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Recent Webinars/ Seminars and Other Events at a glance

Academic Year 2023-24

Sl no Department Date of the event Venue Event Type Name of the Event/Topic Resporce Person
1 Zoology 01-06-2023 T.B. Ninan Hall Talk Invited talk on Introduction to Arctic Climate Dr. Nuncio Murugesh Scientist-E Ocean atmospheric studies National centre for polar and ocean research Goa
2 BioSciences and Chemistry 05-06-2023 T.B. Ninan Hall Lecture Environment Day Lecture:  Solutions to Plastic Pollution Dr. M.P. Sukumaran Nair,Director centre for green technology and management Kochi
3 Commerce, E&CM, Psychology 05-06-2023 MB Block Cleaning Cleaning the MB Block Students of the departments
4 English 05-06-2023 English Reading Room Poetry Performance, open discussion & Documentary World Environment Day Celebrations Students of the departments
5 Computer Science 09-06-2023 Tech Spot, UC college Tech Fest Exploria 2023
6 Physics 09-06-2023 Seminar Hall Inauguration Physics association inauguration book release and certificate distribution Dr Geetanjali Gopakumar Exilium AB Sweden
7 BioSciences 19-06-2023 MB 15 Class Room Celebration World Sickle Cell Day Celebration NA
8 Computer Science in association with placement cell 19-06-2023 CS Dept. Placement Sessions Placement Orientation Class Placement Officer Ms Sheetal V.R
9 Malayalam 19-06-2023 T.B. Ninan Hall na Vayala Pakshacharanam Prof. M.K. Sanu
10 Physical Education 20-06-2023 Kacheri Malika Yoga Day celebrations International yoga day- 2023 inter department Surya namaskar performance Students
11 Physical Education 20-06-2023 T.B. Ninan Hall Course ISAK accreditation course level 1 and 2 Inauguration: Dr. Mohammed Riyadh, Najath Hospital Aluva & Dr. Joslet Charles level 3 anthropometrist and trainer
12 English 21-06-2023 Reading Room World Music Day Musical Musings – theme: music for peace and communal harmony NA
13 Physical Education 21-06-2023 Tagore Hall 9th international Day of yoga Theme:  Yoga for Vasudeva kutumbam Dr Jeevan PS BHMS, MSc Yogic science senior art of living faculty
14 Psychology 21-06-2023 M.B Block Talk Role of Clinical Psychologists in Mental Health Mr. Jerry P. Mathew, clinical Psychologist, Marian Medical College, Pala
15 English 26-06-2023 T.B. Ninan Hall Talk International Day against drug abuse and illic trafficking Byju Paulose M, dysp crime branch
16 Physical Education 27-06-2023 T.B. Ninan Hall Lecture sports floors and modern equipment for players performance enhancements Daniel Thomas president, caretaker international, Canada, Managing director splendid India
17 Zoology 30-06-2023 VMA Hall Amenia Detection Campaign swasthya Hll lifecare limited
18 Mathematics 03-07-2023 NR27 Celebrations National Statistics Day Celebrations
19 Mathematics 03-07-2023 NR27 Quiz Inter-DepartmentStatistics Quiz Competition
20 Biosciances and botany 07-07-2023 T.B. Ninan Hall Popular science lecture advances in millet genomics for food and nutritional security Dr. Manoj Prasad, professor and JC Bose National fellow, National institute of plant genome research, New Delhi
21 Physical Education 08-07-2023 T.B. Ninan Hall Netball Clinic Fast 5 Kerala netball association
22 Mathematics 13-07-2023 T.B. Ninan Hall Inauguration and Talk Mathematics association inauguration Dr KP Jose professor and HOD St. Peter’s College Kolenchery
23 Physical Education 14-07-2023 Kannammali flood preventive measures at kannammali Students of NCC, NSS, Disaster Management Club, Phy Education
24 Physics 14-07-2023 T.B. Ninan Hall live streaming Chandrayan 3 launching  TV9 and 14 July department Students and Faculty
25 English 18-07-2023 Reading Room Remembrance laughable loves : Remembering Milan Kundera NA
26 Commerce 19-07-2023 MCA Hall Orientation for 1st year students  Topic: Better You Ms Sakena Mohammed, owner of metamorphose, Ms Kavitha Sajit business owner at Think Wealth
27 Commerce 20-07-2023 MCA Hall Workshop workshop on first aid Aster Medicity
28 Economics 20-07-2023 MBA Conference Hall Public lecture Climate change and agriculture: from the perspective of small farmers Dr Madhura Swaminathan, professor and head economic analysis unit Indian statistical institute Bangalore
29 English and History 27-07-2023 College Campus Campus Visit Student and Faculty team from Emirates National School, Sharjah visited the campus Dept of English and History
30 History 27-07-2023 History Seminar Hall orientation program for PG and UG 1st year The landscape of history: approaches and methods Dr Sebastian Joseph, environmental historian
31 History 02-08-2023 corridor department of history, NR Block  Exhibition Inter collegiate exhibition on Indian freedom movement Based on reports published in Malayala Manorama
32 Botany 07-08-2023 Botany Garden Inauguration Inauguration of Organic Cultivation Dr. M.I. Punnoose
33 Mathematics 11-08-2023 NR 28 Interaction Revisit – Interaction with distinguished Alumni Dr. Janson Antony, Asst. Prof (Ad-hoc), Dept. of Mathematics, Keshav Mahavidyalaya, University of Delhi
34 Botany 11-08-2023 MCA Hall National Seminar Millet cultivation and Product preparation Dr. K.M. George, Secretary General, Global Millet Foundation
35 Psychology 11-08-2023 CC Open Discussion Peace and Disharmony Students
36 Psychology 13-08-2023 MCA Hall Fest, Seminar, Exhibition U3A Fest, ‘Aishwaryathode Prayamaakam, Arthavathaayi Jeevikkam’ Dr. Baburaj, Director, IUCDS, MG University
37 English 21-08-2023 T.B. Ninan Hall Induction Induction for the 1st year English Students Mr. Sherin Kalathil NSQF Level 6 Master Trainer
38 English 22-08-2023 English Reading Room Induction and Training Programme Chrysalis Session 1 Mr. Lovewin K Cherian, Team leader and youth student accompanier, Chola & Ms Sneha Susan Mathai life skill trainer chola and our responsibility to children (ORC) Government of Kerala
39 Malayalam 22-08-2023 VMA Hall ഫോക്‌ലോർ ദിനാചരണം Seminars, Games and Onam Celebration Mr. Vinod M Nambiar, Coordinator, Naattarivu Padanakendram, Thrissur
40 English 07-09-2023 English Reading Room Induction and Training Programme Chrysalis Session 2 Mr. Lovewin K Cherian, Team leader and youth student accompanier, Chola & Ms Sneha Susan Mathai life skill trainer chola and our responsibility to children (ORC) Government of Kerala
41 Commerce 11-09-2023 MB Hall Talk HOPE – Suicide prevention talk Dr. Seena M. Mathai, Asst. Prof, Dept. of Psychology, UCC
42 Mathematics 11-09-2023 NR 28 Interaction Revisit – Interaction with distinguished Alumni Ms. Amrutha K.S, Research Scholar, IIT Kharagpur
43 Psychology 11-09-2023 MB Block Awareness Programme Suicide Prevention Awareness Talk 1st P.G Students
44 Psychology 13-09-2023 VMA Hall Awareness Programme Creating hope through action Jeevani Counseling Centre and Maithiri foundation trust
45 English 15-09-2023 English Research Area Leture 10th Susan Thomas Memorial Lecture – ‘Where are all the Women?’ Dr. Babitha Justin, Assoc. ProfDept of Humanities,IISST TVM
46 Zoology 15-09-2023 T.B. Ninan Hall Association Inauguration Zoology Association Inauguration Dr. A.A. Mohamed Hatha, Director, School of Marine Sciences, CUSAT
47 English 20-09-2023 English Research Area Workshop Theatre Workshop Dr Sujeesh CK, Associate Professor, Department of English, Sree Sankara College, Kalady.
48 Chemistry 21-09-2023 T.B. Ninan Hall Seminar Spectroscopy And Density Functional Theory Dr. N.K. Pillai, CEO, Kerala Enviro infrastructure Ltd, Ambalamugal, Kochi
49 English 25-09-2023 T.B. Ninan Hall International Seminar Severing the sacred soils bond : how colonial legacies lead to echo-cultural loss Ms Ansu Anna John, Environmental Consultant
50 English 27-09-2023 English Research Area Lecture Celebrating Gandhi – Gandhi : politics of spirituality/spirituality of politics  Dr Geetika G.,  assistant professor, political science, UCC
51 Physics 27-09-2023 Dept. of Physics Workshop Mathematical Physics Dr. Pramod Dominic & Dr. Madhu K
52 Mathematics 30-09-2023 T.B. Ninan Hall Quiuz Competition Cipher-23 Dept. of Mathematics




Sl No Name of Dept. Programme Date of programme Topic of the programme Resource Person
1 Chemistry Webinar 16-11-2020 Sathrapadham Mentoring Program Prof. Kana M Sureshan,Professor, Department of Chemistry,  IISER Thruvavanathapuram
2 Chemistry Webinar 15-11-2020 Sasthrapadham 2020 Eminent Personalities from Scientific Community,Eminent Personalities from Scientific Community
3 Chemistry Webinar 15-11-2020 Sathrapadham Mentoring Program Dr. Ajalesh B Nair,Assistant Professor, Union Christian College, Aluva
4 Chemistry Webinar 13-11-2020 Sathrapadham Mentoring Program Prof. G.S.Sailaja,Professor, Department of Polymer Science and Rubber Technology, CUSAT
5 Chemistry Webinar 31-10-2020 Sasthrapadham Mentoring program Dr. Simi Pushpan K,Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Union Christian College
6 Chemistry Webinar 24-10-2020 Dynamic Chemistry Beyond the Molecule Dr. Subi Jacob George,Professor and Associate Chair, New Chemistry Unit, JNCSAR, Bangalore
7 Chemistry Webinar 24-10-2020 Dynamic Chemistry Beyond the Molecule Dr. Subi Jacob George,Professor, New Chemistry Unit, JNCASR
8 Chemistry Webinar 28-09-2020 Photocatalytic organic/inorganic binary hybrids of graphene Dr. Honey John,Professor, Dept of PS RT, CUSAT
9 Chemistry Quiz 16-09-2020 Ozone Day Celebration- Online Quiz Competition Not Applicable,Not Applicable
10 Chemistry Webinar 28-08-2020 Towards Excellence in Higher  Education in India in 21st Century (for all subject teachers and students) Dr. Vimal Rarh, Project Head & Joint Director, GAD-TLC of MHRD
11 Chemistry Webinar 20-06-2020 Nanomaterials : Characterization and Application Dr. Neenu Varghese,Senior Scientist in Material Science, AstraZeneca AB, Gothenberg, Sweden
12 Chemistry Webinar 30-05-2020 Stimuli Responsive Supramolecular Materials Dr. Krishnan Kartha Kalathil,Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Muenster, Germany
13 Chemistry Webinar 30-05-2020 Stimuli-responsive Supramolecular Materials Dr. Krishnan Kartha Kalathil,Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Muenster, Germany
14 Chemistry Webinar 28-05-2020 Nobel laureate materials-A great history in science Dr. Prasanth R Krishna,Professor, Dept of PS RT, CUSAT
15 Chemistry Webinar 26-05-2020 The Beauty of the Quantum World Aravind K,Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, S. B. College, Changanasserry
16 Chemistry Other 01-02-2020 SASTHRAPADHAM Eminent scientists from Kerala,NIIST, CUSAT etc.
17 Chemistry Other 28-11-2019 Sathrajaalakam Eminent Scientists from different parts of Kerala,Academiciands and Scientists
18 Chemistry Other 25-01-2019 Prof. T. R. Anantharaman Memoria & Dr. A. M. Chacko Memorial Lectures Dr. Leena R & Dr. Ditty Dixon,Assistant Professor, Cusat & Ramanujan faculty, Csir karaikudi
19 Chemistry Other 25-01-2019 Prof.T.R.Anantharaman Memorial and Dr.A.M.Chacko Memorial Lectures Dr.Leena R and Dr.Ditty Dixon,Dr.Leena R, Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Chemistry,CUSAT, Dr.Ditty Dixon,Ramanujan Faculty,Electro chemical power sources division,CSIR-CECRI,Karaikudi
20 Chemistry Quiz 14-01-2019 Interschool quiz competition 2019 Faculty, Department of Chemistry ,Faculty, Department of Chemistry
21 Chemistry Quiz 14-01-2019 Inter School Quiz Competition Ms.Minu Joys and Dr.Nelson Joseph P,Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Union Christian College, Aluva
22 Chemistry Other 12-01-2019 Sasthrapadham 2019 Eminent Personalities from Scientific Community,Eminent Personalities from Scientific Community
23 Chemistry Other 28-11-2018 Sasthrajaalakam 2018 Eminent Personalities from Scientific community,community
24 Chemistry Other 18-09-2018 Ozone day celebrations – 2018 Dr. Soney C George, ,Dean Research, Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, Kanjirapilly
25 Chemistry Other 27-07-2018 Exploration of entrepreneurship in Chemical Sciences Prof. KE George,Professor, Dept of PS RT, CUSAT
26 Commerce Other 25-11-2020 Role of ICT in undergraduate projects during Covid 19 era Mr. Badusha Muhammed,Managing partner, MPM constructions
27 Commerce Webinar 30-10-2020 Pathway to a career in Banking and Financial Services Sradha Talent Managemnent,Academy for banking and finance
28 Commerce Other 21-10-2020 Cashless Economy Dr. Soumya KM,Asst. Professor BMC Choondy
29 Commerce Webinar 14-10-2020 Education and employment: Impact of Covid 19 Geevar Thampi,Vice President, Invisor Global Inc. Canada
30 Commerce Webinar 08-08-2020 Why How Where? Organic Agriculture in India Sandeep Kamath, Illyas KP, Shanika Mone,Sandeep Kamath(Board member, IFOAM) Illyas KP (President, OFAI) Shanika Mone (President, INOFO)
31 Commerce Webinar 04-07-2020 Wall street vs Mainstreet during the pandemic Mr. Jayakrishnan Pai,Vice President, BarclaysBank, London
32 Commerce Webinar 27-06-2020 Let us become Corona Lavan I K,HSST, GHSS, Thanniam
33 Commerce Webinar 25-06-2020 Recession proof career after graduation TIME institute,TIME Institute of management
34 Commerce Webinar 20-06-2020 Media relations:Best practices during Covid 19 Dhanyasree M,Media specialist, Go alive media, Bahrain
35 Commerce Webinar 25-05-2020 Impact of pandemic covid 19 on entrepreneurship in India Dr. Soumya KM,Asst. Professor, BMC Choondy
36 Commerce Quiz 21-05-2020 Basics of Accounting Online quiz,Online quiz
37 Commerce Other 18-02-2020 E filing of Income Tax returns Ms. Binitta Jose, Ms. Swetha Nair,Kannan and Kasim Chartered Accountants
38 Commerce Other 22-01-2020 Entrepreneurship development Ms. Joshila Ramesh Sivaji,CEO, Aspire, HR consultant, motivational speaker, women entrepreneur
39 Commerce Other 21-01-2020 Career guidance Sparks lifeskill,Educational consultancy
40 Commerce Other 18-12-2019 Career guidance Logic School of Management ,Logic School of Management
41 Commerce Other 04-08-2017 Goods and service Tax Mr C M CHERIYAN,Chartered accountant
42 Commerce Other 11-01-2017 Motivation and communication Mr Joby Thomas ,Social worker and trainer
43 Computer Science Webinar 09-01-2021 Online courses in SWAYAM platform for First year UG and PG students Gincy Abraham ,Assistant Professor and HOD, Department of Computer Science, Union Christian College, Aluva
44 E&CM Other 03-11-2020 Placement Opportunities,Placement Process,Placement Awareness Ms. Sheethal V R,Placement Officer, UC College
45 E&CM Other 02-11-2020 Csreer Development, Placemeny Opportunities,Placement Process,Placement Awareness Ms. Sheethsl V R,Placement Officer, UC College
46 E&CM Quiz 25-07-2020 tecQ 2K20-Technical Quiz Akhil T V,Assistant Professor,Union Christian College,Aluva
47 E&CM Quiz 25-07-2020 TecQ-2K20 Mr. Akhil T V,Assistant Professor, UC College
48 E&CM Webinar 09-07-2020 BLOCKCHAIN – POWERING THE FUTURE Mr.Prabith Balagopalan,Associate Consultant,Tata Consultancy Services, Sydney,Australia
49 E&CM Webinar 09-07-2020 Blockchain Powering the Future Md. Prabith Balagopalan,Associate Consultant, TCS, Sydney, Australia
50 E&CM Webinar 07-07-2020 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND MACHINE LEARNING Mr.John J. Padamadan,Ms. Gauri Balachandran,Knowledge Officer, ICTAK,Trivandrum, Kerala
51 E&CM Webinar 07-07-2020 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Mr. John J Padamadan, Ms. Gouri Balachandran,Knowledge Officer, ICTAK, Trivandrum
52 E&CM Webinar 04-07-2020 ROBOTS A HUMAN COMPANION Dr.P Babu,Professor/Principal, Malabar College of Eng. & Tech., Thrissur, Kerala
53 E&CM Webinar 04-07-2020 ROBOTS A HUMAN COMPANION Dr. P BABU,Professor, Malabar College of Eng & Tech, Thrissur-679532
54 E&CM Webinar 04-07-2020 Robots A Human Companion Dr. P Babu,Professor, Malabar College of Engineering and Technology, Thrissur
55 E&CM Webinar 11-06-2020 ROBOTIC PROCESS AUTOMATION Mr.Diyab A K,Knowledge Officer, ICTAK,Trivandrum, Kerala
56 E&CM Webinar 11-06-2020 Robotic Process Automation Mr. Diyab A K,Knowledge Officer, ICTAK, Trivandrum
57 E&CM Webinar 06-06-2020 GATEWAY TO INTERNET OF THINGS Mr.Raghesh T P,Technical Project Manager, Tata Elxi, Trivandrum
58 E&CM Webinar 06-06-2020 Gateway to Internet Of Things Mr. Rajesh T P,Technical Project Manager, Tata Elxsi, Trivandrum
59 E&CM Quiz 03-06-2020 ELECTROMANIA 2K20-Electronics Quiz Akhil T V,Assistant Professor ,Union Christian College,Aluva
60 E&CM Quiz 03-06-2020 Electromania 2K20 Mr. Akhil T V,Assistant Professor, UC College
61 E&CM Webinar 29-05-2020 IMPACT OF DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING IN REAL LIFE APPLICATIONS Mr.Sreeraj K P,Assistant Professor, Dept of Electronics Engineering, Government Polytechnic College, Kottackkal, Kerala, 676501
62 E&CM Webinar 29-05-2020 Impact of Digital Signal Processing in Real Life Applications Ms. Sreeraj K P,Assistant Professor, Dept. Of Electronics Engineering, Govt. Polytechnic College, Kottackal
63 E&CM Webinar 27-05-2020 JUGGLING OF DUAL DEGREES Dr.Jalajakumari V T,Assistant Regional Director, OGNOU Regional Centre, Kaloor, Cochin
64 E&CM Webinar 27-05-2020 Juggling of Dual Degrees Dr. Jalajakumari V T,Assistant Regional Director, IGNOU, Kochi
65 E&CM Webinar 25-05-2020 A FIRST LECTURE ON FUZZY LOGIC & ITS APPLICATIONS Dr.M V Rajesh,Associate Professor,Dept. of Electronics Engineering, Model Engineering College, Thrikkakara
67 E&CM Webinar 25-05-2020 A First Lecture on Fuzzy Logic and Its Application Dr. M V Rajesh,Associate Professor, Dept. Of Electronics Engineering, Model Engineering College, Thrikkakara
68 E&CM Quiz 22-05-2020 QUIZTRONICA 2K20-Electronics Quiz Nil,Akhil T V
69 E&CM Quiz 22-05-2020 Quiztronics 2K20 Online Quiz,Mr.Akhil T V
70 E&CM Webinar 20-05-2020 DEEP LEARNING FOR NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING Dr.Shine K George,Associate professor, Department of MCA, Union Christian College, Aluva
71 E&CM Quiz 20-05-2020 QUIZTRONICS 2K20-Electronics quiz NA,NA
72 E&CM Webinar 20-05-2020 Derp Learning for Natural Language Processing Dr. ShinevK George ,Associate Professor, School of Computer Application, UC College
73 E&CM Webinar 12-05-2020 CAREER OPPURTUNITIES AFTER COVID 19 CRISIS Ms.Sheethal V r,Placement Officer ,Union Christian College,Aluva
74 E&CM Webinar 12-05-2020 Carrer Opportunities After Vovid 19 Crisis Ms. Sheethal V R,Placement Officer, UC College
76 E&CM Webinar 09-05-2020 Professional Life Through Higher Studies Mr. Alwin Poulose,Research Scholar, Kyungpook National University, South Korea
77 Economics Webinar 19-11-2020 placement Opportunities and Awareness Ms. Sheethal S,placement Officer, U C College, Aluva
78 Economics Webinar 14-11-2020 Science Development and citizens Right Dr. Harigovind P C ,Professor, School of Legal Studies, CUSAT, Kalamasserry
79 Economics Webinar 14-11-2020 life through an Artists Eyes Mr. Sachin Samson,Artist- Freelance
80 Economics Other 13-11-2020 Chasing Dreams- journey through Indian Economic Services Mr.Arun C Adatee, IES, ,Deputy Director, Ministry of Rural development, New Delhi
81 Economics Other 12-11-2020 Power of Postitivity Dr. Tomy Varghese,Senior Faculty, Christ Academy for Advanced Studies, Bangalore
82 Economics Other 27-10-2020 ICT Enabled Learning and Teaching Mr. Cijin K Paul,Assistant Professor, Department of computer Science, U C College, Aluva
83 Economics Webinar 18-09-2020 Rendezvous with Tiffany Brar- Making a Difference Ms. Triffany Brar,Director, Jyothirgamaya Foundations, Trivandrum
84 Economics Book review 24-08-2020 Paper back – A Book Discussion Forum Nandhana Gopan (II BA Economics) Fathima KJ (III BA Economics, Ashna K A (II BA Economics), Jisna Joseph (III BA Economics), Devika S Suresh (III BA Economics),Students of Economics Department
85 Economics Other 24-08-2020 ON TBE ROAD – TRAVEL TALES Shruthy Pradeep, Merin John, Adhit Chandy George , Sefi George ,Students of Economics Department
86 Economics Webinar 28-05-2020 Post Pnademic Realities – Towards a Post Covid Economics Dr. Madhavankutty G ,Head,Banking and Economic Research, Economic Times, Mumbai
87 Economics Webinar 22-05-2020 Post Covid Kerala – Problems and Prospects Dr. V Mathew Kurien ,Joint Director, Dr. K N Raj Study Centre, MG University, Kottayam.
88 Economics Other 20-02-2020 Random Walks 2020 All Faculty members,Department of Economics
89 Economics Other 11-02-2020 TAX Reforms in India Dr. TIJU THOMAS IRS ,Regional Head, GST, Kerala and Lakhsadweep
90 Economics Other 16-07-2019  ‘3D advantage of India – Democracy, Demand and Demographic Dividend’. Lt. Nithin Thomas,Head of the Department of Economics, Bharat Mata College and an alumnus of the department.
91 Economics Group Discussion 11-07-2019  Discussion on Union Budget 2019 Dr. Surajit Das,,Assistant Professor, School of Social Sciences,  Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
92 Economics Other 15-06-2019 Training on Entry into Civil Services  Ms Veena Jayan,Guest faculty, Department of Economics, UC College, Aluva
93 Economics Other 22-03-2019 Training Course on Basic Econometrics Dr. Vijayamohanan Pillai N.,Associate Professor, Centre for development Studies, Trivandrum
94 Economics Quiz 21-02-2019 Arthapedia Dr. Sunil Abraham Thgomas, Quiz Master,Head, Derpartment of Economics, U C College, Aluva
95 Economics Other 01-02-2019 ‘Adam Smith and His Contemporary Relevance’ #NAME?
96 English Webinar 13-11-2020 Mapping Modernities/isms Series #1  “Confronting Modernism: Ethical Challenges & Disturbing Mindscapes” Dr. Krishnan Unni P ,Senior Assc. Prof., Dept. of English, Deshbandhu College, University of Delhi
97 English Webinar 05-11-2020 M E Mathew Memorial (Two Day) National Webinar on “Exploring Masculinities” Dr. Janaky Sreedharan, Dr. Priya K Nair  & Dr. S. Susan Deborah,Dr. Janaky Sreedharan (Professor, Dept. of English, University of Calicut), Dr. Priya K Nair (Asst. Prof. of English, St. Teresa’s College, Ernakulam), Dr. S. Susan Deborah (Asst. Prof. of English, MES College of Arts and Science, Goa). Ms. Rekha Nair (HoD, Dept. of English, Union Christian College)
98 English Other 23-10-2020 M E Mathew National Web Colloquium on “Thinking Post-Cinema” Sri. Sachin N & Dr. Arunlal Mokeri ,Sri. Sachin N (Asst. Prof. of English, Dyal Singh College, University of Delhi), Dr. Arunlal Mokeri (Asst. Prof. of English, Govt. College, Mokeri)
99 English Other 12-10-2020  “Beyond Law: Women, Power and (In)Justice” Dr. Sophy Joseph,Asst. Prof. of Law, National Law University, New Delhi
100 English Other 09-10-2020  “Career Prospects and Sports” Sri. K. Pradeep ,Senior Journalist,Sports Commentator & Art Writer
101 English Other 05-10-2020  “(Re)Imagining the Nation: Secularism, Nationalism and Heterogeneity” Dr. George K Alex,Asst. Prof. of Political Science, St. Thomas College, Kozhencherry
102 English Other 01-10-2020 Content Writing Ms. Neelima Vinod,Author, Editor & Mentor
103 English Other 22-09-2020 “Screen/Green Time” A-Shanti Vanam, Timbaktu, Urban Canopy & Drowning in Plastic,Documentaries
104 English Other 18-09-2020 “Politics of Gender/Caste” Dr. Carmel Christy & Ms. Vidhu Vincent, Dr. Carmel Christy (Asst. Prof. of Journalism, Kamala Nehru College, University of Delhi), Ms. Vidhu Vincent (Film Maker and Writer)
105 English Other 14-09-2020 “Urban Narratives: Cities, Texts and Aesthetics” Dr. Joe Varghese Yeldho,Reader F (English), School of Humanities & Social Sciences, NISER, Odisha
106 English Other 09-09-2020 “Beyond Existence: Mysticism, Society and Everydayness” Sri. Shoukath Sahajotsu,Writer, Orator, Traveller and Kerala Sahitya Academy Award winner
107 English Other 09-01-2020 Substance Abuse Sri. Basheer,SHO, Kalloorkkad
108 English Other 31-10-2019 Tibet/Travel/Exile/Poetry Tenzin Tsundue ,Poet
109 English Other 06-10-2019 Synergy: The Classroom Theatre – Hamlet Dr. C K Sujeesh ,Assoc. Prof. of English Sree Sankara College, Kalady
110 English Other 23-09-2019 “Religion and Humanities” Prof. Simon During,Professorial Fellow, University of Melbourne, Australia
111 English Other 01-03-2019 Politics of Excess Dr. Valsan Thampu,Former Principal, St. Stephen’s College, Delhi
112 English Other 18-02-2019 Celluloid Ceiling – Women Directors: The Struggles, Transition and Growth Representatives from Malayalam Film Industry,Malayalam Film Industry
113 English Other 29-01-2019 Up the Stairs: Post-Truth Public Sphere(s) Dr. T V Madhu,Head, Department of Philosophy, University of Calicut
114 English Other 20-12-2018 Reminiscences and Lecture on “Speaking Truth to Power” Former Faculty Members, Alumni and Dr. Josey Joseph (Guest Speaker),Associate Prof. of English, SB College, Changanassery
115 English Other 04-12-2018 Uncommon Sacralization: Imagining a Post- Secular Society Fr. Dr. K M George,Poulose Mar Gregorios Chair, MG University, Kottayam
116 English Other 30-11-2018 Is There a Post-Truth Visual Culture: A Liminal Look Prof C S Jayaram,Professor, Department of English and Languages & Department of Visual Media and Communication, School of Arts & Sciences, Kochi
117 English Other 24-11-2018 Post-Truth Politics and Identity Resurgences Prof. T M Yesudasan,Professor and Head (Retd), Dept. of English, CMS College, Kottayam
118 English Other 27-07-2018 Meet the Author (in association with Saikatham books & Dutch Association for Literature) Vamba Sherif,Writer
119 English Other 02-06-2018 Ezra Pound – Hugh Selwyn Mauberly Prof. A. M. Geevarghese,Professor & Head (Retd), Dept. of English, Union Christian College, Aluva
120 English Other 14-05-2018 T. S. Eliot’s The Waste Land Prof. C S Jayaram ,Professor, Department of English and Languages & Department of Visual Media and Communication, School of Arts & Sciences, Kochi
121 English Other 06-12-2017 Inclusive Society: A Yardstick of Civility and Progress Dr. Samuel N Mathew,Director, NISH, Thiruvananthapuram
122 Hindi Quiz 31-07-2020 3 selected stories of Premchand & biography Online Quiz doesn’t require a RESOURCE Person.,Nil
123 History Other 24-12-2020 Relevance of Reading Ambedkar today Inter department competition ,Conducted by Ambedkar Reading Circle
124 History Quiz 11-12-2020 Human Rights and GK Inter Departmental Quiz Competition ,Organized by History Association
125 History Webinar 13-11-2020 Thinking about the past in the History Class Room Dr. Justin Mathew,Assistant Professor in History, Han’s Raj College, Delhi University
126 History Other 01-11-2020 Constitution Month Student’s entries ,Organized by Ambedkar Reading Club
127 History Other 24-10-2020 In conversation with Aleena Akasha Mitayi and Rosa Felicia Aleena Akasha Mitayi & Rosa Felicia,Dalit Activist and Trans person
128 History Webinar 03-10-2020 Dalit feminism Mriduladevi,Dalit activist
129 History Webinar 10-09-2020 Situating Recent Archaeological excavations in the Ancient Past of Kerala Dr. K. P. Rajesh,Assistant Professor, NSS College, Manjeri
130 History Webinar 22-08-2020 Making the Silences Sing- Gender as Praxis and Play Dr. Malavika Binny,Assistant Professor, SRM University, AP
131 Library Webinar 20-11-2020 Online Tools for Smart Research Mr. Nikesh Narayanan,Assistant Professor, Zayed University, Dubai
132 Library Webinar 20-08-2020 Tools for recording and editing of videos for online teaching, Session 1: Tools for Screen Recording Dr. K. S. Sajan,Assistant Professor, NSS Training College, Ottappalam
133 Malayalam Webinar 13-11-2020 മലയാള ഗവേഷണത്തിന്റെ രീതിശാസ്ത്രം ഡോ. എൻ. അജയകുമാർ,കാലടി ശ്രീശങ്കരാചാര്യ സംസ്കൃതസർവകലാശാല റിട്ടേർഡ് പ്രൊഫസർ
134 Malayalam Webinar 04-11-2020 ദേശീയവിദ്യാഭ്യാസ നയം 2020 ഒരു അവലോകനം ഡോ. കെ.എം. സംഗമേശൻ,കാലടി ശ്രീശങ്കരാചാര്യ സംസ്കൃതസർവകലാശാല  സംസ്കൃതസാഹിത്യവിഭാഗം  അസ്സോസിയേറ്റ് പ്രൊഫസർ
135 Malayalam Webinar 22-10-2020 കേരളത്തിലെ ഗൂഢഭാഷകൾ ഡോ. കെ.കെ. ബാബുരാജ് ,മാഹി, മഹാത്മാഗവൺമെൻ്റ്  കോളേജ്  അസ്സോസിയേറ്റ് പ്രൊഫസർ
136 Malayalam Webinar 12-08-2020 ഗവേഷണത്തിന്റെ പടവുകളും ഓപ്പൺ ആക്സസ് സാധ്യതകളും ഡോ. അശോക് എ. ഡിക്രൂസ് ,തുഞ്ചത്തെഴുത്തച്ഛൻ മലയാളം  സർവകലാശാല സാഹിത്യരചനാവിഭാഗം ഫാക്കൽറ്റി
137 Malayalam Webinar 15-06-2020 കൊറോണയ്ക്കപ്പുറം കലയും സാഹിത്യവും ഡോ. മുരളി തുമ്മാരുകുടി,Operations Chief Management Branch of United Nations Environment Programme, Switzerland
138 Malayalam Webinar 02-06-2020 ലോകം മഹാമാരിക്കു ശേഷം ഡോ.കെ. എം. അനിൽ,മലയാള സർവകലാശാല എഴുത്തച്ഛൻ പഠനകേന്ദ്രം ഡയറക്ടർ
139 Malayalam Other 28-02-2020 Chinthaude Swatantram.  by Mr. Ravichandran C.,(Author, rationalist, blogger)
140 Malayalam Other 27-02-2020 Nalodayam Sri. N.K.Desam,Poet
141 Malayalam Other 18-02-2020 Gender/ലിംഗപദവി  Salma ,Renowned Tamil Writer
142 Malayalam Other 17-02-2020 koodu Sri Asha Menon inagurated the programme,Writer, critic in Malayalam
143 Malayalam Other 17-02-2020 M.L.Pankhajakshiamma Memorial Talk &Book Releasing Function Dr. Dharmaraj Adat , Hon. Vice Chancellor of Sree Sankaracharaya University, Kalady
144 Malayalam Other 29-01-2020  Centenary talk inaguration M. N. Karassery, Rtd. Professor Calicut University, writer and critic
145 Malayalam Other 28-01-2020 Kuttipuzha darsanavum Vimarsanavum Dr.K.P.Mohanan,Secretary, Secretary, Kerala Sahitya Akademy
146 Malayalam Other 18-12-2019 Cultural Exchange Programme Fr.John,Lecture, Bellarmine University, U.S.A
147 Malayalam Other 05-12-2019 Nalacharitham Dr. Haripriya Namboothiri,Artist
148 Malayalam Other 07-08-2019 K.Saraswathy Amma Anusmaranam Smt. Gracy,Eminent Writer in Malayalam
149 Malayalam Other 30-07-2019 Rajastani Folk Dance Sr. M.R. Surendran,District Library Council secretary
150 Malayalam Other 25-04-2019 Malayal Gaveshanathinte Reethisastram Dr.P.Pavitran,Associate Professor, Sree Sankaracharya Sanskrit University,Kalady
151 Malayalam Other 26-03-2019 Sankara’s Philosophy and Contemporary society Dr.K.M. Sangameshan,Associate Professor Sree Sankaracharya Sanskrit University, Kalady
152 Malayalam Group Discussion 05-03-2019 Kathayum Varthamanavum Dr.K.C.Narayanan Inagurated the programme,Editor in – charge, Bhashaposhini
153 Malayalam Other 19-02-2019 Nalodayam Akshara Slokam Sri N.K.Desam,poet
154 Malayalam Other 13-02-2019 Cinema-Kalayum Rashtreeyavum Mr. V K Sreeraman inaugurated the seminar,Renowned Malayalam writer and film actor
155 Malayalam Other 18-12-2018 Cultural Exchange Programme Fr. John,Lecturer, Bellarmine University
156 Malayalam Other 08-12-2018 Jala yuvathi Sri. M.K. Harikumar inagurated the programme,writer,orator
157 Malayalam Other 15-10-2018 Kalayana Sougandikam Seethakan Thullal Ambalapuzha Suresh Varma,Artist
158 Malayalam Other 08-10-2018 Nadinte Saahityakaran Dr. Sunil P Elayidam inagurated the programme,Malayalam writer, critic, orator
159 Malayalam Other 07-03-2018 Nadinte Saahityakaran Inaguraed by Prof. M.K. Sanoo,Eminent Malayalam writer,critic
160 Malayalam Other 07-02-2018 Malayala  Novel Samakalika Vayanayum Vicharavum Sri.Jayamohanan,Tamil witer
161 Malayalam Other 06-02-2018 Sathamohanam Kalamandalam Prajeesha,Kalamandalam Veni,Artist,Keralakala Mandalam
162 Malayalam Other 17-11-2017 Birth centenary of M.P.Sankunni Nair Naduvattom Gopalakrishnan,Critic& Retd.Professor, Kerala University
163 Malayalam Other 08-11-2017 Symposium on Kuttipuzha Krishnapilla C.Radhakrishnan,,Novelist
164 Malayalam Other 08-02-2017 Coloniyanathravadam Veekshanagalum Prayogasadhyathkalum Dr. Claude Alvares, Indian environmentalist
165 Mathematics Other 16-12-2019 Probability Theory Prof. Rein D. Nobel, Prof. A. Krishnamoorthy,Prof. Rein D. Nobel, Associate Professor, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Prof. A. Krishnamoorthy, Director, Centre for Research in Mathematics, C. M. S. College, Kottayam
166 Mathematics Other 16-12-2019 Probability Theory Prof. Rein D. Nobel, Prof. A. Krishnamoorthy,Prof. Rein D. Nobel, Associate Professor, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Prof. A. Krishnamoorthy, Director, Centre for Research in Mathematics, C. M. S. College, Kottayam
167 Mathematics Other 11-10-2019 Mathematical Analysis Mr. Prathish Abraham,Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, St. Dominic’s College, Kanjirappally
168 Mathematics Quiz 28-09-2019 Cipher 2019, Inter School Mathematics Quiz Competition for Prof. K. P. Mathew Ever Rolling Trophy Dr. Bobby P. Mathew,Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, St. Thomas College, Pala
169 Mathematics Other 28-09-2019 Sixth Thasnim Memorial Inter Collegiate Seminar Presentation Competition Mr. Prathish Abraham,Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, St. Dominic’s College, Kanjirappally
170 Mathematics Other 28-09-2019 Frontiers in Mathematics Dr. Bobby P. Mathew,Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, St. Thomas College, Pala
171 Mathematics Other 30-07-2019 Mathematics in Hollywood Dr. Pramadha Ramachandran,Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, St. Paul’s College, Kalamassery
172 Mathematics Other 30-03-2019 Mathematics in Nature Dr. A. Sunny Kuriakose,Research Dean, Federal Institute of Science and Technology, Mookkannor
173 Mathematics Other 16-12-2018 Foundations of Complex Analysis Prof. A.R. Rajan (Former Professor and Head, Department of Mathematics, University of Kerala), Prof. M.N.N. Namboodiri (Former Professor, Cochin University of Science and Technology), Mr. Preenu C.S (Assistant Professor, University College, Trivandrum)
174 Mathematics Quiz 27-10-2018  Cipher 2018, Interschool Mathematics Quiz Competition for Prof. K. P Mathew Ever Rolling Trophy Dr. Manju K. Menon,Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics,  St. Paul’s College, Kalamassery
175 Mathematics Other 27-10-2018    Fifth Thasnim Memorial Inter Collegiate Seminar Presentation Competition Dr. Manju K. Menon,Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, St. Paul’s College, Kalamassery
176 Mathematics Other 16-10-2018 Introduction to Graphs Dr. Aparna Lakshmanan,Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, St. Xavier’s College for Women, Aluva
177 Mathematics Other 20-03-2018 Real Analysis Dr. Ullas Thomas,Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, SB College, Changanasserry
178 Mathematics Other 05-03-2018 Inter Collegiate Maths  Fest Nil,Nil
179 Mathematics Quiz 04-11-2017 Cipher 2017, Inter School Mathematics Quiz Competition for  Prof. K. P. Mathew Ever Rolling Trophy Mr. Prathish Abraham,Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, St. Dominic’s College, Kanjirappally
180 Mathematics Other 04-11-2017    Fourth Thasnim Memorial Inter Collegiate Seminar Presentation Competition Mr. Prathish Abraham,Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, St. Dominic’s College, Kanjirappally
181 Mathematics Other 31-07-2017 Interesting Facts in Mathematics Dr. Manju K. Menon,Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, St. Paul’s College, Kalamassery
182 Mathematics Other 14-02-2017 Inter Collegiate Competitions and Mathematics Exhibition Nil,Nil
183 MBA Webinar 04-12-2020 current Economic Scenario &  career outlook in modern retail banking Mr. Srikumar Nair & Mr. Vinodkumar B,Founders of BygC, online academy for job skilling
184 MBA Other 10-07-2020 interactive session with Beena Kannan “Queen of silks” Ms. Beena Kannan,owner, seematti
185 MBA Webinar 04-07-2020 Happiness Mr. Anand Narayan,Happiness Coach, Singer, TV Anchor, Corporate Trainer
186 MBA Webinar 01-07-2020 Drug abuse and crime, – Precautions to be taken Mr. Rishi Raj Singh,Director General of Prisons and Correctional Services, Kerala
187 MBA Webinar 27-06-2020 Future Launcher Mr. Amal T Anup,HR , Capilano University, British Colombia, Canada
188 MBA Webinar 23-06-2020 Leadership Mr. Kochouseph Chittilapilly,Founder, V-Guard Industries
189 MBA Quiz 28-05-2020 Fundamentals of Management ….,…..
190 Other clubs Webinar 23-09-2020 Ambedkarism- Relevance Dinu Veyil,Dalit Activist
191 Other clubs Webinar 16-09-2020 An awareness on Climate Change Prof. K V Dayal,Organic Farming Course Coordinator, MG University
192 Other clubs Webinar 15-09-2020 On Forest Right Act M. Geethanandan, Social Activist ,Social Activist
193 Other clubs Webinar 16-08-2020 Gender in Every day Life Dr. Malavika Binny,Assistant Professor, SRM University, AP
194 Other clubs Quiz 15-08-2020 Independence Day Dr. Neethumol Varghese,Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Union Christian College, Aluva.
195 Other clubs Webinar 12-08-2020 Youth Engagement for Global Action Divya G S,Research Scholar TISS, Mumbai
196 Other clubs Webinar 22-08-2019 An awareness on lifestyle diseases in teenagers Dr. Kavitha,Kottackal Arya vaidyashala
197 Other clubs Other 07-11-2018 Commemoration of 150 years of Mahatma and 93rd year of Gandhiji’s visit to UC College Padmasri S N. Subbarao,Renowned Gandhian
198 Physics Quiz 09-08-2020 Atomic Physics Shinoj V K,Assistant Professor, Dept. of Phyics
199 Psychology Webinar 03-10-2020 Systematic approach to the pharmacological management of common psychiatric disorders based on symptoms Dr. Sonny Joseph,Clinical Psychologist and Psychiatrist, Florid, USA
200 Psychology Webinar 19-09-2020 From earning a Degree in Psychology to becoming a Civil Services exam topper Mr.Shiyaz K M,High court Assistant, UPSC Civil Services Exam topper 2019
201 Psychology Webinar 05-09-2020 Acceptance and Commitment therapy- A brief introduction and overview Mr. Leny Philip  Thomas and Dr. Sandhya Isabella Fernandez.,Registered clinical psychologists, Newzea land
202 Psychology Webinar 22-08-2020 Mental illness, Thinking pattern and criminal behaviour an overview Dr. Thomas P Mathew ,Retired probation manager, Cuyahoga County Juvenile Court, Ohaio, U S A
203 Psychology Webinar 08-08-2020 Post traumatic growth – Throry snd practice Dr. Fr. Shijo Kanjirathumkal,Positive Psychologist ans Canonist, Alaska, U S A
204 Psychology Webinar 08-08-2020 Post trsumatic growth- theory and practice Fr. Dr. Shijo Kanjirathamkunnel,Positive Psychologist and Canonist, Alaska
205 Psychology Webinar 05-08-2020 Managing Adolescent learners during Covid Pandemic Dr. Marikkutty PJ ,assistantProfessor U. C. College Aluva
206 Psychology Webinar 25-07-2020 Mental health apps- usage and practice implications Dr. Ajayan Pillai,Deputy director, Manhattan Psychiatric centre, New York
207 Psychology Webinar 25-07-2020 Ist sesdion of centenary webinar series by alumni of the department Dr. Ajayan Pillai,Dy. Director, Manhattan Psychiatric Center Newyork
208 Psychology Webinar 25-07-2020 Mental health apps- Usage and implications Dr. Ajayan P,Director, Manaccan Psychiatric Centre, USA
209 Psychology Quiz 24-07-2020 Culture and Heritage of Himachal Pradesh No resource,No Resource
210 Psychology Webinar 20-06-2020 Developing Emotional competency for crisis management Dr. Seena M Mathai,Asst. Professor, dept.of Psychology, union Christian college,  Aluva
211 Psychology Webinar 23-05-2020 Positive youth development Dr. Seena M Mathai,Asst. Professor, dept. Of psychology, Union Christian College, Aluva
212 Psychology Other 06-02-2020 Family therapy: Scope, Techniques and Challenges Mr. Rajan Mathai, Dr. E D Joseph, Sri. Shiju Joseph, Shaima, Abhdulkhader,Clinical Psychologist, Kusumagiry health Centre, Chairman, child welfare Committee and Clinical psychologist, kerala health services, Asst professor, Dept. Of Psychology  Govt. Women’s college, Trivandrum, Additional counsellor, family Court Malappuram and premarital counselor, minority welfare dept. Kerala govt.
213 Psychology Other 30-01-2020 Soft skills enhancement training for psychologists Dr.Manoj Menon,Dr.Rangarajan Gopakrishnan,1. Head of the department of personnel management, Rajagiri centre for business studies, Kochi
2. Professor in English literature,Rajagiri centre for business studies, Kochi
214 Psychology Other 22-03-2019 Scope and limitations of counselling Psychology in Kerala: an experimental review Dr. Johns K Lukose,Consultant Couselling Psychologist, life skills training centre, Kollam
215 Psychology Other 28-06-2018 Qualitative research methods Dr. Baiju Gopal,Dr. Santhosh K,1. Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Christ University, Bangalore, 2.Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Christ University, Bangalore
216 Psychology Other 08-02-2018 Chisteling out the professional in psychologists Prof.Kunhikrishnan,Dr.Mathai Fenn,Dr.Sheela Julius,Dr.Keerthy Pai,1.Former VC,Kannur University,  Entrepreneur, Consultant Psychologist,  Former Professor in Psychology,Women’s Christian College,Chennai, Clinical Psychologist,Appollo Hospital, Chennai
217 Psychology Other 04-12-2017 Psychological test construction Prof.V. George Mathew,Prof.Immanuel Thomas,1. Former Professor, department of psychology, University of Kerala, kariavattom, Former Professor, department of psychology, University of Kerala
218 Psychology Other 10-02-2017 Assessment and Management of Intellectual  learning and developmental disabilities Dr. Bhasi Sukumaran, Dr. Sany Varghese, Dr. Bindhya Shyjith, Mr. Sreelal A,Professor and Head, Clinical psychology, Sreeramachandra medical college, Chennai, Clinical Psychologist, Dept. Of Health services, Government. of Kerala, Director MITR Consultative services  Banguluru, Clinical psychologist, Health services, Government. Of Kerala
219 Psychology Other 12-02-2016 Freedom to social responsibility: Blending Psychology and Law Adv Praisy Joseph, Shri Shiju Joseph, Dr. M K Mathew,Adv. Praisy Joseph, Spl Prosecutor for the welfare of women and child., Mr. Shiju Joseph, Assistant Professor, Govt College for Women, vazhuthacaud, Dr. M K Mathew, HOD psychology department, K E College.
220 Psychology Other 07-02-2014 Nirbhaya Resolve: a discourse on the psychological matrix of gender based violence Adv Jayashankar, Ms. Ajitha, Dr. Muse Mary George, Dr. P. Asha Rao ,Adv. Jayashankar, Media Analyst,
Ms. Ajitha, Social Activist
Dr. Muse Mary George, Associate Professor, Malayalam, Union Christian College
Dr. P. Asha Rao, Head, Department of social work, Vimala College, Trissur
221 Zoology Webinar 02-01-2021 Current trends in brain development and behaviour Dr. Edathil Vijayan,ICMR- Emeritus Scientist, CUSAT, Cochin
222 Zoology Webinar 12-12-2020 Types of Ip and brief introduction to patenting process in India Ms. Ankita Susan Mathew,Senior Associate, TekIp Knowledge consulting Pvt. Ltd., C.V. Raman Nagar, Bengaluru.
223 Zoology Webinar 27-09-2020 How Prospective is Forensics for Science Graduates Ms. Mary Sherin P.N.,Asst. Director, Regional Forensic  Science Laboratory, Cochin
224 Zoology Webinar 06-08-2020 “Marodanachu” Dr. Rani Vinod,Gynaecologist, General Hospital, Ernakulam
225 Psychology, zoology and Biosciences virtual workshop 02,03-01-2021 Current trends in brain development and behaviour Dr Vidita Vaidya
226 BioSciences webinar 09-01-2021 Secondary Metabolites: An important Asset in Plants Dr. Sudhir Singh
227 BioSciences webinar 23-01-2021 Editing plant genome using CRISPR Prof. Dr. N. Bharathan Ph.D.
228 Chemistry webinar 22-01-2021 Fascinating world of Carbon Nanomaterials Prof. Dr. Kinshuk Dasguptha (Santhi Swaroop Bhatnagar Awardee 2020)
229 BioSciences webinar 30-01-2021 The Science and Technologies behind COVID-19 Vaccines Dr. Michelle M. Gomes
230 Economics webinar 26-01-2021 Synergy’: Resources for Educational Journey” Hannah Liza Varghese, Devika S Suresh, and Sandra V Kurian
231 Management Studies webinar 29-01-2021 ” The future of research in the field of business “ Jay Kandampully, Ph.D., MBA
232 Chemistry webinar 04-02-2021 “Organocatalysis Using N-Heterocyclic Carbenes (NHCs)” Dr. A. T. Biju,
233 Placement cell webinar 06-02-2021 “Why Not Global” Ms. Neethu Priya Sekhar
234 Psychology Dr. V.K Alexander Memorial National Seminar 13-02-2021 Multidimensional Management of Mental Disorders Dr. Joy P Kannarkat, Ph.D,Dr. Sonny Joseph, MD, Ph.D., MPH
235 Physics Workshop 22 to 27-02-2021 Mathematical Physics. Dr Pramod Dominic & Dr Madhu K
236 Mathematics webinar 26-02-2021 Pure and Applied Mathematics Dr. Bhamini Nayar
237 physics webinar 26-02-2021 Genesis of Raman Spectroscopy Prof Chandrabhas Narayana
238 Management Studies webinar 06-03-2021 Relevance of Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Dr Nixon Joseph
239 Malayalam National Webinar 09 to 16-03-2021 ഭാഷാശാസ്ത്രം: പുതുകാലം, പുതുവഴികൾ
240 Chemistry Lecture 09-03-2021 Advanced Nanomaterials and Nanocatalysts to Combat Climate Change Dr. Vivek Polshettiwar
241 NSS Webinar 04-05-2021 Covid Awareness Dr. Anand K.P
242 Economics Book review session 20,21-05-2021 ‘ *Paperback: A Book discussion Forum’.
243 Chemistry Webinar 26-05-2021 opportunities after BSC Chemistry Krishnakumar S
244 Economics webinar 28-05-2021 Lecture – Coaction, Department of Economics Mr. Alex Joseph
245 UCC Webinar 04-06-2021 Covid and Post Covid (in asso Lakeshore hosp) Dr Joseph K Joesph & DR Antony Paul
246 E&CM webinar 02-06-2021 HOW TO STARTUP YOUR BUSINESS Mr.Arun P M
247 Gandhidarshan club, ncc, nss Webinar 08-06-2021 Gandhiyum Sathyavum Samakalika Lokavum Dr. K Aravindakshan
248 Nature Club Webinar 05-06-2021 കേരളത്തിലെ മാറുന്ന പരിസ്ഥിതിയും പരമ്പരാഗത സമൂഹങ്ങളുടെ പ്രതിസന്ധികളും S Sarath
249 Chemistry Webinar 07-06-2021 Fragile Earth Jerly K. J.
250 Physical Education webinar 07-06-2021 Bachelor in Sports management N.A
251 Commerce webinar 11-06-2021 TRANS INCLUSIVE SOCIETY Ms.Syama S Prabha
252 E&CM webinar 11-06-2021 CURRENT TRENDS IN EMBEDDED SYSTEMS Mr. Neju Nelson
253 Economics Lecture series-webinar 12-06-2021 Symbiosis – Capacity Building lecture series Ms Krishna Sasidharan
254 History Webinar 14-06-2021 Careers in Archaeology Dr Vinuraj B
255 Physical Education, NCC, IQAC webinar 21-06-2021 yoga techniques to deal with post covid challenges on physical and mental health. Dr Rashmi Kalkura K
256 Nature Club webinar 19-06-2021 Is Nuclear Energy is an answer for Climate change?  Mr. S. P. Udayakumar
258 English webinar 19-06-2021 Read to grow na
260 Anti narcotic club, IQAC Zoology webinar 26-06-2021 Observance of the international day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking. VT Job
261 Economics Book review Session 24, 25-06-2021 Paperback 3 Students of the department
262 MCA Webinar 25-06-2021 process of setting up a startup Arun George Kariath
263 Aashiyana club of hindi dept Book Review Presentation 04-07-2021(last date) na na
264 Aashiyana club of hindi dept Talk 03-07-2021 Kithabom se gufthagu Mr Abdul Basit(Ex Ucian)
265 Centre for Peace studies and Dialogs Webinar 03-07-2021 Fundamentals of Peace Building Rev Dr John Prasad
266 Commerce, Nature Club Webinar 07-07-2021 Chemical Free Farming Paul K George
267 Economics webinar 12-07-2021 Population dynamics and policies: Understanding China’s New Population policy. Mr Danny Geevarghese
268 NSS, Anti Narcotic club Talk 17-07-2021 Topic: Addiction Bibin George
269 NCC, NSS, Anti Narcotic club, PTA Talk 18-07-2021 Topic: Nalla sheelanhal, online vidyabhyasa kalathu Dr Sheena G Soman
270 Biosciences &Zoology Popular Science Webinar Lecture 07-08-2021 Life Science, Bioscience & Biotechnology – A Plethora of Opportunities. Dr. Uma Subramanian Unni
271 Physics webinar 30-07-2021 Harmonics 2021 Dr Vrinda Mukundan
272 Nature Clubb webinar 31-07-2021 നമ്മളൊരു വിത്ത് പെറുക്കി Manoj Kumar Edavanakkad
273 Biosciences and Zoology webinar 14-08-2021 Engineering Microbiome for Human Gut and Plant Root Health Dr. Hameeda Bee
274 Biosciences and Zoology Webinar 28-08-2021 SARS-CoV-2: The current challenges Dr. Priya Abraham,Director, National Institute of Virology, Pune.
275 Commerce Webinar 27-08-2021 Gender Equality and Women’s Rights Dr Gladis Mary John, HOD Sociology dept, IGNOU
276 Biosciences Online Certification Course 03-09-2021 gene editing tools in medicine and biotechnology N Bharathan PhD
277 KSWDC Womens cell Webinar 30-08-2021 Legal Protection for Women: Challenges and Possibilities Adv Bhadra Kumari.
278 English Susan Thomas Memorial Lecture 02-09-2021 Sthree Swathwa nirmithi – vedethihasangaliloode Dr Khadeeja Mumthaz
279 Biosciences Lecture Series 04-09-2021 Climate Smart Agriculture in the Era of Plant Genomics Paramjit Khurana Ph.D.FNA, FASc, FNASc, FNAAS, FTWAS
280 English and IQAC Centenary Public Lecture 10-09-2021 Gender and Religion: Reflections on Feminism in a post-secular world Dr. Sherin B.S, Assistant Professor, EFLU Hyderabad
281 Biosciences Popular Science Lecture. 18-09-2021 Metabolic Engineering of plant secondary metabolites for value addition with reference to economically important crops and champion algal forms. Dr. G.A Ravishankar
282 Chemistry Lecture 16-09-2021 Don’t let the ozone go Dr. Abesh Reghuvaran
283 Computer Science Webinar 18-09-2021 Do More with Open Source Mr. Mathew Chacko
284 Economics Centenary Lecture Series 20-09-2021 Economic Policies during times of crises Prof. Lekha Chakraborty
285 Bliss and Psychology Peer interactive programme 07, 08-10-2021 Destigmatizing stigmas NA
286 Biosciences Webinar 09-10-2021 Gene Editing: Definitions and Perspectives Prof. Anjan K. Banerjee Ph.D, FNASc, FASc, Dean (R&D), Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, (IISER) Pune.
287 Economics Dr. M V Kurien Commemorative  Lecture 26-10-2021 Gender and Informal Economy in India Dr. Sonia George, General Secreatry, SEWA , Kerala
288 Chemistry Webinar 30-10-2021 Female Diseases Dr. Kavitha P, Assistant Physician, Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal, Ernakulam.
289 Psychology സ്തനാർബുദ ബോധവൽകരണ ക്യാമ്പ്. 29-10-2021 ആസ്റ്റർ മെഡിസിറ്റി
290 K-DISC Talk – Young Innovators Programme 29-10-2021 Capacity Building of Young innovators
291 Malayalam Malayalabhaasha vaaracharanam 05-11-2021 Malayalam software dinam
292 Mathematics Bridge Course for First year Students 06-11-2021 What is calculus, Why calculus Prof Edwin Thomson
293 Chemistry and Biosciences Webinar 13-11-2021 Biology in Space: The unique features of space laboratories and challenges for researchers. Dr. K. G. Sreejalekshmi, Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (IIST), Thiruvananthapuram.
294 Chemistry Webinar 02-12-2021 Go electric Dr Neena George, Assistant Professor, Post Graduate and Research department of Chemistry, Maharajas College
295 Biosciences and Zoology Webinar 04-12-2021 Studying Evolution of Developmental Mechanisms with Hydra: Genes, Signals and Stem Cells Dr. Surendra Ghaskadbi, FNASc, MACS – Agharkar Research Institute, Pune,Former Senior Advisor, Pune Knowledge Cluster
296 Biosciences Webinar 08-01-2022 Biofuels – Next Gen fuels Dr Annamma A, Odaneth, Associate Professor, DBT-ICT, Centre for Energy Biosciences, Institute of Chemical Technology, Matunga, Mumbai
297 Psychology, Biosciences and PG Association Lecture Series 07-01-2022 മൂല്യങ്ങളുടെ സ്വരലയം Dr. Rosy Thampi, Dr Sunil P Elayidom, Sri Shoukath.
298 Commerce Faculty Development Programme 31-01-2022 Introduction to Mutual Funds Mr Shankar Sundaresan., Securities market trainer – SEBI, Founder and CEO, Sraddha Academy.
299 History Faculty Development Programme 02-02-2022 -09-02-2022 Historical Method and Theory Prof Adithya Mukherjee, Prof Rajan Gurukkal,Prof P Sanal Mohan,Prof Sucheta Mahajan, Dr Sujith Kumar Parayil, Dr Burton Cleetus, Dr K S Madhavan, Dr Bindu Menon, Dr Justin Mathew, Dr K C Bindu, Dr Shiju Sam Varghese
300 Chemistry Centenary Lecture Series 05-02-2022 Introduction to Intellectual Property Rights Dr Kavitha Chalakkal, Assistant Professor, Inter-University Centre for IPR Studies, CUSAT
301 Economics Union Budget Session 06-02-2022 Union Budget 2022 First Year Students
302 E&CM and Physics Workshop 07-02-2022 – 11-02-2022 ARDUINO PROGRAMMING na
303 Economics Paper Back 10-02-2022 & 11-02-2022 Book Discussion Forum Students of the department
304 Psychology Dr VK Alexander Memorial National Seminar 11-02-2022 True to Self with Work and Life Dr Joseph Kuruvila, Former Registrar, College of Nursing Velloor and Dr Gopakumar Vadassery, Prof Nilgiri College of Arts and Science
305 Nature Club Webinar 17-02-2022 Solid Waste Management Rule 2016 of India and EPR Raju, CEO Thanal
306 Economics Centenary Lecture Series 21-02-2022 Post Keynesian/Heterodox Economics Dr. Visakh Varma, Visiting faculty of MES School of Architecture, Kuttipuram.
307 Chemistry Dr. A.M Chacko Memorial Lecture 19-02-2022 Hybrid Structural Composite Dr. Anoop Anand, Scientist, Composite Research Centre, DRDO.
308 MCA Webinar 19-02-2022 Linux System Administration Ms. Nivetha Rambhajan, Students Counsellor, DevOps Gurukul.
309 Chemistry Webinar 26-Feb Ethics in Research Publications Dr. Tony Roy, Post-doctoral researcher, University of Gottingen, Germany.
310 Zoology Webinar 28-02-2022 SNAKES OF KERALA Rajkumar K P,EDGE Fellow,Zoological Society of London (ZSL)
311 Biosciences and Zoology Popular Science Lecture. 05-03-2022 The Gul-Brain Axis: Interactions Between Microbiome and Enteric Nervous System Dr. Dhiraj Dhotre, National Centre for cell Science, National Centre for Microbial Research, Pune
312 Zoology Lecture 03-03-2022 Wildlife conservation in India – Issues and Challenges Bivash Pandav PhD, Director,Bombay National History Society
313 Chemistry Science Day Lecture 02-03-2022 Asymmetric Catalysis Prof Dr. Kana M Sureshan, FRCS, FASc, School of Chemistry, Dean of Infrastructure and Planning, IISER Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India.
314 Chemistry  Prof. T.R Anantharaman Memorial Lecture 05-03-2022 Surface Modification of Optical Fiber for Biosensing Applications Dr. D SelvaKumar, Scientist – F, DRDO, Bangalore
315 7(K) GIRLS BN NCC Event 08-03-2022 SIGNATURE BOARD na
316 KSWDC Womens cell Webinar 08-03-2022 Break the Bias Prof Kusumam Joseph, Retired Professor and activist
317 7 Kerala Girls BN NCC Webinar 08-03-2022 Women’s Participation in the Democratic Process Jyothi Radhika Vijayakumar, Civil Service Trainer.
318 Mathematics International Webinar 13-03-2022 Pure and Applied Mathematics Dr. Lakshmi Sankar K, IIT Palakkad
319 College Event Centenary Public Lecture Series – 1 17-03-2022 Nationalism, Pluralism and the Future of India’s Democracy Dr Shashi Tharoor, MP
320 E&CM Inter Collegiate Project Competition and Expo 22-03-2022 na na
321 Economics National Webinar 19-03-2022 Engaging with Economics Dr Achin Chakraborthy and Dr Tomy Varghese
322 Malayalam National Seminar 23-03-2022-25-03-2022 ഭാഷ, സാഹിത്യം, സംസ്കാരം
323 Physics Workshop 25-03-2022 Material Characterization Techniques Dr S Jayalakshmi, Dr Saji KJ, Dr Johns Naduvath
324 NCC Webinar 03-04-2022 Plastic humans and the question of Civilization Dr Sebastian Joseph, Environmental and film historian.
325 History Webinar 26-04-2022 The Lost Jew Town of Kochi: Rewinding Historical Erasure and Orientalist Fallacies  Dr Ophira Gamliel, University of Glasgow, U.K
326 Centre for Peace studies and Dialogs Workshop 07-05-2022 “Samadhana Pravarthanam Class muriyilekku” Dr PV Rajagopal, Founder Ekatha Parishad
327 KSWDC Women cell Talk 04-05-2022 Meet a Transperson Surya Ishan, Transgender Activist
328 KSWDC Women cell Session 04-05-2022 Self Defence Coachin Sifu Mansoor M.K, 1st star black sashe Kungfu and Yoga trainer
329 Chemistry Seminar 06-06-2022 June 5 and the Making(s) of Planetary Consciousness Dr. Sebastian Joseph, Environmental/Film Historian, General Secretary, Kerala History Congress
330 Botany Talk 06-06-2022 Kew, Botany and Empire Dr. Sebastian Joseph, Environmental/Film Historian, General Secretary, Kerala History Congress
331 History Workshop 08-06-2022 and 09-06-2022 History and Interdisciplinarity
331 a History Workshop 08-06-2022 and 09-06-2022 Fernand Braudel and a Geographical Introduction to History Dr. Justin Mathew, Associate Professor, Hansraj College, Delhi University.
331 b History Workshop 08-06-2022 and 09-06-2024 History of Everyday Technology in Modern India Dr. John Thomas, Asst Professor, IIT Guwahati.
331 c History Workshop 08-06-2022 and 09-06-2022 Doing Social History of Science: Historiographical Concerns Mr. Shiju Sam Varughese, Asst Professor, Central University of Gujrath.
331 d History Workshop 08-06-2022 and 09-06-2022 മലബാറും ആദ്യാധുനികതയുടെ രചനാ വിജ്ഞാനീയവും. Dr. Abhilash Malayil, Asst Professor in History, Sreesankara University of Sanskrit, Kalady.
332 College Union Self defence program 13-06-2022 Nirbhaya’ Sibin Ismail, Kick Boxer and Yoga Trainer
333 College Union സംവാദസദസ്സ് 13-06-2022 Freedom Fight’ Bincy Biju
334 NSS Blood Donation App Inauguration 14-06-2022 Dr Kalam Donation Dr. M.I Punnoose, Principal UCC
335 English Workshop 16 and 17-06-2022 Language through Theatre: 2 day workshop on communication and soft skills 1. Nithin, Theatre performer, actor and activist, 2. Sherin Kalathil, NSQF level 6 master trainer and speaker, 3. Divya M, research scholar, central university of south Bihar
336 SANTHWAM and UCC National Seminar 18-06-2022 NEP-2020 and Pertinent challenges in Indian higher education Prof.L.Jawahar Nesan, Former V.C Mysore University.
337 Psychology National Webinar 19-06-2022 Crack NTA UGC NET in Psychology Mr. Arun P.T (IPOS Ex.)  and Dr. A. Madhalimuthu, Asst professor of Psychology, SRM institute of science and technology
338 Physical Education and NCC International Day of Yoga 21-06-2022 Yoga for Humanity Dr. Mindu M Leads the Yoga Session
339 English Workshop 23-06-2022 Workshop on Life skills and Soft skills Mr Sooraj Abraham, Renowned trainer
340 BioSciences Lecture 24-06-2022 VIRUSES, BATS, AND THE IMMUNE SYSTEM: The Emergence of a Pandemic Dr T.Thomas Philip, Former Principal, UCC
341 Anti Narcotic Alub Talk 24-06-2022 Share drug facts to save lives Mr. V. T. Job, Former District Coordinator, Vimukthi mission and faculty coordinator of Nasha Mukth Bharat Abhiyan under the Social Justice Department, Mr. Shibin Shaji Varghese, District Coordinator, Dream Kochi, Don Bosco Psychosocial support Centre, and Ms. Afra Shahjahan, Counsellor, Nirmal Mukthi Sadan, Ernakulam.
342 UCC Staff council Merit Evening 23-06-2022 Principal, Manager, Deans
343 Physics Visiting Faculty Program 18-07-2022 to 22-07-2022 1. Mpemba effect in ising model 2.Talk phase transition: an overview. 3. Statistical Mechanics: an overview Dr Nalina Vadakkayil, PhD, JNCASR Bengaluru, Incoming PostDoc, Univ. of Luxembourg.
344 History Invited Talk 21-07-2022 History and Imagination Dr. V.J Varghese, Assoc Prof. Dept of History, Hyderabad Central University.
345 NCC Foot Policing 19-17-2022 Foot Policing against Single use plastics 7(K) Girls BN NCC, Thrissur
346 Commerce Corporate internship programme 26th and 27-07-2022 Team Building, management activities and corporate team management skills Logic School of Management
347 NCC Kargil Vijay Divas 26-07-2022 NA Dr. M.I Punnoose, Principal UCC
348 Chemistry Alumni Lecture Series 27-07-2022 Research and its possibilities Dr Georgeena Mathew, Post Doctoral Dellow, University College Dublin, Ireland.
349 Zoology Dialogue with Japanese students 29-07-2022 Life and Science Endo Mirai and Okuno Megumi
350 Botany, Zoology and BioSciences Bicentennial Birthday Celebrations 02-08-2022 George Mendel – Father Of Genetics Dr Susan Eapen, Adjunct Professor, Dept of BioSciences and Dr M. Anilkumar, HOD Botany, Union Christian College
351 History Revisit Lecture Series 01-08-2022 & 02-08-2022 1.Before British : Was there an environment in India? 2. When is the Environment in British India? Dr Sebastian Joseph, Environmental and film historian.
352 BioSciences National Campaign 08-08-2022 Fish for health and prosperity Shri V Radhakrishnan Nair, Scientist, MFB Division, ICAR-CIFT
353 Malayalam Kadhakali 12-08-2022 Kuchelavritham aattakadhayude Rangavatharanavum kadhakali aswadanakkalariyum’ Ranjini Suresh
354 Nature Club One Day Camp 12-08-2022 NA Mr Sooraj Abraham, Renowned trainer and founding member plan@earth India
355 Ekm District Library Council Pusthakolsavam 16,17, 18-08-2022 NA Shri P. Rajiv, Minister
356 NCC Independence day Celebrations 15-08-2022 Flag hoisting ceremony and message Dr M.I Punnoose, Principal, UCC
357 BioSciences, Zoology and Psychology Popular Science Lecture. 16-08-2022 Neuroplasticity: the Potential for Lifelong Brain Development Dr Baby Chakrapani, Director, Centre for Neuroscience and Asst. Prof, Dept of Biotechnology, CUSAT
358 Chemisrty Association Inauguration and Talk 17-08-2022 Biopolymers:- Plastics aligned with Nature Dr. Sreekala MS, Assoc Prof, School of Chemical Science, MGU.
359 History Poster Exhibition 17-08-2022 Mathrubhumi @ 100 poster exhibition na
360 Physics Association Inauguration and Talk 23-08-2022 NA Dr Joe Jacob, Retd Prof, Dept of Physics Newman college
361 Vara Club Workshop 27-08-2022 Art Workshop Ananthu K Thampi, Artist
362 Physical Education Quiz Competition 30-08-2022 National Sports Day Physical Education department, UCC
363 Physical Education Logo Release 19-09-2022 UCC Centenary Marathon Logo Release Shri Vivek Kumar IPS, Superintendent of Police, Ernakulam Rural
364 UCC Centenary Public Lecture Series – 3 22-09-2022 സ്വാതന്ത്ര്യത്തിൻ്റെ 75 വർഷങ്ങൾ. Shri N.M. Pearson, Renowned Journalist and Writer.
365 UCC Centenary Public Lecture Series – 4 29-09-2022 “എൻ്റെ കർമ്മം, എൻ്റെ ജീവിതം: പ്രകൃതിയും നിലനില്പും” ദയാബായി
366 Economics Seminar 30-09-2022 An introduction to social science research Justine George, Asst. Prof., St Paul’s College, Kalamassery.
367 UCC Centenary Public Lecture Series – Lecture 5 10-10-2022 75 Years of Indian Tax Reforms Dr. Tiju Thomas IRSm Additional Director General of Revenue Intelligence for Kerala and Lakshadweep region
368 UCC Centenary Public Lecture Series – Lecture 6 17-10-2022 Why Gandhi? Shri K Sachidanandan, Renowned Writer, Poet and President, Kerala Sahithya Academy
369 Mathematics Inter School Quiz Competition Cipher’22 22-10-2022 na Dr Anu Nuthan Joshua
370 Mathematics Thasnim Memorial Inter College Seminar Presentation Competition 22-10-2022 NA Mr Eldho Varghese, Asst Prof. dept of Mathematics, UCC
371 Malayalam മലയാള പൗർണമി – 2022 22-10-2022 വിരമിച്ച ഡോ. വി.പി. മാർക്കോസിനുള്ള ആദര സമർപ്പണ ഗ്രന്ഥത്തിന്റെ പ്രകാശനവും സിനു വർഗീസ് ഗവേഷണ പുരസ്കാര ദാനവും T.D Ramakrishnan, Kuripuzha Sreekumar
372 UCC Centenary Public Lecture Series – Lecture 7 27-10-2022 You Matter Sheeba Ameer, Social Worker and Director, Solace
373 UCC Nithyaharitham – Centenary Cultural Fest 07-11-2022 to 12-11-2022 Various Prof. M.K Sanu
374 UCC Centenary Public Lecture Series – Lecture 8 04-11-2022 Touch the Sky with Glory Bijo John Mammen VSM, Air Commodore, Indian Airforce
375 UCC Centenary Public Lecture Series – Lecture 9 08-11-2022 U C College- ഓർമകളുടെ ചരിത്രവും വാർത്തമാനവും Adv A. Jayashankar, Indian Lawer, Social Critic, Political Analyst and Journalist
376 UCC Centenary Public Lecture Series – Lecture 10 10-11-2022 അറിവും ജനാധിപത്യവും Sunil P Ilayidom, Indian Writer, Critic, Orator and University Professor.
377 UCC Centenary Conclave 10-11-2022 കേരള വികസനം – പുതു രാഷ്ട്രീയ നിലപാടുകളുടെ അനിവാര്യത. VT Balram, CP John, Hashmi Taj Ibrahim, Abhilash G Nair, Jeevan Kumar.
378 Botany Refresher Course 9 to 18-12-2022 Refresher course for higher secondary Biology teachers Eminent academicians
379 Physical Education International Accreditation Course Level 1 14 to 16-11-2022 Level 1 Anthropometry course Dr Joselet Charles, ISAK Level 3 instructor, Dr. Reshmy Jose, ISAK Technician
380 UCC Centenary Public Lecture Series – Lecture 11 12-11-2022 സാഹിത്യവും ജീവിതവും Balachandran Chullikkad
381 Physical Education Expert Talk 02-12-2022 Brand Management In Sports Jacob Mathew,Head of Communication, Penna Cement Industried Ltd.
382 UCC Centenary Public Lecture Series – Lecture 12 08-12-2022 A Story teller par excellence – on “Life, Career and Business”. Dr A Velumani, Creator, Thyrocare.
383 Electoral Literacy Club Inauguration of the Club 07-12-2022 Na Electoral Registration office, Aluva
384 UCC Centenary Public Lecture series 13 20-12-2022 ആഖ്യാനവും സ്വാതന്ത്ര്യവും E.P Rajagopal
385 Anti narcotic club, NCC, NSS, Aids awareness proogramme with magic show 14-12-2022 Na R.C Bose, Magician and artist
386 Mizhi Sambhashanam, Charcha 22-12-2022 Kazcha parimithiyude shakthi dourbalyangal K. Sathyasheelan
387 Placement Cell Soft skill development session 18-01-2023 What is next? – applying to jobs, higher studies or internships Sheethal V.R, in association with the Dept. of Economics
388 BioSciences Lecture 18-01-2023 Significance of Genomic and Proteomic Studies in Plant Microbe Interactions. Dr N. Bharathan, Chairperson and Professor, Biology Department, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, USA.
389 English Teacher Transformation programme 20th to 29th January 2023 NA Eminent subject experts
390 Economics Centenary National Seminar 24-01-2023 Indian Economy @ 75 Prof. Suresh Babu, Prof. S Chandrasekhar, Prof. Veeramani C, Prof. Vijayabaskar
391 Photography Club Workshop 23-01-2023 Camera Basics Dipin Kumar, Fugifilm Technical Expert
392 Placement cell and college union Softskill development session 27-01-2023 Interview: Tips and tricks, how to boost your confidence, resume preparation. Aparna Mulberry, Educationlist
393 Psychology and Bliss Pathwat – social life wellness programme 2022-23 30-01-2023, 31-01-2023,01-02-2023 3 day training programme for minority students
394 NSS Seminar 31-01-2023 Health Through Ayurveda – Post COVID Effects On Youth. Dr. P. G Unnikrishnan & Dr. Sreeram P Unnikrishnan (AryaVaidya Shala Aluva)
395 History National Seminar 04-02-2023, 05-02-2023 Seminar on Writing skill development Prof. Sujith Kumar Parayil and Dr. Justin Mathew.
396 Physical Education Felicitation and Award Ceremony 09-02-2023 Felicitation for south zone inter-university cricket championship winners Tinu Yohannan, former Indian Cricketer and Dr Biju Thomas, Hon’ble Syndicate Member, MGIU
397 BioSciences Lecture 10-02-2023 Sustainable Food Production For Our Future George K. Iwama, PhD, President Emeritus, Quest University. Adjunct Professor, University of British Columbia, Dept of Zoology.
398 Biosciences, Botany, Chemistry and Zoology Popular Science Lecture. 14-02-2023 Drugs and Biologics: Discovery and Development with special reference to preclinical, regulatory and clinical development Dr C.N Ramchand, CEO, Mag genome technologies Pvt Ltd.
399 Biosciences, Botany, Chemistry and Zoology Popular Science Lecture. 14-02-2023 Discovery and Development of Synthetic anti-VEGF FAB for treating wet-macular Degeneration and diabetic retinopathy Dr C.N Ramchand, CEO, Mag genome technologies Pvt Ltd.
400 NSS, NCC യു. സി -എൽ .എഫ്. നിലാവ് 11-02-2023 സൗജന്യ നേത്ര പരിശോധന ക്യാമ്പ് LF Hospital Angamaly
401 Science Departments National Symposium 23, 24-02-2023 Nuclear Energy Generation and its Applications Well-known Scientists from the Department of Atomic Energy, Doctors, and Professors from Kerala
402 Commerce and Placement cell Soft Skill Training. 15-02-2023 How can we face the challenges in career Mr Biju Vithaythil, Director, Amity Global Business School
403 Physical Education Basketball Tournament 7-10 March 2023 South Zone Inter Colligiate tournament Inaugurated by Eudrick Pierera, Former indian basketball player
404 Physical Education Dr. AK Baby Memorial Hockey Tournament 8-10 March 2023 South Zone Inter Colligiate tournament Biji George T, Addtl SP Of Police, Aluva Rural
405 Orthodox Congregation വിശുദ്ധ കുർബാന 16-02-2023 വിശുദ്ധ കുർബാന H.G Zacharia Mar Severios Metropolitan
406 ICF Centenary retreat for the UCC Family 20-02-2023 NA Fr Boby Jose Kattikkad
407 UCC Event Orientation Session 20,21-02-2023 Orientation for the first year students Dr M.I Punnoose, Principal, UCC
408 Placement cell Orientation Session 20-02-2023 Pre-Placement Orientation by Steyp Sobir Najumudeen
409 Malayalam ആശാൻസ്മൃതി ദ്വീദിന സാഹിത്യ സെമിനാർ 23,24-02-2023 Various പ്രൊഫ. എം.കെ സാനു,റവ തോമസ് ജോൺ,ഡോ എം ഐ പുന്നൂസ്,ഡോ പി.എൻ ഗോപീകൃഷ്ണൻ,ഡോ. മ്യൂസ് മേരി ജോർജ് etc
410 Library and IQAC National Workshop 25-02-2023 Research Integrity and Scholarity Communication NA
411 English 9th Susan Thomas Memorial Lecture 28-02-20223 The Gendered Subattern in/and Performance Dr. Ajay S Sekhar, Asst Prof, Dept of English, SSUS Kalady
412 UCC Centenary Public Lecture Series, Lecture 14 07-03-2023 Hormone disorders in younf women Dr Mini G Pillai, M.D (Gen Medicine)
413 KSWDC, Mathematics and History Talk 03-03-2023 Let’s Talk – Gender Sensitisation Programme. Surya Ishan, Transgender Activist
414 Placement cell and commerce Career Guidance Session 03-03-2023 Career Opportunities in financial services Rajanikanth CS, VP, Hedge School.
415 KSWDC Self Defence Class 06-03-2023 NA Sifu Mansoor M.K, Black belt Kung Fu
416 KSWDC Talk 07-03-2023 Gender Auditing in Relationship and Friendship Maya S Paramasivam,  Managing Trustee, Child Trust
417 Physics National Workshop 23 to 24-03-2023 Material Characterization Techniques Prof. Reji Philip, RRI Bengaluru, Dr. Subramanyan N V, NIT Calicut,Dr. Shibu M Eapen, SAIF-STIC,Dr. Manoj R, Maharajas College
418 Mathematics National Seminar 07-03-2023 Number Theory & Discrete Mathematics Dr. Satyavolu Srinivasa Rau
Associate Professor
The ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education, Dr. K. Pravas
Assistant Professor
Maharaja’s College, Ernakulam, Dr. Seethu Varghese
Assistant Professor
Bharata Mata College, Thrikkakara
419 Commerce UCCOM Fiesta – Food fest and exhibition 08-03-2023 NA Kudumbasree
420 KSWDC Women Cell Cultural Evening 09-03-2023 Theme: Curfew NA
421 Psychology Job fair for candidates with locomotor disabilities 11-03-2023 Build an inckusive work force in kochi Cottolengo Vocational training centre
422 Economics Dr. M.V Kurien Commemmorative Lecture 15-03-2023 Moral Sentiments: Vanished Pages of Market in the Neoliberal World Dr. Reshmi P Bhaskaran, Applied Economist and Public Policy Expert.
423 KSWDC Women Cell Training Session 23-03-2023 Employability in Corporative sector Mr. Nishan A.K, Former Customer Service Head & HR Head of Telenor, Andra Pradesh and Maharashtra.
424 History Prof Dr. T.I Poonnen Memoria Lecture 27-03-2023 The Muziris Port City (100 BC – 300 AD) and the Indigenous Mind Prof. P.J Cherian, Former Director, KCHR, former faculty member, Dept. Of History, UC College
425 Disaster Management Club Inauguration of the Club 27-03-2023 Inauguration Shri N.S.K Umesh, District Collector, Ernakulam
426 NSS Road Safety Awareness Programme 29-03-2023 Road Safety Shri Vinod Kumar N, MVI North Paravur.
427 Chemistry T.A Anantharaman Memorial Lecture 30-03-2023 The Future is Nano: Exploring the latest breakthroughs in Nanotechnology Applications Dr. Sreekala MS, Assoc Prof, School of Chemical Science, MGU.
428 Kandal Club Inauguration of the Club 12-04-2023 Ecological Importance of Mangroves and its conservation Kallen Pokkudan, Environmentalist
429 Jalatharanga Swimming Club Inauguration of the Club 12-04-2023 Honouring and Awareness Class Mr. Saji Valassery, Swimming Instructor, Valassery River Swimming Club
430 Archaeology Museum Workshop 20-04-2023 Inorganic Conservation Abu Joseph, Conservation consultant
431 Physical Education Workshop 21-04-2023 Women Empowerment through Exercise. Dr. Prince J Francis, Consultant Physiotherapist, Aquatic Therapist ad Aquatic Fitness Trainer
uc college aluva
UC College Aluva
Union Christian College, Aluva, India Autonomous Affiliated to Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, India NAAC Re-Accredited with A++ Grade in Vth cycle

Phone No : 0484 2609194, +91-7012626868 , Email : ucc@uccollege.edu.in

Phone No : 0484 2609194, +91-7012626868
Email : ucc@uccollege.edu.in


Recent Webinars/ Seminars and Other Events at a glance

Academic Year 2023-24

Sl no Department Date of the event Venue Event Type Name of the Event/Topic Resporce Person
1 Zoology 01-06-2023 T.B. Ninan Hall Talk Invited talk on Introduction to Arctic Climate Dr. Nuncio Murugesh Scientist-E Ocean atmospheric studies National centre for polar and ocean research Goa
2 BioSciences and Chemistry 05-06-2023 T.B. Ninan Hall Lecture Environment Day Lecture:  Solutions to Plastic Pollution Dr. M.P. Sukumaran Nair,Director centre for green technology and management Kochi
3 Commerce, E&CM, Psychology 05-06-2023 MB Block Cleaning Cleaning the MB Block Students of the departments
4 English 05-06-2023 English Reading Room Poetry Performance, open discussion & Documentary World Environment Day Celebrations Students of the departments
5 Computer Science 09-06-2023 Tech Spot, UC college Tech Fest Exploria 2023
6 Physics 09-06-2023 Seminar Hall Inauguration Physics association inauguration book release and certificate distribution Dr Geetanjali Gopakumar Exilium AB Sweden
7 BioSciences 19-06-2023 MB 15 Class Room Celebration World Sickle Cell Day Celebration NA
8 Computer Science in association with placement cell 19-06-2023 CS Dept. Placement Sessions Placement Orientation Class Placement Officer Ms Sheetal V.R
9 Malayalam 19-06-2023 T.B. Ninan Hall na Vayala Pakshacharanam Prof. M.K. Sanu
10 Physical Education 20-06-2023 Kacheri Malika Yoga Day celebrations International yoga day- 2023 inter department Surya namaskar performance Students
11 Physical Education 20-06-2023 T.B. Ninan Hall Course ISAK accreditation course level 1 and 2 Inauguration: Dr. Mohammed Riyadh, Najath Hospital Aluva & Dr. Joslet Charles level 3 anthropometrist and trainer
12 English 21-06-2023 Reading Room World Music Day Musical Musings – theme: music for peace and communal harmony NA
13 Physical Education 21-06-2023 Tagore Hall 9th international Day of yoga Theme:  Yoga for Vasudeva kutumbam Dr Jeevan PS BHMS, MSc Yogic science senior art of living faculty
14 Psychology 21-06-2023 M.B Block Talk Role of Clinical Psychologists in Mental Health Mr. Jerry P. Mathew, clinical Psychologist, Marian Medical College, Pala
15 English 26-06-2023 T.B. Ninan Hall Talk International Day against drug abuse and illic trafficking Byju Paulose M, dysp crime branch
16 Physical Education 27-06-2023 T.B. Ninan Hall Lecture sports floors and modern equipment for players performance enhancements Daniel Thomas president, caretaker international, Canada, Managing director splendid India
17 Zoology 30-06-2023 VMA Hall Amenia Detection Campaign swasthya Hll lifecare limited
18 Mathematics 03-07-2023 NR27 Celebrations National Statistics Day Celebrations
19 Mathematics 03-07-2023 NR27 Quiz Inter-DepartmentStatistics Quiz Competition
20 Biosciances and botany 07-07-2023 T.B. Ninan Hall Popular science lecture advances in millet genomics for food and nutritional security Dr. Manoj Prasad, professor and JC Bose National fellow, National institute of plant genome research, New Delhi
21 Physical Education 08-07-2023 T.B. Ninan Hall Netball Clinic Fast 5 Kerala netball association
22 Mathematics 13-07-2023 T.B. Ninan Hall Inauguration and Talk Mathematics association inauguration Dr KP Jose professor and HOD St. Peter’s College Kolenchery
23 Physical Education 14-07-2023 Kannammali flood preventive measures at kannammali Students of NCC, NSS, Disaster Management Club, Phy Education
24 Physics 14-07-2023 T.B. Ninan Hall live streaming Chandrayan 3 launching  TV9 and 14 July department Students and Faculty
25 English 18-07-2023 Reading Room Remembrance laughable loves : Remembering Milan Kundera NA
26 Commerce 19-07-2023 MCA Hall Orientation for 1st year students  Topic: Better You Ms Sakena Mohammed, owner of metamorphose, Ms Kavitha Sajit business owner at Think Wealth
27 Commerce 20-07-2023 MCA Hall Workshop workshop on first aid Aster Medicity
28 Economics 20-07-2023 MBA Conference Hall Public lecture Climate change and agriculture: from the perspective of small farmers Dr Madhura Swaminathan, professor and head economic analysis unit Indian statistical institute Bangalore
29 English and History 27-07-2023 College Campus Campus Visit Student and Faculty team from Emirates National School, Sharjah visited the campus Dept of English and History
30 History 27-07-2023 History Seminar Hall orientation program for PG and UG 1st year The landscape of history: approaches and methods Dr Sebastian Joseph, environmental historian
31 History 02-08-2023 corridor department of history, NR Block  Exhibition Inter collegiate exhibition on Indian freedom movement Based on reports published in Malayala Manorama
32 Botany 07-08-2023 Botany Garden Inauguration Inauguration of Organic Cultivation Dr. M.I. Punnoose
33 Mathematics 11-08-2023 NR 28 Interaction Revisit – Interaction with distinguished Alumni Dr. Janson Antony, Asst. Prof (Ad-hoc), Dept. of Mathematics, Keshav Mahavidyalaya, University of Delhi
34 Botany 11-08-2023 MCA Hall National Seminar Millet cultivation and Product preparation Dr. K.M. George, Secretary General, Global Millet Foundation
35 Psychology 11-08-2023 CC Open Discussion Peace and Disharmony Students
36 Psychology 13-08-2023 MCA Hall Fest, Seminar, Exhibition U3A Fest, ‘Aishwaryathode Prayamaakam, Arthavathaayi Jeevikkam’ Dr. Baburaj, Director, IUCDS, MG University
37 English 21-08-2023 T.B. Ninan Hall Induction Induction for the 1st year English Students Mr. Sherin Kalathil NSQF Level 6 Master Trainer
38 English 22-08-2023 English Reading Room Induction and Training Programme Chrysalis Session 1 Mr. Lovewin K Cherian, Team leader and youth student accompanier, Chola & Ms Sneha Susan Mathai life skill trainer chola and our responsibility to children (ORC) Government of Kerala
39 Malayalam 22-08-2023 VMA Hall ഫോക്‌ലോർ ദിനാചരണം Seminars, Games and Onam Celebration Mr. Vinod M Nambiar, Coordinator, Naattarivu Padanakendram, Thrissur
40 English 07-09-2023 English Reading Room Induction and Training Programme Chrysalis Session 2 Mr. Lovewin K Cherian, Team leader and youth student accompanier, Chola & Ms Sneha Susan Mathai life skill trainer chola and our responsibility to children (ORC) Government of Kerala
41 Commerce 11-09-2023 MB Hall Talk HOPE – Suicide prevention talk Dr. Seena M. Mathai, Asst. Prof, Dept. of Psychology, UCC
42 Mathematics 11-09-2023 NR 28 Interaction Revisit – Interaction with distinguished Alumni Ms. Amrutha K.S, Research Scholar, IIT Kharagpur
43 Psychology 11-09-2023 MB Block Awareness Programme Suicide Prevention Awareness Talk 1st P.G Students
44 Psychology 13-09-2023 VMA Hall Awareness Programme Creating hope through action Jeevani Counseling Centre and Maithiri foundation trust
45 English 15-09-2023 English Research Area Leture 10th Susan Thomas Memorial Lecture – ‘Where are all the Women?’ Dr. Babitha Justin, Assoc. ProfDept of Humanities,IISST TVM
46 Zoology 15-09-2023 T.B. Ninan Hall Association Inauguration Zoology Association Inauguration Dr. A.A. Mohamed Hatha, Director, School of Marine Sciences, CUSAT
47 English 20-09-2023 English Research Area Workshop Theatre Workshop Dr Sujeesh CK, Associate Professor, Department of English, Sree Sankara College, Kalady.
48 Chemistry 21-09-2023 T.B. Ninan Hall Seminar Spectroscopy And Density Functional Theory Dr. N.K. Pillai, CEO, Kerala Enviro infrastructure Ltd, Ambalamugal, Kochi
49 English 25-09-2023 T.B. Ninan Hall International Seminar Severing the sacred soils bond : how colonial legacies lead to echo-cultural loss Ms Ansu Anna John, Environmental Consultant
50 English 27-09-2023 English Research Area Lecture Celebrating Gandhi – Gandhi : politics of spirituality/spirituality of politics  Dr Geetika G.,  assistant professor, political science, UCC
51 Physics 27-09-2023 Dept. of Physics Workshop Mathematical Physics Dr. Pramod Dominic & Dr. Madhu K
52 Mathematics 30-09-2023 T.B. Ninan Hall Quiuz Competition Cipher-23 Dept. of Mathematics




Sl No Name of Dept. Programme Date of programme Topic of the programme Resource Person
1 Chemistry Webinar 16-11-2020 Sathrapadham Mentoring Program Prof. Kana M Sureshan,Professor, Department of Chemistry,  IISER Thruvavanathapuram
2 Chemistry Webinar 15-11-2020 Sasthrapadham 2020 Eminent Personalities from Scientific Community,Eminent Personalities from Scientific Community
3 Chemistry Webinar 15-11-2020 Sathrapadham Mentoring Program Dr. Ajalesh B Nair,Assistant Professor, Union Christian College, Aluva
4 Chemistry Webinar 13-11-2020 Sathrapadham Mentoring Program Prof. G.S.Sailaja,Professor, Department of Polymer Science and Rubber Technology, CUSAT
5 Chemistry Webinar 31-10-2020 Sasthrapadham Mentoring program Dr. Simi Pushpan K,Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Union Christian College
6 Chemistry Webinar 24-10-2020 Dynamic Chemistry Beyond the Molecule Dr. Subi Jacob George,Professor and Associate Chair, New Chemistry Unit, JNCSAR, Bangalore
7 Chemistry Webinar 24-10-2020 Dynamic Chemistry Beyond the Molecule Dr. Subi Jacob George,Professor, New Chemistry Unit, JNCASR
8 Chemistry Webinar 28-09-2020 Photocatalytic organic/inorganic binary hybrids of graphene Dr. Honey John,Professor, Dept of PS RT, CUSAT
9 Chemistry Quiz 16-09-2020 Ozone Day Celebration- Online Quiz Competition Not Applicable,Not Applicable
10 Chemistry Webinar 28-08-2020 Towards Excellence in Higher  Education in India in 21st Century (for all subject teachers and students) Dr. Vimal Rarh, Project Head & Joint Director, GAD-TLC of MHRD
11 Chemistry Webinar 20-06-2020 Nanomaterials : Characterization and Application Dr. Neenu Varghese,Senior Scientist in Material Science, AstraZeneca AB, Gothenberg, Sweden
12 Chemistry Webinar 30-05-2020 Stimuli Responsive Supramolecular Materials Dr. Krishnan Kartha Kalathil,Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Muenster, Germany
13 Chemistry Webinar 30-05-2020 Stimuli-responsive Supramolecular Materials Dr. Krishnan Kartha Kalathil,Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Muenster, Germany
14 Chemistry Webinar 28-05-2020 Nobel laureate materials-A great history in science Dr. Prasanth R Krishna,Professor, Dept of PS RT, CUSAT
15 Chemistry Webinar 26-05-2020 The Beauty of the Quantum World Aravind K,Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, S. B. College, Changanasserry
16 Chemistry Other 01-02-2020 SASTHRAPADHAM Eminent scientists from Kerala,NIIST, CUSAT etc.
17 Chemistry Other 28-11-2019 Sathrajaalakam Eminent Scientists from different parts of Kerala,Academiciands and Scientists
18 Chemistry Other 25-01-2019 Prof. T. R. Anantharaman Memoria & Dr. A. M. Chacko Memorial Lectures Dr. Leena R & Dr. Ditty Dixon,Assistant Professor, Cusat & Ramanujan faculty, Csir karaikudi
19 Chemistry Other 25-01-2019 Prof.T.R.Anantharaman Memorial and Dr.A.M.Chacko Memorial Lectures Dr.Leena R and Dr.Ditty Dixon,Dr.Leena R, Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Chemistry,CUSAT, Dr.Ditty Dixon,Ramanujan Faculty,Electro chemical power sources division,CSIR-CECRI,Karaikudi
20 Chemistry Quiz 14-01-2019 Interschool quiz competition 2019 Faculty, Department of Chemistry ,Faculty, Department of Chemistry
21 Chemistry Quiz 14-01-2019 Inter School Quiz Competition Ms.Minu Joys and Dr.Nelson Joseph P,Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Union Christian College, Aluva
22 Chemistry Other 12-01-2019 Sasthrapadham 2019 Eminent Personalities from Scientific Community,Eminent Personalities from Scientific Community
23 Chemistry Other 28-11-2018 Sasthrajaalakam 2018 Eminent Personalities from Scientific community,community
24 Chemistry Other 18-09-2018 Ozone day celebrations – 2018 Dr. Soney C George, ,Dean Research, Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, Kanjirapilly
25 Chemistry Other 27-07-2018 Exploration of entrepreneurship in Chemical Sciences Prof. KE George,Professor, Dept of PS RT, CUSAT
26 Commerce Other 25-11-2020 Role of ICT in undergraduate projects during Covid 19 era Mr. Badusha Muhammed,Managing partner, MPM constructions
27 Commerce Webinar 30-10-2020 Pathway to a career in Banking and Financial Services Sradha Talent Managemnent,Academy for banking and finance
28 Commerce Other 21-10-2020 Cashless Economy Dr. Soumya KM,Asst. Professor BMC Choondy
29 Commerce Webinar 14-10-2020 Education and employment: Impact of Covid 19 Geevar Thampi,Vice President, Invisor Global Inc. Canada
30 Commerce Webinar 08-08-2020 Why How Where? Organic Agriculture in India Sandeep Kamath, Illyas KP, Shanika Mone,Sandeep Kamath(Board member, IFOAM) Illyas KP (President, OFAI) Shanika Mone (President, INOFO)
31 Commerce Webinar 04-07-2020 Wall street vs Mainstreet during the pandemic Mr. Jayakrishnan Pai,Vice President, BarclaysBank, London
32 Commerce Webinar 27-06-2020 Let us become Corona Lavan I K,HSST, GHSS, Thanniam
33 Commerce Webinar 25-06-2020 Recession proof career after graduation TIME institute,TIME Institute of management
34 Commerce Webinar 20-06-2020 Media relations:Best practices during Covid 19 Dhanyasree M,Media specialist, Go alive media, Bahrain
35 Commerce Webinar 25-05-2020 Impact of pandemic covid 19 on entrepreneurship in India Dr. Soumya KM,Asst. Professor, BMC Choondy
36 Commerce Quiz 21-05-2020 Basics of Accounting Online quiz,Online quiz
37 Commerce Other 18-02-2020 E filing of Income Tax returns Ms. Binitta Jose, Ms. Swetha Nair,Kannan and Kasim Chartered Accountants
38 Commerce Other 22-01-2020 Entrepreneurship development Ms. Joshila Ramesh Sivaji,CEO, Aspire, HR consultant, motivational speaker, women entrepreneur
39 Commerce Other 21-01-2020 Career guidance Sparks lifeskill,Educational consultancy
40 Commerce Other 18-12-2019 Career guidance Logic School of Management ,Logic School of Management
41 Commerce Other 04-08-2017 Goods and service Tax Mr C M CHERIYAN,Chartered accountant
42 Commerce Other 11-01-2017 Motivation and communication Mr Joby Thomas ,Social worker and trainer
43 Computer Science Webinar 09-01-2021 Online courses in SWAYAM platform for First year UG and PG students Gincy Abraham ,Assistant Professor and HOD, Department of Computer Science, Union Christian College, Aluva
44 E&CM Other 03-11-2020 Placement Opportunities,Placement Process,Placement Awareness Ms. Sheethal V R,Placement Officer, UC College
45 E&CM Other 02-11-2020 Csreer Development, Placemeny Opportunities,Placement Process,Placement Awareness Ms. Sheethsl V R,Placement Officer, UC College
46 E&CM Quiz 25-07-2020 tecQ 2K20-Technical Quiz Akhil T V,Assistant Professor,Union Christian College,Aluva
47 E&CM Quiz 25-07-2020 TecQ-2K20 Mr. Akhil T V,Assistant Professor, UC College
48 E&CM Webinar 09-07-2020 BLOCKCHAIN – POWERING THE FUTURE Mr.Prabith Balagopalan,Associate Consultant,Tata Consultancy Services, Sydney,Australia
49 E&CM Webinar 09-07-2020 Blockchain Powering the Future Md. Prabith Balagopalan,Associate Consultant, TCS, Sydney, Australia
50 E&CM Webinar 07-07-2020 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND MACHINE LEARNING Mr.John J. Padamadan,Ms. Gauri Balachandran,Knowledge Officer, ICTAK,Trivandrum, Kerala
51 E&CM Webinar 07-07-2020 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Mr. John J Padamadan, Ms. Gouri Balachandran,Knowledge Officer, ICTAK, Trivandrum
52 E&CM Webinar 04-07-2020 ROBOTS A HUMAN COMPANION Dr.P Babu,Professor/Principal, Malabar College of Eng. & Tech., Thrissur, Kerala
53 E&CM Webinar 04-07-2020 ROBOTS A HUMAN COMPANION Dr. P BABU,Professor, Malabar College of Eng & Tech, Thrissur-679532
54 E&CM Webinar 04-07-2020 Robots A Human Companion Dr. P Babu,Professor, Malabar College of Engineering and Technology, Thrissur
55 E&CM Webinar 11-06-2020 ROBOTIC PROCESS AUTOMATION Mr.Diyab A K,Knowledge Officer, ICTAK,Trivandrum, Kerala
56 E&CM Webinar 11-06-2020 Robotic Process Automation Mr. Diyab A K,Knowledge Officer, ICTAK, Trivandrum
57 E&CM Webinar 06-06-2020 GATEWAY TO INTERNET OF THINGS Mr.Raghesh T P,Technical Project Manager, Tata Elxi, Trivandrum
58 E&CM Webinar 06-06-2020 Gateway to Internet Of Things Mr. Rajesh T P,Technical Project Manager, Tata Elxsi, Trivandrum
59 E&CM Quiz 03-06-2020 ELECTROMANIA 2K20-Electronics Quiz Akhil T V,Assistant Professor ,Union Christian College,Aluva
60 E&CM Quiz 03-06-2020 Electromania 2K20 Mr. Akhil T V,Assistant Professor, UC College
61 E&CM Webinar 29-05-2020 IMPACT OF DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING IN REAL LIFE APPLICATIONS Mr.Sreeraj K P,Assistant Professor, Dept of Electronics Engineering, Government Polytechnic College, Kottackkal, Kerala, 676501
62 E&CM Webinar 29-05-2020 Impact of Digital Signal Processing in Real Life Applications Ms. Sreeraj K P,Assistant Professor, Dept. Of Electronics Engineering, Govt. Polytechnic College, Kottackal
63 E&CM Webinar 27-05-2020 JUGGLING OF DUAL DEGREES Dr.Jalajakumari V T,Assistant Regional Director, OGNOU Regional Centre, Kaloor, Cochin
64 E&CM Webinar 27-05-2020 Juggling of Dual Degrees Dr. Jalajakumari V T,Assistant Regional Director, IGNOU, Kochi
65 E&CM Webinar 25-05-2020 A FIRST LECTURE ON FUZZY LOGIC & ITS APPLICATIONS Dr.M V Rajesh,Associate Professor,Dept. of Electronics Engineering, Model Engineering College, Thrikkakara
67 E&CM Webinar 25-05-2020 A First Lecture on Fuzzy Logic and Its Application Dr. M V Rajesh,Associate Professor, Dept. Of Electronics Engineering, Model Engineering College, Thrikkakara
68 E&CM Quiz 22-05-2020 QUIZTRONICA 2K20-Electronics Quiz Nil,Akhil T V
69 E&CM Quiz 22-05-2020 Quiztronics 2K20 Online Quiz,Mr.Akhil T V
70 E&CM Webinar 20-05-2020 DEEP LEARNING FOR NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING Dr.Shine K George,Associate professor, Department of MCA, Union Christian College, Aluva
71 E&CM Quiz 20-05-2020 QUIZTRONICS 2K20-Electronics quiz NA,NA
72 E&CM Webinar 20-05-2020 Derp Learning for Natural Language Processing Dr. ShinevK George ,Associate Professor, School of Computer Application, UC College
73 E&CM Webinar 12-05-2020 CAREER OPPURTUNITIES AFTER COVID 19 CRISIS Ms.Sheethal V r,Placement Officer ,Union Christian College,Aluva
74 E&CM Webinar 12-05-2020 Carrer Opportunities After Vovid 19 Crisis Ms. Sheethal V R,Placement Officer, UC College
76 E&CM Webinar 09-05-2020 Professional Life Through Higher Studies Mr. Alwin Poulose,Research Scholar, Kyungpook National University, South Korea
77 Economics Webinar 19-11-2020 placement Opportunities and Awareness Ms. Sheethal S,placement Officer, U C College, Aluva
78 Economics Webinar 14-11-2020 Science Development and citizens Right Dr. Harigovind P C ,Professor, School of Legal Studies, CUSAT, Kalamasserry
79 Economics Webinar 14-11-2020 life through an Artists Eyes Mr. Sachin Samson,Artist- Freelance
80 Economics Other 13-11-2020 Chasing Dreams- journey through Indian Economic Services Mr.Arun C Adatee, IES, ,Deputy Director, Ministry of Rural development, New Delhi
81 Economics Other 12-11-2020 Power of Postitivity Dr. Tomy Varghese,Senior Faculty, Christ Academy for Advanced Studies, Bangalore
82 Economics Other 27-10-2020 ICT Enabled Learning and Teaching Mr. Cijin K Paul,Assistant Professor, Department of computer Science, U C College, Aluva
83 Economics Webinar 18-09-2020 Rendezvous with Tiffany Brar- Making a Difference Ms. Triffany Brar,Director, Jyothirgamaya Foundations, Trivandrum
84 Economics Book review 24-08-2020 Paper back – A Book Discussion Forum Nandhana Gopan (II BA Economics) Fathima KJ (III BA Economics, Ashna K A (II BA Economics), Jisna Joseph (III BA Economics), Devika S Suresh (III BA Economics),Students of Economics Department
85 Economics Other 24-08-2020 ON TBE ROAD – TRAVEL TALES Shruthy Pradeep, Merin John, Adhit Chandy George , Sefi George ,Students of Economics Department
86 Economics Webinar 28-05-2020 Post Pnademic Realities – Towards a Post Covid Economics Dr. Madhavankutty G ,Head,Banking and Economic Research, Economic Times, Mumbai
87 Economics Webinar 22-05-2020 Post Covid Kerala – Problems and Prospects Dr. V Mathew Kurien ,Joint Director, Dr. K N Raj Study Centre, MG University, Kottayam.
88 Economics Other 20-02-2020 Random Walks 2020 All Faculty members,Department of Economics
89 Economics Other 11-02-2020 TAX Reforms in India Dr. TIJU THOMAS IRS ,Regional Head, GST, Kerala and Lakhsadweep
90 Economics Other 16-07-2019  ‘3D advantage of India – Democracy, Demand and Demographic Dividend’. Lt. Nithin Thomas,Head of the Department of Economics, Bharat Mata College and an alumnus of the department.
91 Economics Group Discussion 11-07-2019  Discussion on Union Budget 2019 Dr. Surajit Das,,Assistant Professor, School of Social Sciences,  Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
92 Economics Other 15-06-2019 Training on Entry into Civil Services  Ms Veena Jayan,Guest faculty, Department of Economics, UC College, Aluva
93 Economics Other 22-03-2019 Training Course on Basic Econometrics Dr. Vijayamohanan Pillai N.,Associate Professor, Centre for development Studies, Trivandrum
94 Economics Quiz 21-02-2019 Arthapedia Dr. Sunil Abraham Thgomas, Quiz Master,Head, Derpartment of Economics, U C College, Aluva
95 Economics Other 01-02-2019 ‘Adam Smith and His Contemporary Relevance’ #NAME?
96 English Webinar 13-11-2020 Mapping Modernities/isms Series #1  “Confronting Modernism: Ethical Challenges & Disturbing Mindscapes” Dr. Krishnan Unni P ,Senior Assc. Prof., Dept. of English, Deshbandhu College, University of Delhi
97 English Webinar 05-11-2020 M E Mathew Memorial (Two Day) National Webinar on “Exploring Masculinities” Dr. Janaky Sreedharan, Dr. Priya K Nair  & Dr. S. Susan Deborah,Dr. Janaky Sreedharan (Professor, Dept. of English, University of Calicut), Dr. Priya K Nair (Asst. Prof. of English, St. Teresa’s College, Ernakulam), Dr. S. Susan Deborah (Asst. Prof. of English, MES College of Arts and Science, Goa). Ms. Rekha Nair (HoD, Dept. of English, Union Christian College)
98 English Other 23-10-2020 M E Mathew National Web Colloquium on “Thinking Post-Cinema” Sri. Sachin N & Dr. Arunlal Mokeri ,Sri. Sachin N (Asst. Prof. of English, Dyal Singh College, University of Delhi), Dr. Arunlal Mokeri (Asst. Prof. of English, Govt. College, Mokeri)
99 English Other 12-10-2020  “Beyond Law: Women, Power and (In)Justice” Dr. Sophy Joseph,Asst. Prof. of Law, National Law University, New Delhi
100 English Other 09-10-2020  “Career Prospects and Sports” Sri. K. Pradeep ,Senior Journalist,Sports Commentator & Art Writer
101 English Other 05-10-2020  “(Re)Imagining the Nation: Secularism, Nationalism and Heterogeneity” Dr. George K Alex,Asst. Prof. of Political Science, St. Thomas College, Kozhencherry
102 English Other 01-10-2020 Content Writing Ms. Neelima Vinod,Author, Editor & Mentor
103 English Other 22-09-2020 “Screen/Green Time” A-Shanti Vanam, Timbaktu, Urban Canopy & Drowning in Plastic,Documentaries
104 English Other 18-09-2020 “Politics of Gender/Caste” Dr. Carmel Christy & Ms. Vidhu Vincent, Dr. Carmel Christy (Asst. Prof. of Journalism, Kamala Nehru College, University of Delhi), Ms. Vidhu Vincent (Film Maker and Writer)
105 English Other 14-09-2020 “Urban Narratives: Cities, Texts and Aesthetics” Dr. Joe Varghese Yeldho,Reader F (English), School of Humanities & Social Sciences, NISER, Odisha
106 English Other 09-09-2020 “Beyond Existence: Mysticism, Society and Everydayness” Sri. Shoukath Sahajotsu,Writer, Orator, Traveller and Kerala Sahitya Academy Award winner
107 English Other 09-01-2020 Substance Abuse Sri. Basheer,SHO, Kalloorkkad
108 English Other 31-10-2019 Tibet/Travel/Exile/Poetry Tenzin Tsundue ,Poet
109 English Other 06-10-2019 Synergy: The Classroom Theatre – Hamlet Dr. C K Sujeesh ,Assoc. Prof. of English Sree Sankara College, Kalady
110 English Other 23-09-2019 “Religion and Humanities” Prof. Simon During,Professorial Fellow, University of Melbourne, Australia
111 English Other 01-03-2019 Politics of Excess Dr. Valsan Thampu,Former Principal, St. Stephen’s College, Delhi
112 English Other 18-02-2019 Celluloid Ceiling – Women Directors: The Struggles, Transition and Growth Representatives from Malayalam Film Industry,Malayalam Film Industry
113 English Other 29-01-2019 Up the Stairs: Post-Truth Public Sphere(s) Dr. T V Madhu,Head, Department of Philosophy, University of Calicut
114 English Other 20-12-2018 Reminiscences and Lecture on “Speaking Truth to Power” Former Faculty Members, Alumni and Dr. Josey Joseph (Guest Speaker),Associate Prof. of English, SB College, Changanassery
115 English Other 04-12-2018 Uncommon Sacralization: Imagining a Post- Secular Society Fr. Dr. K M George,Poulose Mar Gregorios Chair, MG University, Kottayam
116 English Other 30-11-2018 Is There a Post-Truth Visual Culture: A Liminal Look Prof C S Jayaram,Professor, Department of English and Languages & Department of Visual Media and Communication, School of Arts & Sciences, Kochi
117 English Other 24-11-2018 Post-Truth Politics and Identity Resurgences Prof. T M Yesudasan,Professor and Head (Retd), Dept. of English, CMS College, Kottayam
118 English Other 27-07-2018 Meet the Author (in association with Saikatham books & Dutch Association for Literature) Vamba Sherif,Writer
119 English Other 02-06-2018 Ezra Pound – Hugh Selwyn Mauberly Prof. A. M. Geevarghese,Professor & Head (Retd), Dept. of English, Union Christian College, Aluva
120 English Other 14-05-2018 T. S. Eliot’s The Waste Land Prof. C S Jayaram ,Professor, Department of English and Languages & Department of Visual Media and Communication, School of Arts & Sciences, Kochi
121 English Other 06-12-2017 Inclusive Society: A Yardstick of Civility and Progress Dr. Samuel N Mathew,Director, NISH, Thiruvananthapuram
122 Hindi Quiz 31-07-2020 3 selected stories of Premchand & biography Online Quiz doesn’t require a RESOURCE Person.,Nil
123 History Other 24-12-2020 Relevance of Reading Ambedkar today Inter department competition ,Conducted by Ambedkar Reading Circle
124 History Quiz 11-12-2020 Human Rights and GK Inter Departmental Quiz Competition ,Organized by History Association
125 History Webinar 13-11-2020 Thinking about the past in the History Class Room Dr. Justin Mathew,Assistant Professor in History, Han’s Raj College, Delhi University
126 History Other 01-11-2020 Constitution Month Student’s entries ,Organized by Ambedkar Reading Club
127 History Other 24-10-2020 In conversation with Aleena Akasha Mitayi and Rosa Felicia Aleena Akasha Mitayi & Rosa Felicia,Dalit Activist and Trans person
128 History Webinar 03-10-2020 Dalit feminism Mriduladevi,Dalit activist
129 History Webinar 10-09-2020 Situating Recent Archaeological excavations in the Ancient Past of Kerala Dr. K. P. Rajesh,Assistant Professor, NSS College, Manjeri
130 History Webinar 22-08-2020 Making the Silences Sing- Gender as Praxis and Play Dr. Malavika Binny,Assistant Professor, SRM University, AP
131 Library Webinar 20-11-2020 Online Tools for Smart Research Mr. Nikesh Narayanan,Assistant Professor, Zayed University, Dubai
132 Library Webinar 20-08-2020 Tools for recording and editing of videos for online teaching, Session 1: Tools for Screen Recording Dr. K. S. Sajan,Assistant Professor, NSS Training College, Ottappalam
133 Malayalam Webinar 13-11-2020 മലയാള ഗവേഷണത്തിന്റെ രീതിശാസ്ത്രം ഡോ. എൻ. അജയകുമാർ,കാലടി ശ്രീശങ്കരാചാര്യ സംസ്കൃതസർവകലാശാല റിട്ടേർഡ് പ്രൊഫസർ
134 Malayalam Webinar 04-11-2020 ദേശീയവിദ്യാഭ്യാസ നയം 2020 ഒരു അവലോകനം ഡോ. കെ.എം. സംഗമേശൻ,കാലടി ശ്രീശങ്കരാചാര്യ സംസ്കൃതസർവകലാശാല  സംസ്കൃതസാഹിത്യവിഭാഗം  അസ്സോസിയേറ്റ് പ്രൊഫസർ
135 Malayalam Webinar 22-10-2020 കേരളത്തിലെ ഗൂഢഭാഷകൾ ഡോ. കെ.കെ. ബാബുരാജ് ,മാഹി, മഹാത്മാഗവൺമെൻ്റ്  കോളേജ്  അസ്സോസിയേറ്റ് പ്രൊഫസർ
136 Malayalam Webinar 12-08-2020 ഗവേഷണത്തിന്റെ പടവുകളും ഓപ്പൺ ആക്സസ് സാധ്യതകളും ഡോ. അശോക് എ. ഡിക്രൂസ് ,തുഞ്ചത്തെഴുത്തച്ഛൻ മലയാളം  സർവകലാശാല സാഹിത്യരചനാവിഭാഗം ഫാക്കൽറ്റി
137 Malayalam Webinar 15-06-2020 കൊറോണയ്ക്കപ്പുറം കലയും സാഹിത്യവും ഡോ. മുരളി തുമ്മാരുകുടി,Operations Chief Management Branch of United Nations Environment Programme, Switzerland
138 Malayalam Webinar 02-06-2020 ലോകം മഹാമാരിക്കു ശേഷം ഡോ.കെ. എം. അനിൽ,മലയാള സർവകലാശാല എഴുത്തച്ഛൻ പഠനകേന്ദ്രം ഡയറക്ടർ
139 Malayalam Other 28-02-2020 Chinthaude Swatantram.  by Mr. Ravichandran C.,(Author, rationalist, blogger)
140 Malayalam Other 27-02-2020 Nalodayam Sri. N.K.Desam,Poet
141 Malayalam Other 18-02-2020 Gender/ലിംഗപദവി  Salma ,Renowned Tamil Writer
142 Malayalam Other 17-02-2020 koodu Sri Asha Menon inagurated the programme,Writer, critic in Malayalam
143 Malayalam Other 17-02-2020 M.L.Pankhajakshiamma Memorial Talk &Book Releasing Function Dr. Dharmaraj Adat , Hon. Vice Chancellor of Sree Sankaracharaya University, Kalady
144 Malayalam Other 29-01-2020  Centenary talk inaguration M. N. Karassery, Rtd. Professor Calicut University, writer and critic
145 Malayalam Other 28-01-2020 Kuttipuzha darsanavum Vimarsanavum Dr.K.P.Mohanan,Secretary, Secretary, Kerala Sahitya Akademy
146 Malayalam Other 18-12-2019 Cultural Exchange Programme Fr.John,Lecture, Bellarmine University, U.S.A
147 Malayalam Other 05-12-2019 Nalacharitham Dr. Haripriya Namboothiri,Artist
148 Malayalam Other 07-08-2019 K.Saraswathy Amma Anusmaranam Smt. Gracy,Eminent Writer in Malayalam
149 Malayalam Other 30-07-2019 Rajastani Folk Dance Sr. M.R. Surendran,District Library Council secretary
150 Malayalam Other 25-04-2019 Malayal Gaveshanathinte Reethisastram Dr.P.Pavitran,Associate Professor, Sree Sankaracharya Sanskrit University,Kalady
151 Malayalam Other 26-03-2019 Sankara’s Philosophy and Contemporary society Dr.K.M. Sangameshan,Associate Professor Sree Sankaracharya Sanskrit University, Kalady
152 Malayalam Group Discussion 05-03-2019 Kathayum Varthamanavum Dr.K.C.Narayanan Inagurated the programme,Editor in – charge, Bhashaposhini
153 Malayalam Other 19-02-2019 Nalodayam Akshara Slokam Sri N.K.Desam,poet
154 Malayalam Other 13-02-2019 Cinema-Kalayum Rashtreeyavum Mr. V K Sreeraman inaugurated the seminar,Renowned Malayalam writer and film actor
155 Malayalam Other 18-12-2018 Cultural Exchange Programme Fr. John,Lecturer, Bellarmine University
156 Malayalam Other 08-12-2018 Jala yuvathi Sri. M.K. Harikumar inagurated the programme,writer,orator
157 Malayalam Other 15-10-2018 Kalayana Sougandikam Seethakan Thullal Ambalapuzha Suresh Varma,Artist
158 Malayalam Other 08-10-2018 Nadinte Saahityakaran Dr. Sunil P Elayidam inagurated the programme,Malayalam writer, critic, orator
159 Malayalam Other 07-03-2018 Nadinte Saahityakaran Inaguraed by Prof. M.K. Sanoo,Eminent Malayalam writer,critic
160 Malayalam Other 07-02-2018 Malayala  Novel Samakalika Vayanayum Vicharavum Sri.Jayamohanan,Tamil witer
161 Malayalam Other 06-02-2018 Sathamohanam Kalamandalam Prajeesha,Kalamandalam Veni,Artist,Keralakala Mandalam
162 Malayalam Other 17-11-2017 Birth centenary of M.P.Sankunni Nair Naduvattom Gopalakrishnan,Critic& Retd.Professor, Kerala University
163 Malayalam Other 08-11-2017 Symposium on Kuttipuzha Krishnapilla C.Radhakrishnan,,Novelist
164 Malayalam Other 08-02-2017 Coloniyanathravadam Veekshanagalum Prayogasadhyathkalum Dr. Claude Alvares, Indian environmentalist
165 Mathematics Other 16-12-2019 Probability Theory Prof. Rein D. Nobel, Prof. A. Krishnamoorthy,Prof. Rein D. Nobel, Associate Professor, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Prof. A. Krishnamoorthy, Director, Centre for Research in Mathematics, C. M. S. College, Kottayam
166 Mathematics Other 16-12-2019 Probability Theory Prof. Rein D. Nobel, Prof. A. Krishnamoorthy,Prof. Rein D. Nobel, Associate Professor, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Prof. A. Krishnamoorthy, Director, Centre for Research in Mathematics, C. M. S. College, Kottayam
167 Mathematics Other 11-10-2019 Mathematical Analysis Mr. Prathish Abraham,Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, St. Dominic’s College, Kanjirappally
168 Mathematics Quiz 28-09-2019 Cipher 2019, Inter School Mathematics Quiz Competition for Prof. K. P. Mathew Ever Rolling Trophy Dr. Bobby P. Mathew,Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, St. Thomas College, Pala
169 Mathematics Other 28-09-2019 Sixth Thasnim Memorial Inter Collegiate Seminar Presentation Competition Mr. Prathish Abraham,Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, St. Dominic’s College, Kanjirappally
170 Mathematics Other 28-09-2019 Frontiers in Mathematics Dr. Bobby P. Mathew,Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, St. Thomas College, Pala
171 Mathematics Other 30-07-2019 Mathematics in Hollywood Dr. Pramadha Ramachandran,Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, St. Paul’s College, Kalamassery
172 Mathematics Other 30-03-2019 Mathematics in Nature Dr. A. Sunny Kuriakose,Research Dean, Federal Institute of Science and Technology, Mookkannor
173 Mathematics Other 16-12-2018 Foundations of Complex Analysis Prof. A.R. Rajan (Former Professor and Head, Department of Mathematics, University of Kerala), Prof. M.N.N. Namboodiri (Former Professor, Cochin University of Science and Technology), Mr. Preenu C.S (Assistant Professor, University College, Trivandrum)
174 Mathematics Quiz 27-10-2018  Cipher 2018, Interschool Mathematics Quiz Competition for Prof. K. P Mathew Ever Rolling Trophy Dr. Manju K. Menon,Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics,  St. Paul’s College, Kalamassery
175 Mathematics Other 27-10-2018    Fifth Thasnim Memorial Inter Collegiate Seminar Presentation Competition Dr. Manju K. Menon,Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, St. Paul’s College, Kalamassery
176 Mathematics Other 16-10-2018 Introduction to Graphs Dr. Aparna Lakshmanan,Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, St. Xavier’s College for Women, Aluva
177 Mathematics Other 20-03-2018 Real Analysis Dr. Ullas Thomas,Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, SB College, Changanasserry
178 Mathematics Other 05-03-2018 Inter Collegiate Maths  Fest Nil,Nil
179 Mathematics Quiz 04-11-2017 Cipher 2017, Inter School Mathematics Quiz Competition for  Prof. K. P. Mathew Ever Rolling Trophy Mr. Prathish Abraham,Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, St. Dominic’s College, Kanjirappally
180 Mathematics Other 04-11-2017    Fourth Thasnim Memorial Inter Collegiate Seminar Presentation Competition Mr. Prathish Abraham,Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, St. Dominic’s College, Kanjirappally
181 Mathematics Other 31-07-2017 Interesting Facts in Mathematics Dr. Manju K. Menon,Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, St. Paul’s College, Kalamassery
182 Mathematics Other 14-02-2017 Inter Collegiate Competitions and Mathematics Exhibition Nil,Nil
183 MBA Webinar 04-12-2020 current Economic Scenario &  career outlook in modern retail banking Mr. Srikumar Nair & Mr. Vinodkumar B,Founders of BygC, online academy for job skilling
184 MBA Other 10-07-2020 interactive session with Beena Kannan “Queen of silks” Ms. Beena Kannan,owner, seematti
185 MBA Webinar 04-07-2020 Happiness Mr. Anand Narayan,Happiness Coach, Singer, TV Anchor, Corporate Trainer
186 MBA Webinar 01-07-2020 Drug abuse and crime, – Precautions to be taken Mr. Rishi Raj Singh,Director General of Prisons and Correctional Services, Kerala
187 MBA Webinar 27-06-2020 Future Launcher Mr. Amal T Anup,HR , Capilano University, British Colombia, Canada
188 MBA Webinar 23-06-2020 Leadership Mr. Kochouseph Chittilapilly,Founder, V-Guard Industries
189 MBA Quiz 28-05-2020 Fundamentals of Management ….,…..
190 Other clubs Webinar 23-09-2020 Ambedkarism- Relevance Dinu Veyil,Dalit Activist
191 Other clubs Webinar 16-09-2020 An awareness on Climate Change Prof. K V Dayal,Organic Farming Course Coordinator, MG University
192 Other clubs Webinar 15-09-2020 On Forest Right Act M. Geethanandan, Social Activist ,Social Activist
193 Other clubs Webinar 16-08-2020 Gender in Every day Life Dr. Malavika Binny,Assistant Professor, SRM University, AP
194 Other clubs Quiz 15-08-2020 Independence Day Dr. Neethumol Varghese,Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Union Christian College, Aluva.
195 Other clubs Webinar 12-08-2020 Youth Engagement for Global Action Divya G S,Research Scholar TISS, Mumbai
196 Other clubs Webinar 22-08-2019 An awareness on lifestyle diseases in teenagers Dr. Kavitha,Kottackal Arya vaidyashala
197 Other clubs Other 07-11-2018 Commemoration of 150 years of Mahatma and 93rd year of Gandhiji’s visit to UC College Padmasri S N. Subbarao,Renowned Gandhian
198 Physics Quiz 09-08-2020 Atomic Physics Shinoj V K,Assistant Professor, Dept. of Phyics
199 Psychology Webinar 03-10-2020 Systematic approach to the pharmacological management of common psychiatric disorders based on symptoms Dr. Sonny Joseph,Clinical Psychologist and Psychiatrist, Florid, USA
200 Psychology Webinar 19-09-2020 From earning a Degree in Psychology to becoming a Civil Services exam topper Mr.Shiyaz K M,High court Assistant, UPSC Civil Services Exam topper 2019
201 Psychology Webinar 05-09-2020 Acceptance and Commitment therapy- A brief introduction and overview Mr. Leny Philip  Thomas and Dr. Sandhya Isabella Fernandez.,Registered clinical psychologists, Newzea land
202 Psychology Webinar 22-08-2020 Mental illness, Thinking pattern and criminal behaviour an overview Dr. Thomas P Mathew ,Retired probation manager, Cuyahoga County Juvenile Court, Ohaio, U S A
203 Psychology Webinar 08-08-2020 Post traumatic growth – Throry snd practice Dr. Fr. Shijo Kanjirathumkal,Positive Psychologist ans Canonist, Alaska, U S A
204 Psychology Webinar 08-08-2020 Post trsumatic growth- theory and practice Fr. Dr. Shijo Kanjirathamkunnel,Positive Psychologist and Canonist, Alaska
205 Psychology Webinar 05-08-2020 Managing Adolescent learners during Covid Pandemic Dr. Marikkutty PJ ,assistantProfessor U. C. College Aluva
206 Psychology Webinar 25-07-2020 Mental health apps- usage and practice implications Dr. Ajayan Pillai,Deputy director, Manhattan Psychiatric centre, New York
207 Psychology Webinar 25-07-2020 Ist sesdion of centenary webinar series by alumni of the department Dr. Ajayan Pillai,Dy. Director, Manhattan Psychiatric Center Newyork
208 Psychology Webinar 25-07-2020 Mental health apps- Usage and implications Dr. Ajayan P,Director, Manaccan Psychiatric Centre, USA
209 Psychology Quiz 24-07-2020 Culture and Heritage of Himachal Pradesh No resource,No Resource
210 Psychology Webinar 20-06-2020 Developing Emotional competency for crisis management Dr. Seena M Mathai,Asst. Professor, dept.of Psychology, union Christian college,  Aluva
211 Psychology Webinar 23-05-2020 Positive youth development Dr. Seena M Mathai,Asst. Professor, dept. Of psychology, Union Christian College, Aluva
212 Psychology Other 06-02-2020 Family therapy: Scope, Techniques and Challenges Mr. Rajan Mathai, Dr. E D Joseph, Sri. Shiju Joseph, Shaima, Abhdulkhader,Clinical Psychologist, Kusumagiry health Centre, Chairman, child welfare Committee and Clinical psychologist, kerala health services, Asst professor, Dept. Of Psychology  Govt. Women’s college, Trivandrum, Additional counsellor, family Court Malappuram and premarital counselor, minority welfare dept. Kerala govt.
213 Psychology Other 30-01-2020 Soft skills enhancement training for psychologists Dr.Manoj Menon,Dr.Rangarajan Gopakrishnan,1. Head of the department of personnel management, Rajagiri centre for business studies, Kochi
2. Professor in English literature,Rajagiri centre for business studies, Kochi
214 Psychology Other 22-03-2019 Scope and limitations of counselling Psychology in Kerala: an experimental review Dr. Johns K Lukose,Consultant Couselling Psychologist, life skills training centre, Kollam
215 Psychology Other 28-06-2018 Qualitative research methods Dr. Baiju Gopal,Dr. Santhosh K,1. Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Christ University, Bangalore, 2.Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Christ University, Bangalore
216 Psychology Other 08-02-2018 Chisteling out the professional in psychologists Prof.Kunhikrishnan,Dr.Mathai Fenn,Dr.Sheela Julius,Dr.Keerthy Pai,1.Former VC,Kannur University,  Entrepreneur, Consultant Psychologist,  Former Professor in Psychology,Women’s Christian College,Chennai, Clinical Psychologist,Appollo Hospital, Chennai
217 Psychology Other 04-12-2017 Psychological test construction Prof.V. George Mathew,Prof.Immanuel Thomas,1. Former Professor, department of psychology, University of Kerala, kariavattom, Former Professor, department of psychology, University of Kerala
218 Psychology Other 10-02-2017 Assessment and Management of Intellectual  learning and developmental disabilities Dr. Bhasi Sukumaran, Dr. Sany Varghese, Dr. Bindhya Shyjith, Mr. Sreelal A,Professor and Head, Clinical psychology, Sreeramachandra medical college, Chennai, Clinical Psychologist, Dept. Of Health services, Government. of Kerala, Director MITR Consultative services  Banguluru, Clinical psychologist, Health services, Government. Of Kerala
219 Psychology Other 12-02-2016 Freedom to social responsibility: Blending Psychology and Law Adv Praisy Joseph, Shri Shiju Joseph, Dr. M K Mathew,Adv. Praisy Joseph, Spl Prosecutor for the welfare of women and child., Mr. Shiju Joseph, Assistant Professor, Govt College for Women, vazhuthacaud, Dr. M K Mathew, HOD psychology department, K E College.
220 Psychology Other 07-02-2014 Nirbhaya Resolve: a discourse on the psychological matrix of gender based violence Adv Jayashankar, Ms. Ajitha, Dr. Muse Mary George, Dr. P. Asha Rao ,Adv. Jayashankar, Media Analyst,
Ms. Ajitha, Social Activist
Dr. Muse Mary George, Associate Professor, Malayalam, Union Christian College
Dr. P. Asha Rao, Head, Department of social work, Vimala College, Trissur
221 Zoology Webinar 02-01-2021 Current trends in brain development and behaviour Dr. Edathil Vijayan,ICMR- Emeritus Scientist, CUSAT, Cochin
222 Zoology Webinar 12-12-2020 Types of Ip and brief introduction to patenting process in India Ms. Ankita Susan Mathew,Senior Associate, TekIp Knowledge consulting Pvt. Ltd., C.V. Raman Nagar, Bengaluru.
223 Zoology Webinar 27-09-2020 How Prospective is Forensics for Science Graduates Ms. Mary Sherin P.N.,Asst. Director, Regional Forensic  Science Laboratory, Cochin
224 Zoology Webinar 06-08-2020 “Marodanachu” Dr. Rani Vinod,Gynaecologist, General Hospital, Ernakulam
225 Psychology, zoology and Biosciences virtual workshop 02,03-01-2021 Current trends in brain development and behaviour Dr Vidita Vaidya
226 BioSciences webinar 09-01-2021 Secondary Metabolites: An important Asset in Plants Dr. Sudhir Singh
227 BioSciences webinar 23-01-2021 Editing plant genome using CRISPR Prof. Dr. N. Bharathan Ph.D.
228 Chemistry webinar 22-01-2021 Fascinating world of Carbon Nanomaterials Prof. Dr. Kinshuk Dasguptha (Santhi Swaroop Bhatnagar Awardee 2020)
229 BioSciences webinar 30-01-2021 The Science and Technologies behind COVID-19 Vaccines Dr. Michelle M. Gomes
230 Economics webinar 26-01-2021 Synergy’: Resources for Educational Journey” Hannah Liza Varghese, Devika S Suresh, and Sandra V Kurian
231 Management Studies webinar 29-01-2021 ” The future of research in the field of business “ Jay Kandampully, Ph.D., MBA
232 Chemistry webinar 04-02-2021 “Organocatalysis Using N-Heterocyclic Carbenes (NHCs)” Dr. A. T. Biju,
233 Placement cell webinar 06-02-2021 “Why Not Global” Ms. Neethu Priya Sekhar
234 Psychology Dr. V.K Alexander Memorial National Seminar 13-02-2021 Multidimensional Management of Mental Disorders Dr. Joy P Kannarkat, Ph.D,Dr. Sonny Joseph, MD, Ph.D., MPH
235 Physics Workshop 22 to 27-02-2021 Mathematical Physics. Dr Pramod Dominic & Dr Madhu K
236 Mathematics webinar 26-02-2021 Pure and Applied Mathematics Dr. Bhamini Nayar
237 physics webinar 26-02-2021 Genesis of Raman Spectroscopy Prof Chandrabhas Narayana
238 Management Studies webinar 06-03-2021 Relevance of Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Dr Nixon Joseph
239 Malayalam National Webinar 09 to 16-03-2021 ഭാഷാശാസ്ത്രം: പുതുകാലം, പുതുവഴികൾ
240 Chemistry Lecture 09-03-2021 Advanced Nanomaterials and Nanocatalysts to Combat Climate Change Dr. Vivek Polshettiwar
241 NSS Webinar 04-05-2021 Covid Awareness Dr. Anand K.P
242 Economics Book review session 20,21-05-2021 ‘ *Paperback: A Book discussion Forum’.
243 Chemistry Webinar 26-05-2021 opportunities after BSC Chemistry Krishnakumar S
244 Economics webinar 28-05-2021 Lecture – Coaction, Department of Economics Mr. Alex Joseph
245 UCC Webinar 04-06-2021 Covid and Post Covid (in asso Lakeshore hosp) Dr Joseph K Joesph & DR Antony Paul
246 E&CM webinar 02-06-2021 HOW TO STARTUP YOUR BUSINESS Mr.Arun P M
247 Gandhidarshan club, ncc, nss Webinar 08-06-2021 Gandhiyum Sathyavum Samakalika Lokavum Dr. K Aravindakshan
248 Nature Club Webinar 05-06-2021 കേരളത്തിലെ മാറുന്ന പരിസ്ഥിതിയും പരമ്പരാഗത സമൂഹങ്ങളുടെ പ്രതിസന്ധികളും S Sarath
249 Chemistry Webinar 07-06-2021 Fragile Earth Jerly K. J.
250 Physical Education webinar 07-06-2021 Bachelor in Sports management N.A
251 Commerce webinar 11-06-2021 TRANS INCLUSIVE SOCIETY Ms.Syama S Prabha
252 E&CM webinar 11-06-2021 CURRENT TRENDS IN EMBEDDED SYSTEMS Mr. Neju Nelson
253 Economics Lecture series-webinar 12-06-2021 Symbiosis – Capacity Building lecture series Ms Krishna Sasidharan
254 History Webinar 14-06-2021 Careers in Archaeology Dr Vinuraj B
255 Physical Education, NCC, IQAC webinar 21-06-2021 yoga techniques to deal with post covid challenges on physical and mental health. Dr Rashmi Kalkura K
256 Nature Club webinar 19-06-2021 Is Nuclear Energy is an answer for Climate change?  Mr. S. P. Udayakumar
258 English webinar 19-06-2021 Read to grow na
260 Anti narcotic club, IQAC Zoology webinar 26-06-2021 Observance of the international day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking. VT Job
261 Economics Book review Session 24, 25-06-2021 Paperback 3 Students of the department
262 MCA Webinar 25-06-2021 process of setting up a startup Arun George Kariath
263 Aashiyana club of hindi dept Book Review Presentation 04-07-2021(last date) na na
264 Aashiyana club of hindi dept Talk 03-07-2021 Kithabom se gufthagu Mr Abdul Basit(Ex Ucian)
265 Centre for Peace studies and Dialogs Webinar 03-07-2021 Fundamentals of Peace Building Rev Dr John Prasad
266 Commerce, Nature Club Webinar 07-07-2021 Chemical Free Farming Paul K George
267 Economics webinar 12-07-2021 Population dynamics and policies: Understanding China’s New Population policy. Mr Danny Geevarghese
268 NSS, Anti Narcotic club Talk 17-07-2021 Topic: Addiction Bibin George
269 NCC, NSS, Anti Narcotic club, PTA Talk 18-07-2021 Topic: Nalla sheelanhal, online vidyabhyasa kalathu Dr Sheena G Soman
270 Biosciences &Zoology Popular Science Webinar Lecture 07-08-2021 Life Science, Bioscience & Biotechnology – A Plethora of Opportunities. Dr. Uma Subramanian Unni
271 Physics webinar 30-07-2021 Harmonics 2021 Dr Vrinda Mukundan
272 Nature Clubb webinar 31-07-2021 നമ്മളൊരു വിത്ത് പെറുക്കി Manoj Kumar Edavanakkad
273 Biosciences and Zoology webinar 14-08-2021 Engineering Microbiome for Human Gut and Plant Root Health Dr. Hameeda Bee
274 Biosciences and Zoology Webinar 28-08-2021 SARS-CoV-2: The current challenges Dr. Priya Abraham,Director, National Institute of Virology, Pune.
275 Commerce Webinar 27-08-2021 Gender Equality and Women’s Rights Dr Gladis Mary John, HOD Sociology dept, IGNOU
276 Biosciences Online Certification Course 03-09-2021 gene editing tools in medicine and biotechnology N Bharathan PhD
277 KSWDC Womens cell Webinar 30-08-2021 Legal Protection for Women: Challenges and Possibilities Adv Bhadra Kumari.
278 English Susan Thomas Memorial Lecture 02-09-2021 Sthree Swathwa nirmithi – vedethihasangaliloode Dr Khadeeja Mumthaz
279 Biosciences Lecture Series 04-09-2021 Climate Smart Agriculture in the Era of Plant Genomics Paramjit Khurana Ph.D.FNA, FASc, FNASc, FNAAS, FTWAS
280 English and IQAC Centenary Public Lecture 10-09-2021 Gender and Religion: Reflections on Feminism in a post-secular world Dr. Sherin B.S, Assistant Professor, EFLU Hyderabad
281 Biosciences Popular Science Lecture. 18-09-2021 Metabolic Engineering of plant secondary metabolites for value addition with reference to economically important crops and champion algal forms. Dr. G.A Ravishankar
282 Chemistry Lecture 16-09-2021 Don’t let the ozone go Dr. Abesh Reghuvaran
283 Computer Science Webinar 18-09-2021 Do More with Open Source Mr. Mathew Chacko
284 Economics Centenary Lecture Series 20-09-2021 Economic Policies during times of crises Prof. Lekha Chakraborty
285 Bliss and Psychology Peer interactive programme 07, 08-10-2021 Destigmatizing stigmas NA
286 Biosciences Webinar 09-10-2021 Gene Editing: Definitions and Perspectives Prof. Anjan K. Banerjee Ph.D, FNASc, FASc, Dean (R&D), Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, (IISER) Pune.
287 Economics Dr. M V Kurien Commemorative  Lecture 26-10-2021 Gender and Informal Economy in India Dr. Sonia George, General Secreatry, SEWA , Kerala
288 Chemistry Webinar 30-10-2021 Female Diseases Dr. Kavitha P, Assistant Physician, Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal, Ernakulam.
289 Psychology സ്തനാർബുദ ബോധവൽകരണ ക്യാമ്പ്. 29-10-2021 ആസ്റ്റർ മെഡിസിറ്റി
290 K-DISC Talk – Young Innovators Programme 29-10-2021 Capacity Building of Young innovators
291 Malayalam Malayalabhaasha vaaracharanam 05-11-2021 Malayalam software dinam
292 Mathematics Bridge Course for First year Students 06-11-2021 What is calculus, Why calculus Prof Edwin Thomson
293 Chemistry and Biosciences Webinar 13-11-2021 Biology in Space: The unique features of space laboratories and challenges for researchers. Dr. K. G. Sreejalekshmi, Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (IIST), Thiruvananthapuram.
294 Chemistry Webinar 02-12-2021 Go electric Dr Neena George, Assistant Professor, Post Graduate and Research department of Chemistry, Maharajas College
295 Biosciences and Zoology Webinar 04-12-2021 Studying Evolution of Developmental Mechanisms with Hydra: Genes, Signals and Stem Cells Dr. Surendra Ghaskadbi, FNASc, MACS – Agharkar Research Institute, Pune,Former Senior Advisor, Pune Knowledge Cluster
296 Biosciences Webinar 08-01-2022 Biofuels – Next Gen fuels Dr Annamma A, Odaneth, Associate Professor, DBT-ICT, Centre for Energy Biosciences, Institute of Chemical Technology, Matunga, Mumbai
297 Psychology, Biosciences and PG Association Lecture Series 07-01-2022 മൂല്യങ്ങളുടെ സ്വരലയം Dr. Rosy Thampi, Dr Sunil P Elayidom, Sri Shoukath.
298 Commerce Faculty Development Programme 31-01-2022 Introduction to Mutual Funds Mr Shankar Sundaresan., Securities market trainer – SEBI, Founder and CEO, Sraddha Academy.
299 History Faculty Development Programme 02-02-2022 -09-02-2022 Historical Method and Theory Prof Adithya Mukherjee, Prof Rajan Gurukkal,Prof P Sanal Mohan,Prof Sucheta Mahajan, Dr Sujith Kumar Parayil, Dr Burton Cleetus, Dr K S Madhavan, Dr Bindu Menon, Dr Justin Mathew, Dr K C Bindu, Dr Shiju Sam Varghese
300 Chemistry Centenary Lecture Series 05-02-2022 Introduction to Intellectual Property Rights Dr Kavitha Chalakkal, Assistant Professor, Inter-University Centre for IPR Studies, CUSAT
301 Economics Union Budget Session 06-02-2022 Union Budget 2022 First Year Students
302 E&CM and Physics Workshop 07-02-2022 – 11-02-2022 ARDUINO PROGRAMMING na
303 Economics Paper Back 10-02-2022 & 11-02-2022 Book Discussion Forum Students of the department
304 Psychology Dr VK Alexander Memorial National Seminar 11-02-2022 True to Self with Work and Life Dr Joseph Kuruvila, Former Registrar, College of Nursing Velloor and Dr Gopakumar Vadassery, Prof Nilgiri College of Arts and Science
305 Nature Club Webinar 17-02-2022 Solid Waste Management Rule 2016 of India and EPR Raju, CEO Thanal
306 Economics Centenary Lecture Series 21-02-2022 Post Keynesian/Heterodox Economics Dr. Visakh Varma, Visiting faculty of MES School of Architecture, Kuttipuram.
307 Chemistry Dr. A.M Chacko Memorial Lecture 19-02-2022 Hybrid Structural Composite Dr. Anoop Anand, Scientist, Composite Research Centre, DRDO.
308 MCA Webinar 19-02-2022 Linux System Administration Ms. Nivetha Rambhajan, Students Counsellor, DevOps Gurukul.
309 Chemistry Webinar 26-Feb Ethics in Research Publications Dr. Tony Roy, Post-doctoral researcher, University of Gottingen, Germany.
310 Zoology Webinar 28-02-2022 SNAKES OF KERALA Rajkumar K P,EDGE Fellow,Zoological Society of London (ZSL)
311 Biosciences and Zoology Popular Science Lecture. 05-03-2022 The Gul-Brain Axis: Interactions Between Microbiome and Enteric Nervous System Dr. Dhiraj Dhotre, National Centre for cell Science, National Centre for Microbial Research, Pune
312 Zoology Lecture 03-03-2022 Wildlife conservation in India – Issues and Challenges Bivash Pandav PhD, Director,Bombay National History Society
313 Chemistry Science Day Lecture 02-03-2022 Asymmetric Catalysis Prof Dr. Kana M Sureshan, FRCS, FASc, School of Chemistry, Dean of Infrastructure and Planning, IISER Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India.
314 Chemistry  Prof. T.R Anantharaman Memorial Lecture 05-03-2022 Surface Modification of Optical Fiber for Biosensing Applications Dr. D SelvaKumar, Scientist – F, DRDO, Bangalore
315 7(K) GIRLS BN NCC Event 08-03-2022 SIGNATURE BOARD na
316 KSWDC Womens cell Webinar 08-03-2022 Break the Bias Prof Kusumam Joseph, Retired Professor and activist
317 7 Kerala Girls BN NCC Webinar 08-03-2022 Women’s Participation in the Democratic Process Jyothi Radhika Vijayakumar, Civil Service Trainer.
318 Mathematics International Webinar 13-03-2022 Pure and Applied Mathematics Dr. Lakshmi Sankar K, IIT Palakkad
319 College Event Centenary Public Lecture Series – 1 17-03-2022 Nationalism, Pluralism and the Future of India’s Democracy Dr Shashi Tharoor, MP
320 E&CM Inter Collegiate Project Competition and Expo 22-03-2022 na na
321 Economics National Webinar 19-03-2022 Engaging with Economics Dr Achin Chakraborthy and Dr Tomy Varghese
322 Malayalam National Seminar 23-03-2022-25-03-2022 ഭാഷ, സാഹിത്യം, സംസ്കാരം
323 Physics Workshop 25-03-2022 Material Characterization Techniques Dr S Jayalakshmi, Dr Saji KJ, Dr Johns Naduvath
324 NCC Webinar 03-04-2022 Plastic humans and the question of Civilization Dr Sebastian Joseph, Environmental and film historian.
325 History Webinar 26-04-2022 The Lost Jew Town of Kochi: Rewinding Historical Erasure and Orientalist Fallacies  Dr Ophira Gamliel, University of Glasgow, U.K
326 Centre for Peace studies and Dialogs Workshop 07-05-2022 “Samadhana Pravarthanam Class muriyilekku” Dr PV Rajagopal, Founder Ekatha Parishad
327 KSWDC Women cell Talk 04-05-2022 Meet a Transperson Surya Ishan, Transgender Activist
328 KSWDC Women cell Session 04-05-2022 Self Defence Coachin Sifu Mansoor M.K, 1st star black sashe Kungfu and Yoga trainer
329 Chemistry Seminar 06-06-2022 June 5 and the Making(s) of Planetary Consciousness Dr. Sebastian Joseph, Environmental/Film Historian, General Secretary, Kerala History Congress
330 Botany Talk 06-06-2022 Kew, Botany and Empire Dr. Sebastian Joseph, Environmental/Film Historian, General Secretary, Kerala History Congress
331 History Workshop 08-06-2022 and 09-06-2022 History and Interdisciplinarity
331 a History Workshop 08-06-2022 and 09-06-2022 Fernand Braudel and a Geographical Introduction to History Dr. Justin Mathew, Associate Professor, Hansraj College, Delhi University.
331 b History Workshop 08-06-2022 and 09-06-2024 History of Everyday Technology in Modern India Dr. John Thomas, Asst Professor, IIT Guwahati.
331 c History Workshop 08-06-2022 and 09-06-2022 Doing Social History of Science: Historiographical Concerns Mr. Shiju Sam Varughese, Asst Professor, Central University of Gujrath.
331 d History Workshop 08-06-2022 and 09-06-2022 മലബാറും ആദ്യാധുനികതയുടെ രചനാ വിജ്ഞാനീയവും. Dr. Abhilash Malayil, Asst Professor in History, Sreesankara University of Sanskrit, Kalady.
332 College Union Self defence program 13-06-2022 Nirbhaya’ Sibin Ismail, Kick Boxer and Yoga Trainer
333 College Union സംവാദസദസ്സ് 13-06-2022 Freedom Fight’ Bincy Biju
334 NSS Blood Donation App Inauguration 14-06-2022 Dr Kalam Donation Dr. M.I Punnoose, Principal UCC
335 English Workshop 16 and 17-06-2022 Language through Theatre: 2 day workshop on communication and soft skills 1. Nithin, Theatre performer, actor and activist, 2. Sherin Kalathil, NSQF level 6 master trainer and speaker, 3. Divya M, research scholar, central university of south Bihar
336 SANTHWAM and UCC National Seminar 18-06-2022 NEP-2020 and Pertinent challenges in Indian higher education Prof.L.Jawahar Nesan, Former V.C Mysore University.
337 Psychology National Webinar 19-06-2022 Crack NTA UGC NET in Psychology Mr. Arun P.T (IPOS Ex.)  and Dr. A. Madhalimuthu, Asst professor of Psychology, SRM institute of science and technology
338 Physical Education and NCC International Day of Yoga 21-06-2022 Yoga for Humanity Dr. Mindu M Leads the Yoga Session
339 English Workshop 23-06-2022 Workshop on Life skills and Soft skills Mr Sooraj Abraham, Renowned trainer
340 BioSciences Lecture 24-06-2022 VIRUSES, BATS, AND THE IMMUNE SYSTEM: The Emergence of a Pandemic Dr T.Thomas Philip, Former Principal, UCC
341 Anti Narcotic Alub Talk 24-06-2022 Share drug facts to save lives Mr. V. T. Job, Former District Coordinator, Vimukthi mission and faculty coordinator of Nasha Mukth Bharat Abhiyan under the Social Justice Department, Mr. Shibin Shaji Varghese, District Coordinator, Dream Kochi, Don Bosco Psychosocial support Centre, and Ms. Afra Shahjahan, Counsellor, Nirmal Mukthi Sadan, Ernakulam.
342 UCC Staff council Merit Evening 23-06-2022 Principal, Manager, Deans
343 Physics Visiting Faculty Program 18-07-2022 to 22-07-2022 1. Mpemba effect in ising model 2.Talk phase transition: an overview. 3. Statistical Mechanics: an overview Dr Nalina Vadakkayil, PhD, JNCASR Bengaluru, Incoming PostDoc, Univ. of Luxembourg.
344 History Invited Talk 21-07-2022 History and Imagination Dr. V.J Varghese, Assoc Prof. Dept of History, Hyderabad Central University.
345 NCC Foot Policing 19-17-2022 Foot Policing against Single use plastics 7(K) Girls BN NCC, Thrissur
346 Commerce Corporate internship programme 26th and 27-07-2022 Team Building, management activities and corporate team management skills Logic School of Management
347 NCC Kargil Vijay Divas 26-07-2022 NA Dr. M.I Punnoose, Principal UCC
348 Chemistry Alumni Lecture Series 27-07-2022 Research and its possibilities Dr Georgeena Mathew, Post Doctoral Dellow, University College Dublin, Ireland.
349 Zoology Dialogue with Japanese students 29-07-2022 Life and Science Endo Mirai and Okuno Megumi
350 Botany, Zoology and BioSciences Bicentennial Birthday Celebrations 02-08-2022 George Mendel – Father Of Genetics Dr Susan Eapen, Adjunct Professor, Dept of BioSciences and Dr M. Anilkumar, HOD Botany, Union Christian College
351 History Revisit Lecture Series 01-08-2022 & 02-08-2022 1.Before British : Was there an environment in India? 2. When is the Environment in British India? Dr Sebastian Joseph, Environmental and film historian.
352 BioSciences National Campaign 08-08-2022 Fish for health and prosperity Shri V Radhakrishnan Nair, Scientist, MFB Division, ICAR-CIFT
353 Malayalam Kadhakali 12-08-2022 Kuchelavritham aattakadhayude Rangavatharanavum kadhakali aswadanakkalariyum’ Ranjini Suresh
354 Nature Club One Day Camp 12-08-2022 NA Mr Sooraj Abraham, Renowned trainer and founding member plan@earth India
355 Ekm District Library Council Pusthakolsavam 16,17, 18-08-2022 NA Shri P. Rajiv, Minister
356 NCC Independence day Celebrations 15-08-2022 Flag hoisting ceremony and message Dr M.I Punnoose, Principal, UCC
357 BioSciences, Zoology and Psychology Popular Science Lecture. 16-08-2022 Neuroplasticity: the Potential for Lifelong Brain Development Dr Baby Chakrapani, Director, Centre for Neuroscience and Asst. Prof, Dept of Biotechnology, CUSAT
358 Chemisrty Association Inauguration and Talk 17-08-2022 Biopolymers:- Plastics aligned with Nature Dr. Sreekala MS, Assoc Prof, School of Chemical Science, MGU.
359 History Poster Exhibition 17-08-2022 Mathrubhumi @ 100 poster exhibition na
360 Physics Association Inauguration and Talk 23-08-2022 NA Dr Joe Jacob, Retd Prof, Dept of Physics Newman college
361 Vara Club Workshop 27-08-2022 Art Workshop Ananthu K Thampi, Artist
362 Physical Education Quiz Competition 30-08-2022 National Sports Day Physical Education department, UCC
363 Physical Education Logo Release 19-09-2022 UCC Centenary Marathon Logo Release Shri Vivek Kumar IPS, Superintendent of Police, Ernakulam Rural
364 UCC Centenary Public Lecture Series – 3 22-09-2022 സ്വാതന്ത്ര്യത്തിൻ്റെ 75 വർഷങ്ങൾ. Shri N.M. Pearson, Renowned Journalist and Writer.
365 UCC Centenary Public Lecture Series – 4 29-09-2022 “എൻ്റെ കർമ്മം, എൻ്റെ ജീവിതം: പ്രകൃതിയും നിലനില്പും” ദയാബായി
366 Economics Seminar 30-09-2022 An introduction to social science research Justine George, Asst. Prof., St Paul’s College, Kalamassery.
367 UCC Centenary Public Lecture Series – Lecture 5 10-10-2022 75 Years of Indian Tax Reforms Dr. Tiju Thomas IRSm Additional Director General of Revenue Intelligence for Kerala and Lakshadweep region
368 UCC Centenary Public Lecture Series – Lecture 6 17-10-2022 Why Gandhi? Shri K Sachidanandan, Renowned Writer, Poet and President, Kerala Sahithya Academy
369 Mathematics Inter School Quiz Competition Cipher’22 22-10-2022 na Dr Anu Nuthan Joshua
370 Mathematics Thasnim Memorial Inter College Seminar Presentation Competition 22-10-2022 NA Mr Eldho Varghese, Asst Prof. dept of Mathematics, UCC
371 Malayalam മലയാള പൗർണമി – 2022 22-10-2022 വിരമിച്ച ഡോ. വി.പി. മാർക്കോസിനുള്ള ആദര സമർപ്പണ ഗ്രന്ഥത്തിന്റെ പ്രകാശനവും സിനു വർഗീസ് ഗവേഷണ പുരസ്കാര ദാനവും T.D Ramakrishnan, Kuripuzha Sreekumar
372 UCC Centenary Public Lecture Series – Lecture 7 27-10-2022 You Matter Sheeba Ameer, Social Worker and Director, Solace
373 UCC Nithyaharitham – Centenary Cultural Fest 07-11-2022 to 12-11-2022 Various Prof. M.K Sanu
374 UCC Centenary Public Lecture Series – Lecture 8 04-11-2022 Touch the Sky with Glory Bijo John Mammen VSM, Air Commodore, Indian Airforce
375 UCC Centenary Public Lecture Series – Lecture 9 08-11-2022 U C College- ഓർമകളുടെ ചരിത്രവും വാർത്തമാനവും Adv A. Jayashankar, Indian Lawer, Social Critic, Political Analyst and Journalist
376 UCC Centenary Public Lecture Series – Lecture 10 10-11-2022 അറിവും ജനാധിപത്യവും Sunil P Ilayidom, Indian Writer, Critic, Orator and University Professor.
377 UCC Centenary Conclave 10-11-2022 കേരള വികസനം – പുതു രാഷ്ട്രീയ നിലപാടുകളുടെ അനിവാര്യത. VT Balram, CP John, Hashmi Taj Ibrahim, Abhilash G Nair, Jeevan Kumar.
378 Botany Refresher Course 9 to 18-12-2022 Refresher course for higher secondary Biology teachers Eminent academicians
379 Physical Education International Accreditation Course Level 1 14 to 16-11-2022 Level 1 Anthropometry course Dr Joselet Charles, ISAK Level 3 instructor, Dr. Reshmy Jose, ISAK Technician
380 UCC Centenary Public Lecture Series – Lecture 11 12-11-2022 സാഹിത്യവും ജീവിതവും Balachandran Chullikkad
381 Physical Education Expert Talk 02-12-2022 Brand Management In Sports Jacob Mathew,Head of Communication, Penna Cement Industried Ltd.
382 UCC Centenary Public Lecture Series – Lecture 12 08-12-2022 A Story teller par excellence – on “Life, Career and Business”. Dr A Velumani, Creator, Thyrocare.
383 Electoral Literacy Club Inauguration of the Club 07-12-2022 Na Electoral Registration office, Aluva
384 UCC Centenary Public Lecture series 13 20-12-2022 ആഖ്യാനവും സ്വാതന്ത്ര്യവും E.P Rajagopal
385 Anti narcotic club, NCC, NSS, Aids awareness proogramme with magic show 14-12-2022 Na R.C Bose, Magician and artist
386 Mizhi Sambhashanam, Charcha 22-12-2022 Kazcha parimithiyude shakthi dourbalyangal K. Sathyasheelan
387 Placement Cell Soft skill development session 18-01-2023 What is next? – applying to jobs, higher studies or internships Sheethal V.R, in association with the Dept. of Economics
388 BioSciences Lecture 18-01-2023 Significance of Genomic and Proteomic Studies in Plant Microbe Interactions. Dr N. Bharathan, Chairperson and Professor, Biology Department, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, USA.
389 English Teacher Transformation programme 20th to 29th January 2023 NA Eminent subject experts
390 Economics Centenary National Seminar 24-01-2023 Indian Economy @ 75 Prof. Suresh Babu, Prof. S Chandrasekhar, Prof. Veeramani C, Prof. Vijayabaskar
391 Photography Club Workshop 23-01-2023 Camera Basics Dipin Kumar, Fugifilm Technical Expert
392 Placement cell and college union Softskill development session 27-01-2023 Interview: Tips and tricks, how to boost your confidence, resume preparation. Aparna Mulberry, Educationlist
393 Psychology and Bliss Pathwat – social life wellness programme 2022-23 30-01-2023, 31-01-2023,01-02-2023 3 day training programme for minority students
394 NSS Seminar 31-01-2023 Health Through Ayurveda – Post COVID Effects On Youth. Dr. P. G Unnikrishnan & Dr. Sreeram P Unnikrishnan (AryaVaidya Shala Aluva)
395 History National Seminar 04-02-2023, 05-02-2023 Seminar on Writing skill development Prof. Sujith Kumar Parayil and Dr. Justin Mathew.
396 Physical Education Felicitation and Award Ceremony 09-02-2023 Felicitation for south zone inter-university cricket championship winners Tinu Yohannan, former Indian Cricketer and Dr Biju Thomas, Hon’ble Syndicate Member, MGIU
397 BioSciences Lecture 10-02-2023 Sustainable Food Production For Our Future George K. Iwama, PhD, President Emeritus, Quest University. Adjunct Professor, University of British Columbia, Dept of Zoology.
398 Biosciences, Botany, Chemistry and Zoology Popular Science Lecture. 14-02-2023 Drugs and Biologics: Discovery and Development with special reference to preclinical, regulatory and clinical development Dr C.N Ramchand, CEO, Mag genome technologies Pvt Ltd.
399 Biosciences, Botany, Chemistry and Zoology Popular Science Lecture. 14-02-2023 Discovery and Development of Synthetic anti-VEGF FAB for treating wet-macular Degeneration and diabetic retinopathy Dr C.N Ramchand, CEO, Mag genome technologies Pvt Ltd.
400 NSS, NCC യു. സി -എൽ .എഫ്. നിലാവ് 11-02-2023 സൗജന്യ നേത്ര പരിശോധന ക്യാമ്പ് LF Hospital Angamaly
401 Science Departments National Symposium 23, 24-02-2023 Nuclear Energy Generation and its Applications Well-known Scientists from the Department of Atomic Energy, Doctors, and Professors from Kerala
402 Commerce and Placement cell Soft Skill Training. 15-02-2023 How can we face the challenges in career Mr Biju Vithaythil, Director, Amity Global Business School
403 Physical Education Basketball Tournament 7-10 March 2023 South Zone Inter Colligiate tournament Inaugurated by Eudrick Pierera, Former indian basketball player
404 Physical Education Dr. AK Baby Memorial Hockey Tournament 8-10 March 2023 South Zone Inter Colligiate tournament Biji George T, Addtl SP Of Police, Aluva Rural
405 Orthodox Congregation വിശുദ്ധ കുർബാന 16-02-2023 വിശുദ്ധ കുർബാന H.G Zacharia Mar Severios Metropolitan
406 ICF Centenary retreat for the UCC Family 20-02-2023 NA Fr Boby Jose Kattikkad
407 UCC Event Orientation Session 20,21-02-2023 Orientation for the first year students Dr M.I Punnoose, Principal, UCC
408 Placement cell Orientation Session 20-02-2023 Pre-Placement Orientation by Steyp Sobir Najumudeen
409 Malayalam ആശാൻസ്മൃതി ദ്വീദിന സാഹിത്യ സെമിനാർ 23,24-02-2023 Various പ്രൊഫ. എം.കെ സാനു,റവ തോമസ് ജോൺ,ഡോ എം ഐ പുന്നൂസ്,ഡോ പി.എൻ ഗോപീകൃഷ്ണൻ,ഡോ. മ്യൂസ് മേരി ജോർജ് etc
410 Library and IQAC National Workshop 25-02-2023 Research Integrity and Scholarity Communication NA
411 English 9th Susan Thomas Memorial Lecture 28-02-20223 The Gendered Subattern in/and Performance Dr. Ajay S Sekhar, Asst Prof, Dept of English, SSUS Kalady
412 UCC Centenary Public Lecture Series, Lecture 14 07-03-2023 Hormone disorders in younf women Dr Mini G Pillai, M.D (Gen Medicine)
413 KSWDC, Mathematics and History Talk 03-03-2023 Let’s Talk – Gender Sensitisation Programme. Surya Ishan, Transgender Activist
414 Placement cell and commerce Career Guidance Session 03-03-2023 Career Opportunities in financial services Rajanikanth CS, VP, Hedge School.
415 KSWDC Self Defence Class 06-03-2023 NA Sifu Mansoor M.K, Black belt Kung Fu
416 KSWDC Talk 07-03-2023 Gender Auditing in Relationship and Friendship Maya S Paramasivam,  Managing Trustee, Child Trust
417 Physics National Workshop 23 to 24-03-2023 Material Characterization Techniques Prof. Reji Philip, RRI Bengaluru, Dr. Subramanyan N V, NIT Calicut,Dr. Shibu M Eapen, SAIF-STIC,Dr. Manoj R, Maharajas College
418 Mathematics National Seminar 07-03-2023 Number Theory & Discrete Mathematics Dr. Satyavolu Srinivasa Rau
Associate Professor
The ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education, Dr. K. Pravas
Assistant Professor
Maharaja’s College, Ernakulam, Dr. Seethu Varghese
Assistant Professor
Bharata Mata College, Thrikkakara
419 Commerce UCCOM Fiesta – Food fest and exhibition 08-03-2023 NA Kudumbasree
420 KSWDC Women Cell Cultural Evening 09-03-2023 Theme: Curfew NA
421 Psychology Job fair for candidates with locomotor disabilities 11-03-2023 Build an inckusive work force in kochi Cottolengo Vocational training centre
422 Economics Dr. M.V Kurien Commemmorative Lecture 15-03-2023 Moral Sentiments: Vanished Pages of Market in the Neoliberal World Dr. Reshmi P Bhaskaran, Applied Economist and Public Policy Expert.
423 KSWDC Women Cell Training Session 23-03-2023 Employability in Corporative sector Mr. Nishan A.K, Former Customer Service Head & HR Head of Telenor, Andra Pradesh and Maharashtra.
424 History Prof Dr. T.I Poonnen Memoria Lecture 27-03-2023 The Muziris Port City (100 BC – 300 AD) and the Indigenous Mind Prof. P.J Cherian, Former Director, KCHR, former faculty member, Dept. Of History, UC College
425 Disaster Management Club Inauguration of the Club 27-03-2023 Inauguration Shri N.S.K Umesh, District Collector, Ernakulam
426 NSS Road Safety Awareness Programme 29-03-2023 Road Safety Shri Vinod Kumar N, MVI North Paravur.
427 Chemistry T.A Anantharaman Memorial Lecture 30-03-2023 The Future is Nano: Exploring the latest breakthroughs in Nanotechnology Applications Dr. Sreekala MS, Assoc Prof, School of Chemical Science, MGU.
428 Kandal Club Inauguration of the Club 12-04-2023 Ecological Importance of Mangroves and its conservation Kallen Pokkudan, Environmentalist
429 Jalatharanga Swimming Club Inauguration of the Club 12-04-2023 Honouring and Awareness Class Mr. Saji Valassery, Swimming Instructor, Valassery River Swimming Club
430 Archaeology Museum Workshop 20-04-2023 Inorganic Conservation Abu Joseph, Conservation consultant
431 Physical Education Workshop 21-04-2023 Women Empowerment through Exercise. Dr. Prince J Francis, Consultant Physiotherapist, Aquatic Therapist ad Aquatic Fitness Trainer