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Major Research Projects

Recent Research Projects in a Glance

SlNo Department Name Project Details
1 Physics Thin film preparation and valence band splitting studies of I-III-VI compound and solar cell device fabrication,,, Sanct AmntRs.12,56,958/-,KSCSTE ,Period 2009-2012
2 Physics Band gap engineering of nanostructured lead sulphide thin films by doping and fabrication of solar cell devices,Rachel Reena Philip,, Sanct AmntRs.1,44,514/-,UGC ,Period 2013-2014
3 Physics Fabrication and characterization of hybrid solar cells of a novel configuration with I-III-VI  OVC and II-VI or V-VI nanostructured thin films,Rachel Reena Philip,, Sanct AmntRs.14,13,200/-,DST ,Period 2013-2016
4 Physics TiO2 Nanotubes as Electrodes in supercapacitors and junctions in photovoltaics,Rachel Reena Philip  (Collaborative research project),, Sanct AmntRs.6,90,000/-,UGC-DAE Collaborative Project ,Period 2014-17
5 Physics Cu based and Ag based delafossites for transparent electronic, Photovoltaic and capacitance electrode applications.,Rachel Reena Philip,Shinoj V K, Sanct AmntRs.18,62,000/-,KSCSTE ,Period 2017-20
6 Physics Fabrication and characterization of heterojunction solar cells: FTO/n-Silver indium gallium selenide/p-Silver indium selenide/metal (In/Al),Scientist Mentor-Rachel Reena philip. PhD Student- Rajani Jacob (KSCSTE -WSD),, Sanct AmntRs.16,00,000/-,KSCSTE ,Period 2014-2017
7 Physics Fabrication and characterizations of Iron Oxide nanostructures (IONS) for gas sensing and DSSC applications,Scientist Mentor-Rachel Reena Philip Ph.D student Julie Ann Joseph (Women’s Scientist Project),, Sanct AmntRs.20,75.000/-,DST ,Period 2017-2020
8 Physics Preparation and Characterization of Copper Indium Selenide related Ordered Vacancy Compounds and fabrication of p- CuInSe2/n-OVC solar cells. UGC minor project,Rachel Reena Philip,, Sanct AmntRs 75000/-,UGC ,Period 2006-2007
9 Physics Fabrication and characterization of band structure engineered TiO2 nanotubes for photocatalysis and antimicrobial applications. ,Rachel Reena Philip,Ajalesh B Nair, Nelson Joseph, Sanct AmntRs. 27,58,311/-,DST ,Period Dec 2020-Dec 2023
10 Physics Investigation into a portable, quantitative, multimodal, optical fiber probe-based spectroscopic tool for skin tissue analysis,Shinoj V K,, Sanct Amnt26.99 Lakhs,DST ,Period March 2017 – March, 2020 (3 years)
11 Chemistry Fabrication and characterisation of band structure engineered TiO2 nanotubes for photocatalysis and antimicrobial applications,Dr. Rachel Reena Philip,Dr. Nelson Joseph P, Dr. Ajalesh B. Nair, Sanct AmntRs. 2758311,SERB ,Period 36 month
12 Physics Pulsed laser deposition of large area monolayer / few layers of 2D transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) for TFT applications.,Reshmi R,Dr Alex Mathew Dr M  Jayaraj, Sanct Amnt19 lakhs,DST ,Period 2019-2021
13 Physics Synthesis and characterization of MoO3 for nanoscale device application.,Reshmi R,Alex Mathew and Dr Anila E I, Sanct Amnt24 Lakhs,KSCSTE ,Period 2016-2019
14 Physics Sensing Properties of CNT TiO2 nano structures,Reshmi R,, Sanct AmntRs. 325000,UGC ,Period 2016-2018
15 Physics A simple and efficient portable set up for water purification using nano metal oxides  and sunlight,Reshmi R,, Sanct AmntU S Dollar. 1500,UBCHEA ,Period 2016-2017
16 History MULTIDISCIPLINARY DOCUMENTATION OF ROCK ART AND ITS ALLIED SUBJECTS IN KERALA,Jenee Peter,, Sanct Amnt2,93,000,IGNCA Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts ,Period 2018-19
17 Chemistry Fabrication and characterization of band structure engineered TiO2 nanotubes for photocatalysis and antimicrobial applications,Dr. Rachel Reena Philip,Dr. Ajalesh B Nair, Sanct Amnt2758311/-,DST ,Period Three years
18 Physics Fabrication and characterization of transparent conducting oxide thin films for optoelectronic applications,Dr.E.I.Anila,Rakhy Raphael, Dr. Reshmi R, Sanct AmntRs.22,66,500/- ,BRNS ,Period 2015-2018
19 Physics v Microwave synthesis and characterization of zinc aluminate based nanophosphors for display and biomedical applications, DST (SERB)  project under EMR scheme, Amount ,Dr. E. I. Anila,Dr. Reshmi R, Sanct AmntRs. 24,08,560,DST ,Period 2018-2021
20 Physics Electrical and non-linear optical characterization of optoelectronic materials,Ms.V G Sreeja( Scientific Mentor: Dr. E. I. Anila),, Sanct AmntRs.19,85,000/-,DST (SERB) under Women scientist scheme  ,Period 2015-2018
21 Economics “ Emergence of Rural Non-Farm Economy : Implications to movement of labour and land conversions in Central & Southern Kerala”,Liji Lawrence,Nil, Sanct AmntRs. 115000,UGC ,Period 2013-2015
22 Zoology ANALYSIS OF BIORHYTHMS IN MAN ,Dr Shirley Thomas,NIL , Sanct AmntRS 1,50,000,UGC ,Period 2010-2012
23 Zoology  “A study on the effectiveness of solitary bees as pollinators when compared to honey bees in a vegetable cropland”,Ms. Rima Joseph,NIL, Sanct AmntRS 2,50,000,UGC ,Period
24 Psychology Identification of risk factors and psychological correlates of substance abuse: A service-learning initiative,Dr. Malini R,Dr Seena M Mathai,
Ms.Syna Soosan Abraham, Sanct AmntRs.260000,United Boardoard for Christian Higher Education in Asia ,Period 1st July 2017- 30th June 2018



uc college aluva
UC College Aluva
Union Christian College, Aluva, India Autonomous Affiliated to Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, India NAAC Re-Accredited with A++ Grade in Vth cycle

Phone No : 0484 2609194, +91-7012626868 , Email : ucc@uccollege.edu.in

Phone No : 0484 2609194, +91-7012626868
Email : ucc@uccollege.edu.in

Major Research Projects

Recent Research Projects in a Glance

SlNo Department Name Project Details
1 Physics Thin film preparation and valence band splitting studies of I-III-VI compound and solar cell device fabrication,,, Sanct AmntRs.12,56,958/-,KSCSTE ,Period 2009-2012
2 Physics Band gap engineering of nanostructured lead sulphide thin films by doping and fabrication of solar cell devices,Rachel Reena Philip,, Sanct AmntRs.1,44,514/-,UGC ,Period 2013-2014
3 Physics Fabrication and characterization of hybrid solar cells of a novel configuration with I-III-VI  OVC and II-VI or V-VI nanostructured thin films,Rachel Reena Philip,, Sanct AmntRs.14,13,200/-,DST ,Period 2013-2016
4 Physics TiO2 Nanotubes as Electrodes in supercapacitors and junctions in photovoltaics,Rachel Reena Philip  (Collaborative research project),, Sanct AmntRs.6,90,000/-,UGC-DAE Collaborative Project ,Period 2014-17
5 Physics Cu based and Ag based delafossites for transparent electronic, Photovoltaic and capacitance electrode applications.,Rachel Reena Philip,Shinoj V K, Sanct AmntRs.18,62,000/-,KSCSTE ,Period 2017-20
6 Physics Fabrication and characterization of heterojunction solar cells: FTO/n-Silver indium gallium selenide/p-Silver indium selenide/metal (In/Al),Scientist Mentor-Rachel Reena philip. PhD Student- Rajani Jacob (KSCSTE -WSD),, Sanct AmntRs.16,00,000/-,KSCSTE ,Period 2014-2017
7 Physics Fabrication and characterizations of Iron Oxide nanostructures (IONS) for gas sensing and DSSC applications,Scientist Mentor-Rachel Reena Philip Ph.D student Julie Ann Joseph (Women’s Scientist Project),, Sanct AmntRs.20,75.000/-,DST ,Period 2017-2020
8 Physics Preparation and Characterization of Copper Indium Selenide related Ordered Vacancy Compounds and fabrication of p- CuInSe2/n-OVC solar cells. UGC minor project,Rachel Reena Philip,, Sanct AmntRs 75000/-,UGC ,Period 2006-2007
9 Physics Fabrication and characterization of band structure engineered TiO2 nanotubes for photocatalysis and antimicrobial applications. ,Rachel Reena Philip,Ajalesh B Nair, Nelson Joseph, Sanct AmntRs. 27,58,311/-,DST ,Period Dec 2020-Dec 2023
10 Physics Investigation into a portable, quantitative, multimodal, optical fiber probe-based spectroscopic tool for skin tissue analysis,Shinoj V K,, Sanct Amnt26.99 Lakhs,DST ,Period March 2017 – March, 2020 (3 years)
11 Chemistry Fabrication and characterisation of band structure engineered TiO2 nanotubes for photocatalysis and antimicrobial applications,Dr. Rachel Reena Philip,Dr. Nelson Joseph P, Dr. Ajalesh B. Nair, Sanct AmntRs. 2758311,SERB ,Period 36 month
12 Physics Pulsed laser deposition of large area monolayer / few layers of 2D transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) for TFT applications.,Reshmi R,Dr Alex Mathew Dr M  Jayaraj, Sanct Amnt19 lakhs,DST ,Period 2019-2021
13 Physics Synthesis and characterization of MoO3 for nanoscale device application.,Reshmi R,Alex Mathew and Dr Anila E I, Sanct Amnt24 Lakhs,KSCSTE ,Period 2016-2019
14 Physics Sensing Properties of CNT TiO2 nano structures,Reshmi R,, Sanct AmntRs. 325000,UGC ,Period 2016-2018
15 Physics A simple and efficient portable set up for water purification using nano metal oxides  and sunlight,Reshmi R,, Sanct AmntU S Dollar. 1500,UBCHEA ,Period 2016-2017
16 History MULTIDISCIPLINARY DOCUMENTATION OF ROCK ART AND ITS ALLIED SUBJECTS IN KERALA,Jenee Peter,, Sanct Amnt2,93,000,IGNCA Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts ,Period 2018-19
17 Chemistry Fabrication and characterization of band structure engineered TiO2 nanotubes for photocatalysis and antimicrobial applications,Dr. Rachel Reena Philip,Dr. Ajalesh B Nair, Sanct Amnt2758311/-,DST ,Period Three years
18 Physics Fabrication and characterization of transparent conducting oxide thin films for optoelectronic applications,Dr.E.I.Anila,Rakhy Raphael, Dr. Reshmi R, Sanct AmntRs.22,66,500/- ,BRNS ,Period 2015-2018
19 Physics v Microwave synthesis and characterization of zinc aluminate based nanophosphors for display and biomedical applications, DST (SERB)  project under EMR scheme, Amount ,Dr. E. I. Anila,Dr. Reshmi R, Sanct AmntRs. 24,08,560,DST ,Period 2018-2021
20 Physics Electrical and non-linear optical characterization of optoelectronic materials,Ms.V G Sreeja( Scientific Mentor: Dr. E. I. Anila),, Sanct AmntRs.19,85,000/-,DST (SERB) under Women scientist scheme  ,Period 2015-2018
21 Economics “ Emergence of Rural Non-Farm Economy : Implications to movement of labour and land conversions in Central & Southern Kerala”,Liji Lawrence,Nil, Sanct AmntRs. 115000,UGC ,Period 2013-2015
22 Zoology ANALYSIS OF BIORHYTHMS IN MAN ,Dr Shirley Thomas,NIL , Sanct AmntRS 1,50,000,UGC ,Period 2010-2012
23 Zoology  “A study on the effectiveness of solitary bees as pollinators when compared to honey bees in a vegetable cropland”,Ms. Rima Joseph,NIL, Sanct AmntRS 2,50,000,UGC ,Period
24 Psychology Identification of risk factors and psychological correlates of substance abuse: A service-learning initiative,Dr. Malini R,Dr Seena M Mathai,
Ms.Syna Soosan Abraham, Sanct AmntRs.260000,United Boardoard for Christian Higher Education in Asia ,Period 1st July 2017- 30th June 2018