International Linkages
Though of indigenous origin, in keeping with its commitment to remain cosmopolitan, UCC has had the presence of successive missionaries from the Church Missionary Society, London, on its campus for more than half a century, as co-workers. Cannon W. F. S. Holland, T. R. Milford, Rev. B. G. Crowley, Rev. L. W. Hooper, Malcolm Muggeridge and Bishop Stephen Neil were some of the missionary stalwarts who served in UCC. This arrangement had to be stopped after 1969, because of the restrictive visa policies of the Government of India.
A renewed interest in international linkages arose consequent to the cultural impact of Globalization. The college, through its Community Development and Internship Program, provided an agency to coordinate the Young Adult Volunteer Program of the Presbyterian Church, USA. During 1998-2011 period, the College continuously had the presence of a Young Adult Volunteer from the US on its campus every year. Dr. Gerald Middents from Austin College, Texas, spent three months in UCC as a Guest Faculty in 1998, creating renewed interest in having faculty exchanges. Since 2000, for a few years, the College had hosted students from Austin College Texas for their January term. In 2004, the college signed a MOU with the Association of Presbyterian Colleges and Universities (APCU) in USA which privileged the college with opportunities to relate to the member Colleges and Universities of APCU.
Since 1970, the United Board of Christian Higher Education in Asia has been an active partner of UCC and has facilitated partnership of the college with International Christian University, Japan (2005) and Hope College, Holland MI, USA. Currently we have faculty exchange programs with both the institutions and student exchange with ICU Japan. Our students enjoy Scranton Scholarship for women students from the Scranton Women’s Leadership Centre, S Korea, International Christian University Foundation Scholarship (facilitating an exchange student from UCC), Kano Yamamoto Scholarship, a designated grant from United Board (given to students involved in Service Learning initiatives).
UCC seeks partnership with Colleges and Universities across the world in the following areas:
Centre for Canadian Studies
UC College established a Centre for Canadian Studies in 1996 as a research and extension programme. The Centre took up activities and academic programmes with Canada and Canadian Studies as the focus. These included faculty papers, discussions and periodical meets of Canadian scholars. Some of the major programmes organized by the Centre were:
Publications/ Research Activities /Membership
The Centre for Canadian Studies regularly brings out several publications which include an international journal (Journal of Indo-Canadian Studies ISSN 0972-330), pamphlets, newsletters, anthologies of critical writing, journals promoting Canadian Studies at the under-graduate levels (College English Review) and seminar abstracts. The journal of the centre reaches more than 900 libraries in India and abroad and more than 400 teachers and research scholars/teachers visit the centre regularly to procure materials from the JICS Digital Library and hundreds of scholars directly communicate with the centre by e-mail
Linkages with Austin College, Texas and the APCU,USA
Dr. Gerald J Middents, Professor, of Psychology and Education, Austin College, Texas, USA speaking at a seminar on “International Linkages in Higher Education : Challenges and Possibilities.” On Alumni Reunion Day 1998.
Some Milestones
UC College is very fortunate to have beeen one of the five institutions in Kerala to regularly host YAV from the Presbyterian church USA Young Adult Volunteer programmes includes service and learning by a student from the US for a period of one year at UC College. He/she will be involved in many programmes of the College.
Linkages with Hope College, Michigan
Membership in Colleges and Universities of the Anglican Communion ( CUAC)
A three member UBCHEA team visited the college during 28-30 September. The three were Dr. Patricia Stranahan (the president designate), Dr. Betty Abregana (South Asia Programme Director) and Dr. Santhi Manuel (United Board Trustee, and former principal, Lady Doak College, Madurai). The specific brief of the team was the selection interview for the United Board Freeman Scholarship. Patricia had joined the team to gain familiarity with the college. They had several rounds of discussion in the college. Dr. Betty addressed the teaching staff, and made a presentation on Service Learning.
Ms. Marie Kikuchi, a sophomore student from the International Christian University (ICU), Tokyo, Japan, spent two months in U. C. College during July and August, 2005. She was here for her Service Learning Internship. She collaborated with different NGOs. Marie had talk sessions with many student groups in the college, and she also had training at the Potter’s village adopted by the Department of History. At the college, Dr. Thara K. Simon was her mentor. More students from ICU are likely to be in the college next year.
Scranton Women’s Leadership Center (SWLC) is the program office of American-Methodist Korean Women’s Mission Foundation. Scranton Scholarship provides young women from developing countries worldwide with opportunities for higher education. The scholarship was created in 2007 by Scranton Women’s Leadership Center located in Seoul, Korea.
Mr.M.I.Punnoose of the Department of Malayalam participated in the Seminar organized by the Institute for Advanced Studies in Asian Cultures and Theology(IASACT) in Hong Kong,China from june 6 –july 9,2008.Mr.Punnose presented a paper entitled Christian Mythology and Traditions in Asian Culture with special reference to the St.Thomas myth.Scholars from all over Asia ,researching on Theology and Asian Cultures were present.
The United Board in alliance with U.C.College selects one faculty member as Freeman Fellow to visit host institutions in the United States every year.In 2008 ,Dr.David Saj Mathew from Botany department succeeds Dr.Thomas Mathew as fourth fellow of the United Board Programme
Mr. Anil Thomas Koshy of the Department of Physical Education attended the Academy of Asian University Chaplains’Conference from august 4-7,2008 at Chang Jung Christian University ,Tainan,Taiwan
Ms.Charlotte Erickson, a young adult Volunteer from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America(ELCA) ,arrived from US in setember 2005.She spend a year in U.C.College ,contributing in a variety of ways to the life of college.She participated in a programme on communication and writing skills.
Filling Charlotte’s position is Mr.Andrew Smith fron New Jersey,USA,the 2006-07 YAV.Andrew arrived in the beginning of sep and is already a well known face in college campas.Andrew teaches communicative English to students.
Dr.P.Thomas Mathew is awarded the U.B Freeman Fellowship for 2006-2008.He spend one semester in Ateneo de Manila ,University of Philippines from Nov.2006-Feb.2007
Rev.John John ,the college Chaplain ,was selected by the UBCHEA to participate in a program of University and College Chaplains of Asia in Taiwan.
On Aug 31st 2007 ,a national workshop for Librarians and Library Advisors of college was conducted with the aim of “Formalizing a Library Consortium of colleges” with financial assistance from the UBCHEA(New York).Librarians of twenty five colleges and five nearby Universities participated in the workshop.Presentation focused primarily on the concept ,advantages,and implementation of consortium.Mr.K.P.Sadasivan and Dr.Harish Chandra led the discussion that followed.The workshop was first of its kind in Kerala.
The college’s association with the Presbytarian churches of the US brings a Young Adult Volunteer to the campus every year.Andrew Smith,who completed his stint bid good bye in Aug 2007. The new volunteer Ms.Elizabeth Chatelain from North Dakota ,is a graduate in media studies,with a few documentaries to her credit.Her sojourn in U.C. should enliven the activities of the journalism club and the Media Studies Group.With her ever-shining smile,Beth makes herself an endearing presence in all of U.C’s activities from prayer services to community extension programmes.
The efforts bring together the alumni to the almamater got a fillip when the Alumni Association of North America(AANA) was formally inaugurated on sep 2.2007.We had alumini from US visiting us at different times of the year.Mr Lal Varghese visited college in dec 2006,Dr.Kaamakshi Krishnan in feb 2007,Mr.Jacob Mathew in march 2007,followed by Mr.Thomas Mathew(Ohio),and Mr.Thomas Mathew (New Jersey)in aug 2007.
The exchange programmes with Austin College,Texas and Hope College Michigan, helped in bolstering the warm relationship U.C. has with them. Mid of July 2007 saw the arrival of an 18 member Austin College team headed by Prof.Janet Huber Lowry on an India Study Programme.
Another trans-national collaboration was effected with the signing of Memorandum of Understanding with Hope College,Holland,Michigan,a top liberal arts college in U.S.Dr.K. E .Leelamma of the Department of Psychology ,visited U.S. in May 2007 to finalize the formalities of the MoU.
Dr. K. E. Leelamma visited Dr.Patricia Stranahan, President of the United Board , and Dr.Rita Pullium,Vice President, at the UBCHEA office in New York.
There has been serious efforts, in strengthening the international linkages of the college, especially through grants and scholarships of UBCHEA.
A high power team from UBCHEA, New York under the leadership of chairman Dr.Timothy Light, visited the college during January 35-27, 2004.
Ms. Jill Wason, young adult volunteer of the Presbyterian Church, USA joined U.C College in September 2003. She has been assisting in the development of the college by trying to develop a database of the alumni in US and Canada. A registration form has been up linked on the website provided by Mr.Jacob Mathew.
The college continues to keep the tradition of welcoming the international community to the campus. Dr.Kano Yama Moto, trustee of the United Board for Christian Higher Education visited the college in August 2004.
Dr. P.M Kuriachen is awarded the Freeman Scholarship for the year 2005-2007. He will be spending one semester each in Macquarie University Sydney Australia, and Hope College, Michigan.
Dr. Thara K. Simon was entitled as the Fellow of the United Board after completing the faculty leadership development programme of UBCHEA.
Librarian Mr. Cheriyan K. George receives a travel grant from UBCHEA to visit the international libraries in US. He is also offered a one month training in the library of Hope College, Holland, Michigan. We expect more scholars from abroad through the exchange programmes.
The UBCHEA (United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia) has been a major source of assistance to the college over the years.
A four member team from the UBCHEA, consisting of Dr. Richard Wood , Dr. Rita Pullium, Dr. Betty Abregana and Dr. Shanti Manuel visited the college in February 2003. The college has been offered a substantial assistance for a specific project, which is now being given final shape.
The college has been a beneficiary of several initiatives coming in recent times from the Asian Higher Education Institute (ACHEI) set up by the UBCHEA to give a new dimension to the Christian presence in higher education in Asia. Dr. Raju K. John along with Mr. M. I. Punnoose, Department of Malayalam, attended the first Asian Christian Faculty Fellowship (ACFE) Conference held at Payap University, Chiang Mai, Thailand in November 2002.
Dr. P. M. Kuriachan, Mr. M. I. Punnoose, Dr. Varghese John and Dr. Raju K. John attended the inaugural conference of the India chapter of the ACFF held in Lucknow in October.
Dr. Varghese John (English Department) participated in the International Conference on Religion and Globalisation held at Payap University, Chiang Mai, Thailand in July- August 2003.
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International Linkages
Though of indigenous origin, in keeping with its commitment to remain cosmopolitan, UCC has had the presence of successive missionaries from the Church Missionary Society, London, on its campus for more than half a century, as co-workers. Cannon W. F. S. Holland, T. R. Milford, Rev. B. G. Crowley, Rev. L. W. Hooper, Malcolm Muggeridge and Bishop Stephen Neil were some of the missionary stalwarts who served in UCC. This arrangement had to be stopped after 1969, because of the restrictive visa policies of the Government of India.
A renewed interest in international linkages arose consequent to the cultural impact of Globalization. The college, through its Community Development and Internship Program, provided an agency to coordinate the Young Adult Volunteer Program of the Presbyterian Church, USA. During 1998-2011 period, the College continuously had the presence of a Young Adult Volunteer from the US on its campus every year. Dr. Gerald Middents from Austin College, Texas, spent three months in UCC as a Guest Faculty in 1998, creating renewed interest in having faculty exchanges. Since 2000, for a few years, the College had hosted students from Austin College Texas for their January term. In 2004, the college signed a MOU with the Association of Presbyterian Colleges and Universities (APCU) in USA which privileged the college with opportunities to relate to the member Colleges and Universities of APCU.
Since 1970, the United Board of Christian Higher Education in Asia has been an active partner of UCC and has facilitated partnership of the college with International Christian University, Japan (2005) and Hope College, Holland MI, USA. Currently we have faculty exchange programs with both the institutions and student exchange with ICU Japan. Our students enjoy Scranton Scholarship for women students from the Scranton Women’s Leadership Centre, S Korea, International Christian University Foundation Scholarship (facilitating an exchange student from UCC), Kano Yamamoto Scholarship, a designated grant from United Board (given to students involved in Service Learning initiatives).
UCC seeks partnership with Colleges and Universities across the world in the following areas:
Centre for Canadian Studies
UC College established a Centre for Canadian Studies in 1996 as a research and extension programme. The Centre took up activities and academic programmes with Canada and Canadian Studies as the focus. These included faculty papers, discussions and periodical meets of Canadian scholars. Some of the major programmes organized by the Centre were:
Publications/ Research Activities /Membership
The Centre for Canadian Studies regularly brings out several publications which include an international journal (Journal of Indo-Canadian Studies ISSN 0972-330), pamphlets, newsletters, anthologies of critical writing, journals promoting Canadian Studies at the under-graduate levels (College English Review) and seminar abstracts. The journal of the centre reaches more than 900 libraries in India and abroad and more than 400 teachers and research scholars/teachers visit the centre regularly to procure materials from the JICS Digital Library and hundreds of scholars directly communicate with the centre by e-mail
Linkages with Austin College, Texas and the APCU,USA
Dr. Gerald J Middents, Professor, of Psychology and Education, Austin College, Texas, USA speaking at a seminar on “International Linkages in Higher Education : Challenges and Possibilities.” On Alumni Reunion Day 1998.
Some Milestones
UC College is very fortunate to have beeen one of the five institutions in Kerala to regularly host YAV from the Presbyterian church USA Young Adult Volunteer programmes includes service and learning by a student from the US for a period of one year at UC College. He/she will be involved in many programmes of the College.
Linkages with Hope College, Michigan
Membership in Colleges and Universities of the Anglican Communion ( CUAC)
A three member UBCHEA team visited the college during 28-30 September. The three were Dr. Patricia Stranahan (the president designate), Dr. Betty Abregana (South Asia Programme Director) and Dr. Santhi Manuel (United Board Trustee, and former principal, Lady Doak College, Madurai). The specific brief of the team was the selection interview for the United Board Freeman Scholarship. Patricia had joined the team to gain familiarity with the college. They had several rounds of discussion in the college. Dr. Betty addressed the teaching staff, and made a presentation on Service Learning.
Ms. Marie Kikuchi, a sophomore student from the International Christian University (ICU), Tokyo, Japan, spent two months in U. C. College during July and August, 2005. She was here for her Service Learning Internship. She collaborated with different NGOs. Marie had talk sessions with many student groups in the college, and she also had training at the Potter’s village adopted by the Department of History. At the college, Dr. Thara K. Simon was her mentor. More students from ICU are likely to be in the college next year.
Scranton Women’s Leadership Center (SWLC) is the program office of American-Methodist Korean Women’s Mission Foundation. Scranton Scholarship provides young women from developing countries worldwide with opportunities for higher education. The scholarship was created in 2007 by Scranton Women’s Leadership Center located in Seoul, Korea.
Mr.M.I.Punnoose of the Department of Malayalam participated in the Seminar organized by the Institute for Advanced Studies in Asian Cultures and Theology(IASACT) in Hong Kong,China from june 6 –july 9,2008.Mr.Punnose presented a paper entitled Christian Mythology and Traditions in Asian Culture with special reference to the St.Thomas myth.Scholars from all over Asia ,researching on Theology and Asian Cultures were present.
The United Board in alliance with U.C.College selects one faculty member as Freeman Fellow to visit host institutions in the United States every year.In 2008 ,Dr.David Saj Mathew from Botany department succeeds Dr.Thomas Mathew as fourth fellow of the United Board Programme
Mr. Anil Thomas Koshy of the Department of Physical Education attended the Academy of Asian University Chaplains’Conference from august 4-7,2008 at Chang Jung Christian University ,Tainan,Taiwan
Ms.Charlotte Erickson, a young adult Volunteer from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America(ELCA) ,arrived from US in setember 2005.She spend a year in U.C.College ,contributing in a variety of ways to the life of college.She participated in a programme on communication and writing skills.
Filling Charlotte’s position is Mr.Andrew Smith fron New Jersey,USA,the 2006-07 YAV.Andrew arrived in the beginning of sep and is already a well known face in college campas.Andrew teaches communicative English to students.
Dr.P.Thomas Mathew is awarded the U.B Freeman Fellowship for 2006-2008.He spend one semester in Ateneo de Manila ,University of Philippines from Nov.2006-Feb.2007
Rev.John John ,the college Chaplain ,was selected by the UBCHEA to participate in a program of University and College Chaplains of Asia in Taiwan.
On Aug 31st 2007 ,a national workshop for Librarians and Library Advisors of college was conducted with the aim of “Formalizing a Library Consortium of colleges” with financial assistance from the UBCHEA(New York).Librarians of twenty five colleges and five nearby Universities participated in the workshop.Presentation focused primarily on the concept ,advantages,and implementation of consortium.Mr.K.P.Sadasivan and Dr.Harish Chandra led the discussion that followed.The workshop was first of its kind in Kerala.
The college’s association with the Presbytarian churches of the US brings a Young Adult Volunteer to the campus every year.Andrew Smith,who completed his stint bid good bye in Aug 2007. The new volunteer Ms.Elizabeth Chatelain from North Dakota ,is a graduate in media studies,with a few documentaries to her credit.Her sojourn in U.C. should enliven the activities of the journalism club and the Media Studies Group.With her ever-shining smile,Beth makes herself an endearing presence in all of U.C’s activities from prayer services to community extension programmes.
The efforts bring together the alumni to the almamater got a fillip when the Alumni Association of North America(AANA) was formally inaugurated on sep 2.2007.We had alumini from US visiting us at different times of the year.Mr Lal Varghese visited college in dec 2006,Dr.Kaamakshi Krishnan in feb 2007,Mr.Jacob Mathew in march 2007,followed by Mr.Thomas Mathew(Ohio),and Mr.Thomas Mathew (New Jersey)in aug 2007.
The exchange programmes with Austin College,Texas and Hope College Michigan, helped in bolstering the warm relationship U.C. has with them. Mid of July 2007 saw the arrival of an 18 member Austin College team headed by Prof.Janet Huber Lowry on an India Study Programme.
Another trans-national collaboration was effected with the signing of Memorandum of Understanding with Hope College,Holland,Michigan,a top liberal arts college in U.S.Dr.K. E .Leelamma of the Department of Psychology ,visited U.S. in May 2007 to finalize the formalities of the MoU.
Dr. K. E. Leelamma visited Dr.Patricia Stranahan, President of the United Board , and Dr.Rita Pullium,Vice President, at the UBCHEA office in New York.
There has been serious efforts, in strengthening the international linkages of the college, especially through grants and scholarships of UBCHEA.
A high power team from UBCHEA, New York under the leadership of chairman Dr.Timothy Light, visited the college during January 35-27, 2004.
Ms. Jill Wason, young adult volunteer of the Presbyterian Church, USA joined U.C College in September 2003. She has been assisting in the development of the college by trying to develop a database of the alumni in US and Canada. A registration form has been up linked on the website provided by Mr.Jacob Mathew.
The college continues to keep the tradition of welcoming the international community to the campus. Dr.Kano Yama Moto, trustee of the United Board for Christian Higher Education visited the college in August 2004.
Dr. P.M Kuriachen is awarded the Freeman Scholarship for the year 2005-2007. He will be spending one semester each in Macquarie University Sydney Australia, and Hope College, Michigan.
Dr. Thara K. Simon was entitled as the Fellow of the United Board after completing the faculty leadership development programme of UBCHEA.
Librarian Mr. Cheriyan K. George receives a travel grant from UBCHEA to visit the international libraries in US. He is also offered a one month training in the library of Hope College, Holland, Michigan. We expect more scholars from abroad through the exchange programmes.
The UBCHEA (United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia) has been a major source of assistance to the college over the years.
A four member team from the UBCHEA, consisting of Dr. Richard Wood , Dr. Rita Pullium, Dr. Betty Abregana and Dr. Shanti Manuel visited the college in February 2003. The college has been offered a substantial assistance for a specific project, which is now being given final shape.
The college has been a beneficiary of several initiatives coming in recent times from the Asian Higher Education Institute (ACHEI) set up by the UBCHEA to give a new dimension to the Christian presence in higher education in Asia. Dr. Raju K. John along with Mr. M. I. Punnoose, Department of Malayalam, attended the first Asian Christian Faculty Fellowship (ACFE) Conference held at Payap University, Chiang Mai, Thailand in November 2002.
Dr. P. M. Kuriachan, Mr. M. I. Punnoose, Dr. Varghese John and Dr. Raju K. John attended the inaugural conference of the India chapter of the ACFF held in Lucknow in October.
Dr. Varghese John (English Department) participated in the International Conference on Religion and Globalisation held at Payap University, Chiang Mai, Thailand in July- August 2003.