Club Coordinators: Dr. Manju M. George (IQAC Coordinator)
Ms. Susmi Scaria, Dr. Arjun Mohan, Dr. Sunil Sekhar A.C
About the Club:
The club is a platform to engage students through interesting activities to sensitize them on their electoral rights and familiarise them with the electoral process of registration and voting.
Academic Year 2023-24
Program:- Voter’s Enrolment Campaign
Venue:- Mithrapuram Hall Date:- 13-09-2023 Time:- 11.30 am
The electoral literacy club of Union Christian College, Aluva organized Voters’ Enrolment Campaign on 13th September 2023 in association with college IQAC and Electoral Registration Office, Aluva on Wednesday 13th September 2023, 11.30 am at Mithrapuram Hall. Dr. Sunil Sekhar A C introduced Deputy Thahaseeldhar Mr. Devassy to the students and he described the various procedures to be followed to get oneself enrolled in the voters’ enrolment portal. The officials from the registration office helped students in uploading the documents and getting successfully registered in the portal. Almost 125 students registered for the campaign and 71 students successfully completed the enrolment procedure.
Academic Year 2022-23
Electoral Literacy Club (ELC) Inauguration and Voter’s Enrolment Campaign
Venue:- TB Ninan Hall Date:- 07-12-2022 Time:- 10.00 am
The electoral literacy club of Union Christian College, Aluva was inaugurated by Mr. B. Anilkumar, Deputy Collector (Revenue Recovery) Ernakulum on 07/12/2022 at TB Ninan Hall. Principal Dr. M. I. Punnoose presided over the function. It was followed by the enrolment campaign. Mr. Devassy P G (Deputy Tahasildar, Election, Aluva) introduced the voter’s enrolment portal to students. About 120 students participated in the campaign and 80 students successfully registered their names in the voter’s list.
National Voter’s Day celebration 2023
Venue: – Conference Hall, Civil Station, Aluva
Date: – 25-01-2023
Time: – 2.30 pm
Electoral registration office, Aluva organized National Voter’s Day celebration 2023 at Civil Station, Aluva on 25-01-2023 at 2.30 pm. Mr. Sunil Mathew, ERO & Thahsildar, Aluva inaugurated the function and Mr. Tomy Sebastian, Thahsildar (Revenue) gave the National Voter’s Day message to the gathering. Electoral literacy club members of various colleges participated in the program. Union Christian College, Aluva received the certificate of appreciation form Mr. Sunil Mathew, Electoral Registration officer and Thahsildar, Aluva.
Phone No : 0484 2609194, +91-7012626868 , Email :
Club Coordinators: Dr. Manju M. George (IQAC Coordinator)
Ms. Susmi Scaria, Dr. Arjun Mohan, Dr. Sunil Sekhar A.C
About the Club:
The club is a platform to engage students through interesting activities to sensitize them on their electoral rights and familiarise them with the electoral process of registration and voting.
Academic Year 2023-24
Program:- Voter’s Enrolment Campaign
Venue:- Mithrapuram Hall Date:- 13-09-2023 Time:- 11.30 am
The electoral literacy club of Union Christian College, Aluva organized Voters’ Enrolment Campaign on 13th September 2023 in association with college IQAC and Electoral Registration Office, Aluva on Wednesday 13th September 2023, 11.30 am at Mithrapuram Hall. Dr. Sunil Sekhar A C introduced Deputy Thahaseeldhar Mr. Devassy to the students and he described the various procedures to be followed to get oneself enrolled in the voters’ enrolment portal. The officials from the registration office helped students in uploading the documents and getting successfully registered in the portal. Almost 125 students registered for the campaign and 71 students successfully completed the enrolment procedure.
Academic Year 2022-23
Electoral Literacy Club (ELC) Inauguration and Voter’s Enrolment Campaign
Venue:- TB Ninan Hall Date:- 07-12-2022 Time:- 10.00 am
The electoral literacy club of Union Christian College, Aluva was inaugurated by Mr. B. Anilkumar, Deputy Collector (Revenue Recovery) Ernakulum on 07/12/2022 at TB Ninan Hall. Principal Dr. M. I. Punnoose presided over the function. It was followed by the enrolment campaign. Mr. Devassy P G (Deputy Tahasildar, Election, Aluva) introduced the voter’s enrolment portal to students. About 120 students participated in the campaign and 80 students successfully registered their names in the voter’s list.
National Voter’s Day celebration 2023
Venue: – Conference Hall, Civil Station, Aluva
Date: – 25-01-2023
Time: – 2.30 pm
Electoral registration office, Aluva organized National Voter’s Day celebration 2023 at Civil Station, Aluva on 25-01-2023 at 2.30 pm. Mr. Sunil Mathew, ERO & Thahsildar, Aluva inaugurated the function and Mr. Tomy Sebastian, Thahsildar (Revenue) gave the National Voter’s Day message to the gathering. Electoral literacy club members of various colleges participated in the program. Union Christian College, Aluva received the certificate of appreciation form Mr. Sunil Mathew, Electoral Registration officer and Thahsildar, Aluva.