As per Mahatma Gandhi University Regulations programs under Choice Based Course-Credit-Semester System and Grading, 2009, all the students from the 5th semester (UG) should apply for an open course offered by the departments other than the student’s parent department.
Students should apply with choices of courses and the allotment will be purely based on merit and seat availability of the course applied for. Marks secured for the first-semester degree examination will be used to calculate the merit of the students. A brief video presentation of the courses will be uploaded soon.
Students from the aided streams, kindly click here to register.
Students from unaided streams, kindly click here to register.
Please find the Course and Syllabus offered by the departments.
Aided Stream Open Courses:
Department | Course name and Syllabus | Video Presentation |
Department of English | Appreciating Films (1084 downloads ) | Click Here |
Department of Malayalam | Pathrapravarthanam (976 downloads ) | Click Here |
Department of History | Introducing Environmental History (1187 downloads ) | Click Here** |
Department of Economics | Fundamentals of Economics (1012 downloads ) | Click Here |
Department of Psychology | Life Skills Development (934 downloads ) | Click Here |
Department of Physical Education | Physical Health and Life Skill Education (880 downloads ) | Click Here |
Department of Mathematics | Applicable Mathematics (1961 downloads ) | Click Here |
Department of Physics | Physics in Daily Life (992 downloads ) | Click Here |
Department of Chemistry | Chemistry in Everyday Lifes.pdf (812 downloads ) | Click Here |
Department of Zoology | Vocational Zoology (858 downloads ) | Click Here |
Department of Botany | Horticulture and Nursery Management (906 downloads ) | Click Here |
Department of Computer Science | Computer Fundamentals, Internet and M.S Office (975 downloads ) | Click Here |
** For more reference on the subject, students can watch this.
Unaided Stream Open Courses:
Department | Course name and Syllabus | Video Presentation |
Department of BT&SP | Public Health and Nutrition (876 downloads ) | Click Here |
Department of E&CM | Information Technology (775 downloads ) | Click Here |
Department of Commerce | Fundamentals of Banking and Insurance (892 downloads ) | Click Here |
For the kind attention of 2nd yr/ 4th sem. UG Class teachers and HODs:
Please ask your respective 2nd years to compulsorily visit the College website page on Open Courses, view the syllabus & video/ ppt given there, and submit the Google form by 12:00 pm, 10 May 2023. You may share the relevant 2 links, to your 2nd-year class groups.
Students in Aided Stream have to mark all 11 choices (from other departments) as allotment will be strictly on the basis of 1st and 2nd semester SCPA.
The choice must not be from their respective department.
Those students who have failed in any one or more paper have to put 0 in SCPA and should inform the respective class teachers.
Note that the form can be submitted only once and utmost care must be taken while giving choices.
Once we receive the forms, we will prepare separate Excel sheets for all 15 classes & class teachers can verify SCPA. Will provide separate links for that later.
Thank you,
Open Course Team
Phone No : 0484 2609194, +91-7012626868 , Email :
As per Mahatma Gandhi University Regulations programs under Choice Based Course-Credit-Semester System and Grading, 2009, all the students from the 5th semester (UG) should apply for an open course offered by the departments other than the student’s parent department.
Students should apply with choices of courses and the allotment will be purely based on merit and seat availability of the course applied for. Marks secured for the first-semester degree examination will be used to calculate the merit of the students. A brief video presentation of the courses will be uploaded soon.
Students from the aided streams, kindly click here to register.
Students from unaided streams, kindly click here to register.
Please find the Course and Syllabus offered by the departments.
Aided Stream Open Courses:
Department | Course name and Syllabus | Video Presentation |
Department of English | Appreciating Films (1084 downloads ) | Click Here |
Department of Malayalam | Pathrapravarthanam (976 downloads ) | Click Here |
Department of History | Introducing Environmental History (1187 downloads ) | Click Here** |
Department of Economics | Fundamentals of Economics (1012 downloads ) | Click Here |
Department of Psychology | Life Skills Development (934 downloads ) | Click Here |
Department of Physical Education | Physical Health and Life Skill Education (880 downloads ) | Click Here |
Department of Mathematics | Applicable Mathematics (1961 downloads ) | Click Here |
Department of Physics | Physics in Daily Life (992 downloads ) | Click Here |
Department of Chemistry | Chemistry in Everyday Lifes.pdf (812 downloads ) | Click Here |
Department of Zoology | Vocational Zoology (858 downloads ) | Click Here |
Department of Botany | Horticulture and Nursery Management (906 downloads ) | Click Here |
Department of Computer Science | Computer Fundamentals, Internet and M.S Office (975 downloads ) | Click Here |
** For more reference on the subject, students can watch this.
Unaided Stream Open Courses:
Department | Course name and Syllabus | Video Presentation |
Department of BT&SP | Public Health and Nutrition (876 downloads ) | Click Here |
Department of E&CM | Information Technology (775 downloads ) | Click Here |
Department of Commerce | Fundamentals of Banking and Insurance (892 downloads ) | Click Here |
For the kind attention of 2nd yr/ 4th sem. UG Class teachers and HODs:
Please ask your respective 2nd years to compulsorily visit the College website page on Open Courses, view the syllabus & video/ ppt given there, and submit the Google form by 12:00 pm, 10 May 2023. You may share the relevant 2 links, to your 2nd-year class groups.
Students in Aided Stream have to mark all 11 choices (from other departments) as allotment will be strictly on the basis of 1st and 2nd semester SCPA.
The choice must not be from their respective department.
Those students who have failed in any one or more paper have to put 0 in SCPA and should inform the respective class teachers.
Note that the form can be submitted only once and utmost care must be taken while giving choices.
Once we receive the forms, we will prepare separate Excel sheets for all 15 classes & class teachers can verify SCPA. Will provide separate links for that later.
Thank you,
Open Course Team