, +91-7012626868 , Email : ucc@uccollege.edu.in

Phone No : 0484 2609194, +91-7012626868
Email : ucc@uccollege.edu.in


Centenary Logo Released

Posted 4 years ago       Comments

Centenary Logo Released

O God, we come to you for your grace and blessing as we release this logo. Help us to be rooted in you and soar through dark clouds that often intimidate us to that horizon of light and beauty which you alone can usher in. Bless all our efforts in relation to the Centenary. Trusting in your love we pray.

The Centenary Logo of Union Christian College Aluva has been officially released by Rev Thomas John, Manager of UC College on 31st January 2021.

The Centenary Logo came as a result of an elaborate yet time-bound democratic exercise. Logo entries included around 25 varied designs collected from logo competitions held in college and from artists and designers. The teaching and non-teaching community actively participated in the process of finalizing it. The logo committee incorporated suggestions and recommendations and tried their best to bring out a logo that would represent our college in its centenary year. The logo evolved through a consensus and the same was submitted before the Principal and Manager.

The theme of the Logo

The Union Christian College Centenary Logo visually captures the college’s spirit in its centenary year. The image of the three birds soaring in unison depicts the college’s concerted quest for intellectual, moral, and spiritual excellence as perceived in the vision and mission of the college. The iconic ‘Kacheri Malika’ beneath it represents the grand legacy that guides us in all our ventures. And the college motto at the bottom portrays the bedrock of truth that sustains the college.

May God bless all our efforts as we all strive together to lead our college to excellence!


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