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T.O Abdulla Endowment Lecture

Posted 9 years ago       Comments

T.O Abdulla Endowment Lecture

 T.O Abdulla Endowment Lecture


The first T.O Abdulla Endowment Lecture under the auspices of the Centre for the Study of Religion and Society (CSRS) with C.P Mathew Chair, U. C College, Aluva was inaugurated by the Honourable District Collector, Sri M.G Rajamanickam, IAS on November 26, 2015 in the V.M.A Hall, U.C College, Aluva. The lecture, instituted by Ms. T. Fatima, an alumnus of the College in memory of her father, Late Sri T.O Abdulla (also an alumnus), is a prelude to a series of lectures hosted by CSRS this academic year.

Sri Rajamanickam addressed the audience on the topic “Understanding our Ethical context: Deliberations on the Campus”. Referring to the introductory remarks of the Manager in charge, he expressed his concern regarding the way we understand and value education; today, education is considered a means of preparing oneself for an occupation rather than the wholesome development of personality. Ethics evolve from the experiences of each generation but it is quite probable that the value system of older generation may be at odds with that of the new generation.The generational divide and the older generation lauding their past and blaming the younger generation as irresponsible are not anything new. If the students become boisterous and mischievous, that is natural to their age and it must be understood in that way and they must be helped to outgrow it. They may have difficulty to understand the rationale behind many of the rules and regulations within the campus. But he exhorted students to ask the question whether some of their behavior within the campus will be good for the long term well-being of our society. All our behaviour should be assessed in terms of its implication for the larger society. He also stated that there is a glass ceiling for women in Kerala society though it is supposedly progressive and stressed the importance of women and their role in nurturing a society with gender equity and greater sense of values. Cautioning the students regarding the use of electronic gadgets, Sri Rajamanickam also stressed the need for using these judiciously.

In the meeting, presided over by the Principal, Dr. P Thomas Mathew, Dr. Mini Alice, Director, CSRS greeted the dignitaries and the audience. Rev. Dr. Thomas John, Manager-in-charge elaborated the mission and vision behind the institution of the Centre and the Lecture series within the fabric of the contemporary social, cultural, political and economic life. The meeting came to an end with Ms. Nino Baby proposing the vote of thanks.

The meeting was blessed with the presence of Dr A.M Chacko, former Principal and Manager, Mr Naseer Abdulla and Mr Nawas Abdulla, brothers of Ms T Fatima, retired teachers, faculty from all departments, College Chaplain, Rev. Dr. Malhia Joshua, administrative staff and the students from various departments. We thank the NCC units of the college for arranging a wonderful ceremonial welcome.

We are highly indebted to Ms T Fatima for supporting CSRS in organizing this endowment. We specially thank Dr Titus Mathew, Founder Donor and Ms Sarah Titus, Dr Simon Thomas, President, UCCAANA and Dr Thomas P Mathew, Treasurer, UCCAANA for their timely guidance. Our special gratitude to Dr. Raju K John for his prayers and for the confidence he has in us. We also thank Dr P Thomas Mathew, Principal, Rev Dr Thomas John, Manager-in-charge, Dr Sheelakumari Issac, Bursar and Dr Thara K Simon, Advisor, UCCAANA.

Thanks are also due to Prof A.M Geevarghese (Former HOD of English), Dr RajanVarughese (Former PVC, MG University & HOD of Economics, Dr Sibu M Eapen (Dept. of Malayalam & In-charge of the Works Dept.), Mr Alwin Alexander (Dept. of English), Mr Jenish Lal Raj (Dept. of Malayalam), the executive members of CSRS and the student volunteers of CSRS.

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uc college aluva
UC College Aluva
Union Christian College, Aluva, India Autonomous Affiliated to Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, India NAAC Re-Accredited with A++ Grade in Vth cycle

Phone No : 0484 2609194, +91-7012626868 , Email : ucc@uccollege.edu.in

Phone No : 0484 2609194, +91-7012626868
Email : ucc@uccollege.edu.in


T.O Abdulla Endowment Lecture

Posted 9 years ago       Comments

T.O Abdulla Endowment Lecture

 T.O Abdulla Endowment Lecture


The first T.O Abdulla Endowment Lecture under the auspices of the Centre for the Study of Religion and Society (CSRS) with C.P Mathew Chair, U. C College, Aluva was inaugurated by the Honourable District Collector, Sri M.G Rajamanickam, IAS on November 26, 2015 in the V.M.A Hall, U.C College, Aluva. The lecture, instituted by Ms. T. Fatima, an alumnus of the College in memory of her father, Late Sri T.O Abdulla (also an alumnus), is a prelude to a series of lectures hosted by CSRS this academic year.

Sri Rajamanickam addressed the audience on the topic “Understanding our Ethical context: Deliberations on the Campus”. Referring to the introductory remarks of the Manager in charge, he expressed his concern regarding the way we understand and value education; today, education is considered a means of preparing oneself for an occupation rather than the wholesome development of personality. Ethics evolve from the experiences of each generation but it is quite probable that the value system of older generation may be at odds with that of the new generation.The generational divide and the older generation lauding their past and blaming the younger generation as irresponsible are not anything new. If the students become boisterous and mischievous, that is natural to their age and it must be understood in that way and they must be helped to outgrow it. They may have difficulty to understand the rationale behind many of the rules and regulations within the campus. But he exhorted students to ask the question whether some of their behavior within the campus will be good for the long term well-being of our society. All our behaviour should be assessed in terms of its implication for the larger society. He also stated that there is a glass ceiling for women in Kerala society though it is supposedly progressive and stressed the importance of women and their role in nurturing a society with gender equity and greater sense of values. Cautioning the students regarding the use of electronic gadgets, Sri Rajamanickam also stressed the need for using these judiciously.

In the meeting, presided over by the Principal, Dr. P Thomas Mathew, Dr. Mini Alice, Director, CSRS greeted the dignitaries and the audience. Rev. Dr. Thomas John, Manager-in-charge elaborated the mission and vision behind the institution of the Centre and the Lecture series within the fabric of the contemporary social, cultural, political and economic life. The meeting came to an end with Ms. Nino Baby proposing the vote of thanks.

The meeting was blessed with the presence of Dr A.M Chacko, former Principal and Manager, Mr Naseer Abdulla and Mr Nawas Abdulla, brothers of Ms T Fatima, retired teachers, faculty from all departments, College Chaplain, Rev. Dr. Malhia Joshua, administrative staff and the students from various departments. We thank the NCC units of the college for arranging a wonderful ceremonial welcome.

We are highly indebted to Ms T Fatima for supporting CSRS in organizing this endowment. We specially thank Dr Titus Mathew, Founder Donor and Ms Sarah Titus, Dr Simon Thomas, President, UCCAANA and Dr Thomas P Mathew, Treasurer, UCCAANA for their timely guidance. Our special gratitude to Dr. Raju K John for his prayers and for the confidence he has in us. We also thank Dr P Thomas Mathew, Principal, Rev Dr Thomas John, Manager-in-charge, Dr Sheelakumari Issac, Bursar and Dr Thara K Simon, Advisor, UCCAANA.

Thanks are also due to Prof A.M Geevarghese (Former HOD of English), Dr RajanVarughese (Former PVC, MG University & HOD of Economics, Dr Sibu M Eapen (Dept. of Malayalam & In-charge of the Works Dept.), Mr Alwin Alexander (Dept. of English), Mr Jenish Lal Raj (Dept. of Malayalam), the executive members of CSRS and the student volunteers of CSRS.

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