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An initiative that links college to the society.

3 Objectives

  1. Free mid-day meal @ 5 days in a week for those who are in need with the financial assistance from UCian Community which includes staff, students, alumni, retired staff and well-wishers.

  2. A thrift shop to encourage reuse and recycling

  3. A community eco-shop to sell and buy organic products which includes vegetables, fruits, processed foods, stitched clothes, art and craft items.

The free mid-day meal programme of ‘Thanalidam’ was inaugurated on 8th May 2023 by Mrs. Latha Lalu, President, Karumalloor Gramapanchayat. Foundation stone of eco-shop was laid by Dr. Mor Athanasious Eliyas Metropolitan.

Read the Inauguration news here:


MoU Between Thanalidam and Amar Saath Foundation

Thrift Items Sorting and Tagging

Paper Bag Making Workshop

തണലിടം പദ്ധതിയുമായി കൈകോർത്ത് പ്രസിഡൻസി ക്ലബ്ബ്

First Sale

uc college aluva
UC College Aluva
Union Christian College, Aluva, India Autonomous Affiliated to Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, India NAAC Re-Accredited with A++ Grade in Vth cycle

Phone No : 0484 2609194, +91-7012626868 , Email : ucc@uccollege.edu.in

Phone No : 0484 2609194, +91-7012626868
Email : ucc@uccollege.edu.in



An initiative that links college to the society.

3 Objectives

  1. Free mid-day meal @ 5 days in a week for those who are in need with the financial assistance from UCian Community which includes staff, students, alumni, retired staff and well-wishers.

  2. A thrift shop to encourage reuse and recycling

  3. A community eco-shop to sell and buy organic products which includes vegetables, fruits, processed foods, stitched clothes, art and craft items.

The free mid-day meal programme of ‘Thanalidam’ was inaugurated on 8th May 2023 by Mrs. Latha Lalu, President, Karumalloor Gramapanchayat. Foundation stone of eco-shop was laid by Dr. Mor Athanasious Eliyas Metropolitan.

Read the Inauguration news here:


MoU Between Thanalidam and Amar Saath Foundation

Thrift Items Sorting and Tagging

Paper Bag Making Workshop

തണലിടം പദ്ധതിയുമായി കൈകോർത്ത് പ്രസിഡൻസി ക്ലബ്ബ്

First Sale