Posted 4 years ago
Dr Rachel Reena Philip (Dept of Physics), Dr Ajalesh B Nair and Dr Nelson Joseph P (Dept of Chemistry) secured a major research project on the topic “FABRICATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF BAND STRUCTURE ENGINEERED TiO2 NANO TUBES FOR b PHOTO CATALYSIS AND ANTIMICROBIAL APPLICATIONS” from DST SERB INDIA. The project is granted with an amount of Rs 25.44 lacs. The College feels proud about your achievement and express our congratulations to dear teachers for securing the project and wish you all the best in your research works.
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Posted 4 years ago
Dr Rachel Reena Philip (Dept of Physics), Dr Ajalesh B Nair and Dr Nelson Joseph P (Dept of Chemistry) secured a major research project on the topic “FABRICATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF BAND STRUCTURE ENGINEERED TiO2 NANO TUBES FOR b PHOTO CATALYSIS AND ANTIMICROBIAL APPLICATIONS” from DST SERB INDIA. The project is granted with an amount of Rs 25.44 lacs. The College feels proud about your achievement and express our congratulations to dear teachers for securing the project and wish you all the best in your research works.